AWS SDK for Go API Reference
We announced the upcoming end-of-support for AWS SDK for Go (v1). We recommend that you migrate to AWS SDK for Go v2. For dates, additional details, and information on how to migrate, please refer to the linked announcement.
import "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/kinesisanalytics"

Overview ▾

Package kinesisanalytics provides the client and types for making API requests to Amazon Kinesis Analytics.


This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

This is the Amazon Kinesis Analytics v1 API Reference. The Amazon Kinesis Analytics Developer Guide provides additional information.

See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14 for more information on this service.

See kinesisanalytics package documentation for more information. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/kinesisanalytics/

Using the Client

To contact Amazon Kinesis Analytics with the SDK use the New function to create a new service client. With that client you can make API requests to the service. These clients are safe to use concurrently.

See the SDK's documentation for more information on how to use the SDK. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/

See aws.Config documentation for more information on configuring SDK clients. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/#Config

See the Amazon Kinesis Analytics client KinesisAnalytics for more information on creating client for this service. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/service/kinesisanalytics/#New

The stub package, kinesisanalyticsiface, can be used to provide alternative implementations of service clients, such as mocking the client for testing.

Types ▾

type KinesisAnalytics
func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *KinesisAnalytics
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption(input *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) (*AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest(input *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInput(input *AddApplicationInputInput) (*AddApplicationInputOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration(input *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) (*AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest(input *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputRequest(input *AddApplicationInputInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddApplicationInputOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddApplicationInputInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddApplicationInputOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationOutput(input *AddApplicationOutputInput) (*AddApplicationOutputOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationOutputRequest(input *AddApplicationOutputInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddApplicationOutputOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationOutputWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddApplicationOutputInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddApplicationOutputOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationReferenceDataSource(input *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) (*AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest(input *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) CreateApplication(input *CreateApplicationInput) (*CreateApplicationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) CreateApplicationRequest(input *CreateApplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateApplicationOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) CreateApplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateApplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateApplicationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplication(input *DeleteApplicationInput) (*DeleteApplicationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption(input *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) (*DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest(input *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration(input *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) (*DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest(input *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationOutput(input *DeleteApplicationOutputInput) (*DeleteApplicationOutputOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationOutputRequest(input *DeleteApplicationOutputInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteApplicationOutputOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationOutputWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteApplicationOutputInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteApplicationOutputOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSource(input *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) (*DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest(input *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationRequest(input *DeleteApplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteApplicationOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteApplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteApplicationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DescribeApplication(input *DescribeApplicationInput) (*DescribeApplicationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DescribeApplicationRequest(input *DescribeApplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeApplicationOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DescribeApplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeApplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeApplicationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DiscoverInputSchema(input *DiscoverInputSchemaInput) (*DiscoverInputSchemaOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DiscoverInputSchemaRequest(input *DiscoverInputSchemaInput) (req *request.Request, output *DiscoverInputSchemaOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DiscoverInputSchemaWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DiscoverInputSchemaInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DiscoverInputSchemaOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) ListApplications(input *ListApplicationsInput) (*ListApplicationsOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) ListApplicationsRequest(input *ListApplicationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListApplicationsOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) ListApplicationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListApplicationsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListApplicationsOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) ListTagsForResource(input *ListTagsForResourceInput) (*ListTagsForResourceOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) ListTagsForResourceRequest(input *ListTagsForResourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListTagsForResourceOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) ListTagsForResourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListTagsForResourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListTagsForResourceOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) StartApplication(input *StartApplicationInput) (*StartApplicationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) StartApplicationRequest(input *StartApplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartApplicationOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) StartApplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartApplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartApplicationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) StopApplication(input *StopApplicationInput) (*StopApplicationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) StopApplicationRequest(input *StopApplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *StopApplicationOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) StopApplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StopApplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StopApplicationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) TagResource(input *TagResourceInput) (*TagResourceOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) TagResourceRequest(input *TagResourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *TagResourceOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) TagResourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *TagResourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*TagResourceOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) UntagResource(input *UntagResourceInput) (*UntagResourceOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) UntagResourceRequest(input *UntagResourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *UntagResourceOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) UntagResourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *UntagResourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*UntagResourceOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) UpdateApplication(input *UpdateApplicationInput) (*UpdateApplicationOutput, error)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) UpdateApplicationRequest(input *UpdateApplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *UpdateApplicationOutput)
func (c *KinesisAnalytics) UpdateApplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *UpdateApplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*UpdateApplicationOutput, error)
func ApplicationStatus_Values() []string
func InputStartingPosition_Values() []string
func RecordFormatType_Values() []string
type AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput
type AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput
type AddApplicationInputInput
type AddApplicationInputOutput
type AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput
type AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput
type AddApplicationOutputInput
type AddApplicationOutputOutput
type AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput
type AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput
type ApplicationDetail
type ApplicationSummary
type ApplicationUpdate
type CSVMappingParameters
type CloudWatchLoggingOption
type CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription
type CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate
type CodeValidationException
type ConcurrentModificationException
type CreateApplicationInput
type CreateApplicationOutput
type DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput
type DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput
type DeleteApplicationInput
type DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput
type DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput
type DeleteApplicationOutput
type DeleteApplicationOutputInput
type DeleteApplicationOutputOutput
type DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput
type DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput
type DescribeApplicationInput
type DescribeApplicationOutput
type DestinationSchema
type DiscoverInputSchemaInput
type DiscoverInputSchemaOutput
type Input
type InputConfiguration
type InputDescription
type InputLambdaProcessor
type InputLambdaProcessorDescription
type InputLambdaProcessorUpdate
type InputParallelism
type InputParallelismUpdate
type InputProcessingConfiguration
type InputProcessingConfigurationDescription
type InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate
type InputSchemaUpdate
type InputStartingPositionConfiguration
type InputUpdate
type InvalidApplicationConfigurationException
type InvalidArgumentException
type JSONMappingParameters
type KinesisFirehoseInput
type KinesisFirehoseInputDescription
type KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate
type KinesisFirehoseOutput
type KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription
type KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate
type KinesisStreamsInput
type KinesisStreamsInputDescription
type KinesisStreamsInputUpdate
type KinesisStreamsOutput
type KinesisStreamsOutputDescription
type KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate
type LambdaOutput
type LambdaOutputDescription
type LambdaOutputUpdate
type LimitExceededException
type ListApplicationsInput
type ListApplicationsOutput
type ListTagsForResourceInput
type ListTagsForResourceOutput
type MappingParameters
type Output
type OutputDescription
type OutputUpdate
type RecordColumn
type RecordFormat
type ReferenceDataSource
type ReferenceDataSourceDescription
type ReferenceDataSourceUpdate
type ResourceInUseException
type ResourceNotFoundException
type ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException
type S3Configuration
type S3ReferenceDataSource
type S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription
type S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate
type ServiceUnavailableException
type SourceSchema
type StartApplicationInput
type StartApplicationOutput
type StopApplicationInput
type StopApplicationOutput
type Tag
type TagResourceInput
type TagResourceOutput
type TooManyTagsException
type UnableToDetectSchemaException
type UnsupportedOperationException
type UntagResourceInput
type UntagResourceOutput
type UpdateApplicationInput
type UpdateApplicationOutput

Constants ▾

const (
    // ApplicationStatusDeleting is a ApplicationStatus enum value
    ApplicationStatusDeleting = "DELETING"

    // ApplicationStatusStarting is a ApplicationStatus enum value
    ApplicationStatusStarting = "STARTING"

    // ApplicationStatusStopping is a ApplicationStatus enum value
    ApplicationStatusStopping = "STOPPING"

    // ApplicationStatusReady is a ApplicationStatus enum value
    ApplicationStatusReady = "READY"

    // ApplicationStatusRunning is a ApplicationStatus enum value
    ApplicationStatusRunning = "RUNNING"

    // ApplicationStatusUpdating is a ApplicationStatus enum value
    ApplicationStatusUpdating = "UPDATING"
const (
    // InputStartingPositionNow is a InputStartingPosition enum value
    InputStartingPositionNow = "NOW"

    // InputStartingPositionTrimHorizon is a InputStartingPosition enum value
    InputStartingPositionTrimHorizon = "TRIM_HORIZON"

