Reviewing and finalizing Savings Plans purchases - Savings Plans

Reviewing and finalizing Savings Plans purchases

The Savings Plans Carts page keeps your commitments until you're ready to make a purchase.

To review and finalize purchases from the Cart page
  1. Open the Billing and Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Savings Plans, choose Cart.

  3. Review your order as follows:

    • Type: The type of Savings Plan. For more information, see Savings Plans types.

    • Term: Your term commitment in years. Choose a 1-year or 3-year term.


      One year: A year is defined as 365 days (31,536,000 seconds).

      Three years: Three years is defined as 1,095 days (94,608,000 seconds).

    • Region: (Only applicable to EC2 Instance Savings Plans) The AWS Region you're committing to. For example, US East (N. Virginia).

    • Instance type: The instance family (for example, M5, C5, R5, C5d, etc.) that you are committing to (only applicable to EC2 Instance Savings Plans).

    • Purchase option: The purchase option of the commitment. Choose from All Upfront, Partial Upfront, or No Upfront.

    • Start date: The date and time when your commitment will be purchased (UTC). By default, the date is set to Now, indicating the purchase will complete as soon as you submit the order.

    • Commitment: The hourly commitment associated with your Savings Plan and term at the Savings Plan rate.

    • Upfront payment: The upfront portion of the payment you will be charged at checkout, in accordance with your selected payment option.

    • Monthly payment: The monthly charge amount for your Savings Plans. This amount is billed each month over the plan's term.

    • Total cost: The total commitment for the Savings Plans over the selected term. This includes the upfront payment and recurring monthly payments over the length of your term.

  4. Review the following contents in the Summary section:

    • Total commitment: The sum of all Savings Plans costs currently in your cart, regardless of Start date and Payment option.

    • Total commitment starting now: The sum of the Upfront payment for any Savings Plan with the Start date set to Now.

  5. (Optional) Remove any Savings Plan from your cart by selecting each item and choosing Remove from cart.

  6. (Optional) To start over, remove all items by choosing Clear cart.

  7. (Optional) Add new commitments by choosing Add another Savings Plan.

  8. Choose Submit order.

If you encounter any error messages or unsuccessful attempts when you're completing your purchase, contact AWS Support. For details about how to contact, see Getting help with AWS Billing and Cost Management in the AWS Billing User Guide.