Training plans creation
To reserve compute capacity using the SageMaker training plans capability, follow these steps:
Identify your target resource: Begin by determining whether you need capacity for SageMaker training jobs or SageMaker HyperPod clusters.
Specify your capacity requirements : Define your capacity needs in detail. This includes selecting the appropriate instance type for your workload, determining the number of instances required, and specifying the duration of use. For information about the supported instance types in a given AWS Region, duration, and quantity options, see Supported instance types, AWS Regions, and pricing.
Search for available training plan offerings: Once you specify your requirements, use SageMaker training plans' search functionality to find available training plan offerings across one or more segments. Each offering includes details such as start time, specific availability zone for Reserved Capacity, and plan price. Review these offerings, considering factors like cost-effectiveness, geographical preferences, and alignment with your specified needs.
If no suitable plan is available, adjust your search criteria and look for a new set of offerings.
Create a training plan based on a suitable offering: After identifying a suitable offering, proceed to create your training plan. This process involves selecting your chosen offering and initiating the reservation.
The training plan reservation creates an invoice.
The payment for the total amount is collected as part of the fulfillment process. Once the payment is completed, the plan is ready for scheduling your SageMaker training jobs or creating HyperPod clusters.
To learn about how to use training plans for your SageMaker training jobs , see Training plans utilization for SageMaker training jobs.
To learn about how to use training plans for your HyperPod clusters, see Training plans utilization for Amazon SageMaker HyperPod clusters.
You can create a training plan using either the SageMaker AI console or programmatic methods. The SageMaker AI console offers a visual, graphical interface with a comprehensive view of your options, while programmatic creation can be done using the AWS CLI or SageMaker SDKs to interact directly with the training plans API.
For step-by-step console instructions and detailed API references, refer to the respective sections in this documentation.