    // InputStartingPositionLastStoppedPoint is a InputStartingPosition enum value
    InputStartingPositionLastStoppedPoint = "LAST_STOPPED_POINT"
const (
    // RecordFormatTypeJson is a RecordFormatType enum value
    RecordFormatTypeJson = "JSON"

    // RecordFormatTypeCsv is a RecordFormatType enum value
    RecordFormatTypeCsv = "CSV"
const (

    // ErrCodeCodeValidationException for service response error code
    // "CodeValidationException".
    // User-provided application code (query) is invalid. This can be a simple syntax
    // error.
    ErrCodeCodeValidationException = "CodeValidationException"

    // ErrCodeConcurrentModificationException for service response error code
    // "ConcurrentModificationException".
    // Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application.
    // For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the
    // same time.
    ErrCodeConcurrentModificationException = "ConcurrentModificationException"

    // ErrCodeInvalidApplicationConfigurationException for service response error code
    // "InvalidApplicationConfigurationException".
    // User-provided application configuration is not valid.
    ErrCodeInvalidApplicationConfigurationException = "InvalidApplicationConfigurationException"

    // ErrCodeInvalidArgumentException for service response error code
    // "InvalidArgumentException".
    // Specified input parameter value is invalid.
    ErrCodeInvalidArgumentException = "InvalidArgumentException"

    // ErrCodeLimitExceededException for service response error code
    // "LimitExceededException".
    // Exceeded the number of applications allowed.
    ErrCodeLimitExceededException = "LimitExceededException"

    // ErrCodeResourceInUseException for service response error code
    // "ResourceInUseException".
    // Application is not available for this operation.
    ErrCodeResourceInUseException = "ResourceInUseException"

    // ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException for service response error code
    // "ResourceNotFoundException".
    // Specified application can't be found.
    ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException = "ResourceNotFoundException"

    // ErrCodeResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException for service response error code
    // "ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException".
    // Discovery failed to get a record from the streaming source because of the
    // Amazon Kinesis Streams ProvisionedThroughputExceededException. For more information,
    // see GetRecords (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/APIReference/API_GetRecords.html)
    // in the Amazon Kinesis Streams API Reference.
    ErrCodeResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException = "ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException"

    // ErrCodeServiceUnavailableException for service response error code
    // "ServiceUnavailableException".
    // The service is unavailable. Back off and retry the operation.
    ErrCodeServiceUnavailableException = "ServiceUnavailableException"

    // ErrCodeTooManyTagsException for service response error code
    // "TooManyTagsException".
    // Application created with too many tags, or too many tags added to an application.
    // Note that the maximum number of application tags includes system tags. The
    // maximum number of user-defined application tags is 50.
    ErrCodeTooManyTagsException = "TooManyTagsException"

    // ErrCodeUnableToDetectSchemaException for service response error code
    // "UnableToDetectSchemaException".
    // Data format is not valid. Amazon Kinesis Analytics is not able to detect
    // schema for the given streaming source.
    ErrCodeUnableToDetectSchemaException = "UnableToDetectSchemaException"

    // ErrCodeUnsupportedOperationException for service response error code
    // "UnsupportedOperationException".
    // The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or
    // a specified resource is not valid for this operation.
    ErrCodeUnsupportedOperationException = "UnsupportedOperationException"
const (
    ServiceName = "kinesisanalytics"  // Name of service.
    EndpointsID = ServiceName         // ID to lookup a service endpoint with.
    ServiceID   = "Kinesis Analytics" // ServiceID is a unique identifier of a specific service.

Service information constants

func ApplicationStatus_Values

func ApplicationStatus_Values() []string

ApplicationStatus_Values returns all elements of the ApplicationStatus enum

func InputStartingPosition_Values

func InputStartingPosition_Values() []string

InputStartingPosition_Values returns all elements of the InputStartingPosition enum

func RecordFormatType_Values

func RecordFormatType_Values() []string

RecordFormatType_Values returns all elements of the RecordFormatType enum

type AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput

type AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput struct {

    // The Kinesis Analytics application name.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Provides the CloudWatch log stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and the IAM
    // role ARN. Note: To write application messages to CloudWatch, the IAM role
    // that is used must have the PutLogEvents policy action enabled.
    // CloudWatchLoggingOption is a required field
    CloudWatchLoggingOption *CloudWatchLoggingOption `type:"structure" required:"true"`

