Quotas for Amazon EventBridge Scheduler - EventBridge Scheduler

Quotas for Amazon EventBridge Scheduler

Your AWS account has default quotas, formerly referred to as limits, for each AWS service. Unless otherwise noted, each quota is Region-specific. You can request increases for most quotas, but some cannot be increased.

To view the quotas for EventBridge Scheduler, open the Service Quotas console. In the navigation pane, choose AWS services, then select EventBridge Scheduler.

To request a quota increase, see Requesting a quota increase in the Service Quotas User Guide. If the quota is not yet available in Service Quotas, use the limit increase form.

Your AWS account has the following quotas related to EventBridge Scheduler.

Name Default Adjustable Description
CreateSchedule request rate

us-east-1: 1,000

us-east-2: 1,000

us-west-2: 1,000

ap-northeast-1: 1,000

ap-south-1: 1,000

ap-southeast-1: 1,000

ap-southeast-2: 1,000

eu-central-1: 1,000

eu-west-1: 1,000

eu-west-2: 1,000

sa-east-1: 1,000

Each of the other supported Regions: 250

Yes Maximum CreateSchedule requests per second. When you reach this quota, EventBridge Scheduler rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval. This is adjustable to thousands of requests per second.
CreateScheduleGroup request rate Each supported Region: 10 Yes Maximum CreateScheduleGroup requests per second. When you reach this quota, EventBridge Scheduler rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
DeleteSchedule request rate

us-east-1: 1,000

us-east-2: 1,000

us-west-2: 1,000

ap-northeast-1: 1,000

ap-south-1: 1,000

ap-southeast-1: 1,000

ap-southeast-2: 1,000

eu-central-1: 1,000

eu-west-1: 1,000

eu-west-2: 1,000

sa-east-1: 1,000

Each of the other supported Regions: 250

Yes Maximum DeleteSchedule requests per second. When you reach this quota, EventBridge Scheduler rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval. This is adjustable to thousands of requests per second.
DeleteScheduleGroup request rate Each supported Region: 10 Yes Maximum DeleteScheduleGroup requests per second. When you reach this quota, EventBridge Scheduler rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
GetSchedule request rate

us-east-1: 1,000

us-east-2: 1,000

us-west-2: 1,000

ap-northeast-1: 1,000

ap-south-1: 1,000

ap-southeast-1: 1,000

ap-southeast-2: 1,000

eu-central-1: 1,000

eu-west-1: 1,000

eu-west-2: 1,000

sa-east-1: 1,000

Each of the other supported Regions: 250

Yes Maximum GetSchedule requests per second. When you reach this quota, EventBridge Scheduler rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval. This is adjustable to thousands of requests per second.
GetScheduleGroup request rate Each supported Region: 10 Yes Maximum GetScheduleGroup requests per second. When you reach this quota, EventBridge Scheduler rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
Invocations throttle limit in transactions per second

us-east-1: 1,000

us-east-2: 1,000

us-west-2: 1,000

ap-northeast-1: 1,000

ap-south-1: 1,000

ap-southeast-1: 1,000

ap-southeast-2: 1,000

eu-central-1: 1,000

eu-west-1: 1,000

eu-west-2: 1,000

sa-east-1: 1,000

Each of the other supported Regions: 500

Yes An invocation is a schedule payload being delivered to the defined target. After the limit is reached, the invocations are throttled; that is, they still happen but they are delayed. This is adjustable to tens of thousands of transactions per second.
ListScheduleGroups request rate Each supported Region: 10 Yes Maximum ListScheduleGroups requests per second. When you reach this quota, EventBridge Scheduler rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListSchedules request rate Each supported Region: 50 Yes Maximum ListSchedules requests per second. When you reach this quota, EventBridge Scheduler rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval.
ListTagsForResource request rate Each supported Region: 10 Yes Lists the tags associated with the Scheduler resource.
Number of schedule groups Each supported Region: 500 Yes Maximum number of schedule groups per region.
Number of schedules Each supported Region: 10,000,000 Yes The maximum number of schedules per region. This quota includes one-time schedules that have completed running. We recommend configuring your schedules to automatically delete after completion using the ActionAfterCompletion feature. This is adjustable to billions of schedules.
TagResource request rate Each supported Region: 1 Yes Assigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified Scheduler resource.
UntagResource request rate Each supported Region: 1 Yes Removes one or more tags from the specified Scheduler resource.
UpdateSchedule request rate

us-east-1: 1,000

us-east-2: 1,000

us-west-2: 1,000

ap-northeast-1: 1,000

ap-south-1: 1,000

ap-southeast-1: 1,000

ap-southeast-2: 1,000

eu-central-1: 1,000

eu-west-1: 1,000

eu-west-2: 1,000

sa-east-1: 1,000

Each of the other supported Regions: 250

Yes Maximum UpdateSchedule requests per second. When you reach this quota, EventBridge Scheduler rejects requests for this operation for the remainder of the interval. This is adjustable to thousands of requests per second.

For more information about quotas and service endpoints for EventBridge Scheduler, see Amazon EventBridge Scheduler endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference guide.