Create a training job using the SageMaker AI console - Amazon SageMaker AI

Create a training job using the SageMaker AI console

You can use a SageMaker training plans for your training jobs using the SageMaker AI UI. When creating a training job, the available plans are suggested to you if your instance choice and region matches the available plans.

To create a training job using a training plan's reserved capacity in the SageMaker console:

  1. Navigate to the SageMaker AI console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Training, and then Training jobs.

  3. Choose the Create training job button.

  4. When configuring the resources for your training job, look for the Instance capacity section. If there are plans available that match your chosen instance type and region, they are displayed here. Select a training plan that aligns with your compute capacity needs.

    If no suitable plans are available, you can either adjust your instance type or region, or proceed without using a training plan.

  5. After selecting a training plan (or choosing to proceed without one), complete the rest of your training job configuration and choose Create training job to start the process.

SageMaker AI console page for creating a new training job. The page displays various configuration options including job settings, algorithm options, resource configuration, training plan selection, and stopping conditions.

Review and launch your job. Your job starts running as soon as the training plan becomes Active, pending capacity.