    // The version ID of the Kinesis Analytics application.
    // CurrentApplicationVersionId is a required field
    CurrentApplicationVersionId *int64 `min:"1" type:"long" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) GoString

func (s AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) SetCloudWatchLoggingOption

func (s *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) SetCloudWatchLoggingOption(v *CloudWatchLoggingOption) *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput

SetCloudWatchLoggingOption sets the CloudWatchLoggingOption field's value.

func (*AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId

func (s *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId(v int64) *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput

SetCurrentApplicationVersionId sets the CurrentApplicationVersionId field's value.

func (AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) String

func (s AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) Validate

func (s *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput

type AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput) GoString

func (s AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput) String

func (s AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AddApplicationInputInput

type AddApplicationInputInput struct {

    // Name of your existing Amazon Kinesis Analytics application to which you want
    // to add the streaming source.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Current version of your Amazon Kinesis Analytics application. You can use
    // the DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation to find the current application version.
    // CurrentApplicationVersionId is a required field
    CurrentApplicationVersionId *int64 `min:"1" type:"long" required:"true"`

    // The Input (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_Input.html)
    // to add.
    // Input is a required field
    Input *Input `type:"structure" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddApplicationInputInput) GoString

func (s AddApplicationInputInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddApplicationInputInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *AddApplicationInputInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *AddApplicationInputInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*AddApplicationInputInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId

func (s *AddApplicationInputInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId(v int64) *AddApplicationInputInput

SetCurrentApplicationVersionId sets the CurrentApplicationVersionId field's value.

func (*AddApplicationInputInput) SetInput

func (s *AddApplicationInputInput) SetInput(v *Input) *AddApplicationInputInput

SetInput sets the Input field's value.

func (AddApplicationInputInput) String

func (s AddApplicationInputInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddApplicationInputInput) Validate

func (s *AddApplicationInputInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type AddApplicationInputOutput

type AddApplicationInputOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddApplicationInputOutput) GoString

func (s AddApplicationInputOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (AddApplicationInputOutput) String

func (s AddApplicationInputOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput

type AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput struct {

    // Name of the application to which you want to add the input processing configuration.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Version of the application to which you want to add the input processing
    // configuration. You can use the DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation to get the current application version. If the version specified
    // is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned.
    // CurrentApplicationVersionId is a required field
    CurrentApplicationVersionId *int64 `min:"1" type:"long" required:"true"`

    // The ID of the input configuration to add the input processing configuration
    // to. You can get a list of the input IDs for an application using the DescribeApplication
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation.
    // InputId is a required field
    InputId *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The InputProcessingConfiguration (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_InputProcessingConfiguration.html)
    // to add to the application.
    // InputProcessingConfiguration is a required field
    InputProcessingConfiguration *InputProcessingConfiguration `type:"structure" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) GoString

func (s AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId

func (s *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId(v int64) *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput

SetCurrentApplicationVersionId sets the CurrentApplicationVersionId field's value.

func (*AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetInputId

func (s *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetInputId(v string) *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput

SetInputId sets the InputId field's value.

func (*AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetInputProcessingConfiguration

func (s *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetInputProcessingConfiguration(v *InputProcessingConfiguration) *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput

SetInputProcessingConfiguration sets the InputProcessingConfiguration field's value.

func (AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) String

func (s AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) Validate

func (s *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput

type AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput) GoString

func (s AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput) String

func (s AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AddApplicationOutputInput

type AddApplicationOutputInput struct {

    // Name of the application to which you want to add the output configuration.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Version of the application to which you want to add the output configuration.
    // You can use the DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation to get the current application version. If the version specified
    // is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned.
    // CurrentApplicationVersionId is a required field
    CurrentApplicationVersionId *int64 `min:"1" type:"long" required:"true"`

    // An array of objects, each describing one output configuration. In the output
    // configuration, you specify the name of an in-application stream, a destination
    // (that is, an Amazon Kinesis stream, an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream,
    // or an AWS Lambda function), and record the formation to use when writing
    // to the destination.
    // Output is a required field
    Output *Output `type:"structure" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddApplicationOutputInput) GoString

func (s AddApplicationOutputInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddApplicationOutputInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *AddApplicationOutputInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *AddApplicationOutputInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*AddApplicationOutputInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId

func (s *AddApplicationOutputInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId(v int64) *AddApplicationOutputInput

SetCurrentApplicationVersionId sets the CurrentApplicationVersionId field's value.

func (*AddApplicationOutputInput) SetOutput

func (s *AddApplicationOutputInput) SetOutput(v *Output) *AddApplicationOutputInput

SetOutput sets the Output field's value.

func (AddApplicationOutputInput) String

func (s AddApplicationOutputInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddApplicationOutputInput) Validate

func (s *AddApplicationOutputInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type AddApplicationOutputOutput

type AddApplicationOutputOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddApplicationOutputOutput) GoString

func (s AddApplicationOutputOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (AddApplicationOutputOutput) String

func (s AddApplicationOutputOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput

type AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput struct {

    // Name of an existing application.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Version of the application for which you are adding the reference data source.
    // You can use the DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation to get the current application version. If the version specified
    // is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned.
    // CurrentApplicationVersionId is a required field
    CurrentApplicationVersionId *int64 `min:"1" type:"long" required:"true"`

    // The reference data source can be an object in your Amazon S3 bucket. Amazon
    // Kinesis Analytics reads the object and copies the data into the in-application
    // table that is created. You provide an S3 bucket, object key name, and the
    // resulting in-application table that is created. You must also provide an
    // IAM role with the necessary permissions that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can
    // assume to read the object from your S3 bucket on your behalf.
    // ReferenceDataSource is a required field
    ReferenceDataSource *ReferenceDataSource `type:"structure" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) GoString

func (s AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId

func (s *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId(v int64) *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput

SetCurrentApplicationVersionId sets the CurrentApplicationVersionId field's value.

func (*AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) SetReferenceDataSource

func (s *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) SetReferenceDataSource(v *ReferenceDataSource) *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput

SetReferenceDataSource sets the ReferenceDataSource field's value.

func (AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) String

func (s AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) Validate

func (s *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput

type AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput) GoString

func (s AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput) String

func (s AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ApplicationDetail

type ApplicationDetail struct {

    // ARN of the application.
    // ApplicationARN is a required field
    ApplicationARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Returns the application code that you provided to perform data analysis on
    // any of the in-application streams in your application.
    ApplicationCode *string `type:"string"`

    // Description of the application.
    ApplicationDescription *string `type:"string"`

    // Name of the application.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Status of the application.
    // ApplicationStatus is a required field
    ApplicationStatus *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"ApplicationStatus"`

    // Provides the current application version.
    // ApplicationVersionId is a required field
    ApplicationVersionId *int64 `min:"1" type:"long" required:"true"`

    // Describes the CloudWatch log streams that are configured to receive application
    // messages. For more information about using CloudWatch log streams with Amazon
    // Kinesis Analytics applications, see Working with Amazon CloudWatch Logs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/cloudwatch-logs.html).
    CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescriptions []*CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription `type:"list"`

    // Time stamp when the application version was created.
    CreateTimestamp *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

    // Describes the application input configuration. For more information, see
    // Configuring Application Input (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-input.html).
    InputDescriptions []*InputDescription `type:"list"`

    // Time stamp when the application was last updated.
    LastUpdateTimestamp *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

    // Describes the application output configuration. For more information, see
    // Configuring Application Output (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-output.html).
    OutputDescriptions []*OutputDescription `type:"list"`

    // Describes reference data sources configured for the application. For more
    // information, see Configuring Application Input (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-input.html).
    ReferenceDataSourceDescriptions []*ReferenceDataSourceDescription `type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Provides a description of the application, including the application Amazon Resource Name (ARN), status, latest version, and input and output configuration.

func (ApplicationDetail) GoString

func (s ApplicationDetail) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ApplicationDetail) SetApplicationARN

func (s *ApplicationDetail) SetApplicationARN(v string) *ApplicationDetail

SetApplicationARN sets the ApplicationARN field's value.

func (*ApplicationDetail) SetApplicationCode

func (s *ApplicationDetail) SetApplicationCode(v string) *ApplicationDetail

SetApplicationCode sets the ApplicationCode field's value.

func (*ApplicationDetail) SetApplicationDescription

func (s *ApplicationDetail) SetApplicationDescription(v string) *ApplicationDetail

SetApplicationDescription sets the ApplicationDescription field's value.

func (*ApplicationDetail) SetApplicationName

func (s *ApplicationDetail) SetApplicationName(v string) *ApplicationDetail

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*ApplicationDetail) SetApplicationStatus

func (s *ApplicationDetail) SetApplicationStatus(v string) *ApplicationDetail

SetApplicationStatus sets the ApplicationStatus field's value.

func (*ApplicationDetail) SetApplicationVersionId

func (s *ApplicationDetail) SetApplicationVersionId(v int64) *ApplicationDetail

SetApplicationVersionId sets the ApplicationVersionId field's value.

func (*ApplicationDetail) SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionDescriptions

func (s *ApplicationDetail) SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionDescriptions(v []*CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription) *ApplicationDetail

SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionDescriptions sets the CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescriptions field's value.

func (*ApplicationDetail) SetCreateTimestamp

func (s *ApplicationDetail) SetCreateTimestamp(v time.Time) *ApplicationDetail

SetCreateTimestamp sets the CreateTimestamp field's value.

func (*ApplicationDetail) SetInputDescriptions

func (s *ApplicationDetail) SetInputDescriptions(v []*InputDescription) *ApplicationDetail

SetInputDescriptions sets the InputDescriptions field's value.

func (*ApplicationDetail) SetLastUpdateTimestamp

func (s *ApplicationDetail) SetLastUpdateTimestamp(v time.Time) *ApplicationDetail

SetLastUpdateTimestamp sets the LastUpdateTimestamp field's value.

func (*ApplicationDetail) SetOutputDescriptions

func (s *ApplicationDetail) SetOutputDescriptions(v []*OutputDescription) *ApplicationDetail

SetOutputDescriptions sets the OutputDescriptions field's value.

func (*ApplicationDetail) SetReferenceDataSourceDescriptions

func (s *ApplicationDetail) SetReferenceDataSourceDescriptions(v []*ReferenceDataSourceDescription) *ApplicationDetail

SetReferenceDataSourceDescriptions sets the ReferenceDataSourceDescriptions field's value.

func (ApplicationDetail) String

func (s ApplicationDetail) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ApplicationSummary

type ApplicationSummary struct {

    // ARN of the application.
    // ApplicationARN is a required field
    ApplicationARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Name of the application.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Status of the application.
    // ApplicationStatus is a required field
    ApplicationStatus *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"ApplicationStatus"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Provides application summary information, including the application Amazon Resource Name (ARN), name, and status.

func (ApplicationSummary) GoString

func (s ApplicationSummary) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ApplicationSummary) SetApplicationARN

func (s *ApplicationSummary) SetApplicationARN(v string) *ApplicationSummary

SetApplicationARN sets the ApplicationARN field's value.

func (*ApplicationSummary) SetApplicationName

func (s *ApplicationSummary) SetApplicationName(v string) *ApplicationSummary

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*ApplicationSummary) SetApplicationStatus

func (s *ApplicationSummary) SetApplicationStatus(v string) *ApplicationSummary

SetApplicationStatus sets the ApplicationStatus field's value.

func (ApplicationSummary) String

func (s ApplicationSummary) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ApplicationUpdate

type ApplicationUpdate struct {

    // Describes application code updates.
    ApplicationCodeUpdate *string `type:"string"`

    // Describes application CloudWatch logging option updates.
    CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdates []*CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate `type:"list"`

    // Describes application input configuration updates.
    InputUpdates []*InputUpdate `type:"list"`

    // Describes application output configuration updates.
    OutputUpdates []*OutputUpdate `type:"list"`

    // Describes application reference data source updates.
    ReferenceDataSourceUpdates []*ReferenceDataSourceUpdate `type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes updates to apply to an existing Amazon Kinesis Analytics application.

func (ApplicationUpdate) GoString

func (s ApplicationUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ApplicationUpdate) SetApplicationCodeUpdate

func (s *ApplicationUpdate) SetApplicationCodeUpdate(v string) *ApplicationUpdate

SetApplicationCodeUpdate sets the ApplicationCodeUpdate field's value.

func (*ApplicationUpdate) SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdates

func (s *ApplicationUpdate) SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdates(v []*CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate) *ApplicationUpdate

SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdates sets the CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdates field's value.

func (*ApplicationUpdate) SetInputUpdates

func (s *ApplicationUpdate) SetInputUpdates(v []*InputUpdate) *ApplicationUpdate

SetInputUpdates sets the InputUpdates field's value.

func (*ApplicationUpdate) SetOutputUpdates

func (s *ApplicationUpdate) SetOutputUpdates(v []*OutputUpdate) *ApplicationUpdate

SetOutputUpdates sets the OutputUpdates field's value.

func (*ApplicationUpdate) SetReferenceDataSourceUpdates

func (s *ApplicationUpdate) SetReferenceDataSourceUpdates(v []*ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) *ApplicationUpdate

SetReferenceDataSourceUpdates sets the ReferenceDataSourceUpdates field's value.

func (ApplicationUpdate) String

func (s ApplicationUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ApplicationUpdate) Validate

func (s *ApplicationUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CSVMappingParameters

type CSVMappingParameters struct {

    // Column delimiter. For example, in a CSV format, a comma (",") is the typical
    // column delimiter.
    // RecordColumnDelimiter is a required field
    RecordColumnDelimiter *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Row delimiter. For example, in a CSV format, '\n' is the typical row delimiter.
    // RecordRowDelimiter is a required field
    RecordRowDelimiter *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters, such as CSV. For example, the following sample records use CSV format, where the records use the '\n' as the row delimiter and a comma (",") as the column delimiter:

"name1", "address1"

"name2", "address2"

func (CSVMappingParameters) GoString

func (s CSVMappingParameters) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CSVMappingParameters) SetRecordColumnDelimiter

func (s *CSVMappingParameters) SetRecordColumnDelimiter(v string) *CSVMappingParameters

SetRecordColumnDelimiter sets the RecordColumnDelimiter field's value.

func (*CSVMappingParameters) SetRecordRowDelimiter

func (s *CSVMappingParameters) SetRecordRowDelimiter(v string) *CSVMappingParameters

SetRecordRowDelimiter sets the RecordRowDelimiter field's value.

func (CSVMappingParameters) String

func (s CSVMappingParameters) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CSVMappingParameters) Validate

func (s *CSVMappingParameters) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CloudWatchLoggingOption

type CloudWatchLoggingOption struct {

    // ARN of the CloudWatch log to receive application messages.
    // LogStreamARN is a required field
    LogStreamARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // IAM ARN of the role to use to send application messages. Note: To write application
    // messages to CloudWatch, the IAM role that is used must have the PutLogEvents
    // policy action enabled.
    // RoleARN is a required field
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides a description of CloudWatch logging options, including the log stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and the role ARN.

func (CloudWatchLoggingOption) GoString

func (s CloudWatchLoggingOption) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CloudWatchLoggingOption) SetLogStreamARN

func (s *CloudWatchLoggingOption) SetLogStreamARN(v string) *CloudWatchLoggingOption

SetLogStreamARN sets the LogStreamARN field's value.

func (*CloudWatchLoggingOption) SetRoleARN

func (s *CloudWatchLoggingOption) SetRoleARN(v string) *CloudWatchLoggingOption

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (CloudWatchLoggingOption) String

func (s CloudWatchLoggingOption) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CloudWatchLoggingOption) Validate

func (s *CloudWatchLoggingOption) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription

type CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription struct {

    // ID of the CloudWatch logging option description.
    CloudWatchLoggingOptionId *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // ARN of the CloudWatch log to receive application messages.
    // LogStreamARN is a required field
    LogStreamARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // IAM ARN of the role to use to send application messages. Note: To write application
    // messages to CloudWatch, the IAM role used must have the PutLogEvents policy
    // action enabled.
    // RoleARN is a required field
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Description of the CloudWatch logging option.

func (CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription) GoString

func (s CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription) SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionId

func (s *CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription) SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionId(v string) *CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription

SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionId sets the CloudWatchLoggingOptionId field's value.

func (*CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription) SetLogStreamARN

func (s *CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription) SetLogStreamARN(v string) *CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription

SetLogStreamARN sets the LogStreamARN field's value.

func (*CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription) SetRoleARN

func (s *CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription) SetRoleARN(v string) *CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription) String

func (s CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate

type CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate struct {

    // ID of the CloudWatch logging option to update
    // CloudWatchLoggingOptionId is a required field
    CloudWatchLoggingOptionId *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // ARN of the CloudWatch log to receive application messages.
    LogStreamARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // IAM ARN of the role to use to send application messages. Note: To write application
    // messages to CloudWatch, the IAM role used must have the PutLogEvents policy
    // action enabled.
    RoleARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes CloudWatch logging option updates.

func (CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate) GoString

func (s CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate) SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionId

func (s *CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate) SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionId(v string) *CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate

SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionId sets the CloudWatchLoggingOptionId field's value.

func (*CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate) SetLogStreamARNUpdate

func (s *CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate) SetLogStreamARNUpdate(v string) *CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate

SetLogStreamARNUpdate sets the LogStreamARNUpdate field's value.

func (*CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate

func (s *CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate(v string) *CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate

SetRoleARNUpdate sets the RoleARNUpdate field's value.

func (CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate) String

func (s CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate) Validate

func (s *CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CodeValidationException

type CodeValidationException struct {
    RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

    // Test
    Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

User-provided application code (query) is invalid. This can be a simple syntax error.

func (*CodeValidationException) Code

func (s *CodeValidationException) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*CodeValidationException) Error

func (s *CodeValidationException) Error() string

func (CodeValidationException) GoString

func (s CodeValidationException) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CodeValidationException) Message

func (s *CodeValidationException) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*CodeValidationException) OrigErr

func (s *CodeValidationException) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*CodeValidationException) RequestID

func (s *CodeValidationException) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*CodeValidationException) StatusCode

func (s *CodeValidationException) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (CodeValidationException) String

func (s CodeValidationException) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ConcurrentModificationException

type ConcurrentModificationException struct {
    RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

    Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

func (*ConcurrentModificationException) Code

func (s *ConcurrentModificationException) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*ConcurrentModificationException) Error

func (s *ConcurrentModificationException) Error() string

func (ConcurrentModificationException) GoString

func (s ConcurrentModificationException) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ConcurrentModificationException) Message

func (s *ConcurrentModificationException) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*ConcurrentModificationException) OrigErr

func (s *ConcurrentModificationException) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*ConcurrentModificationException) RequestID

func (s *ConcurrentModificationException) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*ConcurrentModificationException) StatusCode

func (s *ConcurrentModificationException) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (ConcurrentModificationException) String

func (s ConcurrentModificationException) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateApplicationInput

type CreateApplicationInput struct {

    // One or more SQL statements that read input data, transform it, and generate
    // output. For example, you can write a SQL statement that reads data from one
    // in-application stream, generates a running average of the number of advertisement
    // clicks by vendor, and insert resulting rows in another in-application stream
    // using pumps. For more information about the typical pattern, see Application
    // Code (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-app-code.html).
    // You can provide such series of SQL statements, where output of one statement
    // can be used as the input for the next statement. You store intermediate results
    // by creating in-application streams and pumps.
    // Note that the application code must create the streams with names specified
    // in the Outputs. For example, if your Outputs defines output streams named
    // ExampleOutputStream1 and ExampleOutputStream2, then your application code
    // must create these streams.
    ApplicationCode *string `type:"string"`

    // Summary description of the application.
    ApplicationDescription *string `type:"string"`

    // Name of your Amazon Kinesis Analytics application (for example, sample-app).
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Use this parameter to configure a CloudWatch log stream to monitor application
    // configuration errors. For more information, see Working with Amazon CloudWatch
    // Logs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/cloudwatch-logs.html).
    CloudWatchLoggingOptions []*CloudWatchLoggingOption `type:"list"`

    // Use this parameter to configure the application input.
    // You can configure your application to receive input from a single streaming
    // source. In this configuration, you map this streaming source to an in-application
    // stream that is created. Your application code can then query the in-application
    // stream like a table (you can think of it as a constantly updating table).
    // For the streaming source, you provide its Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and
    // format of data on the stream (for example, JSON, CSV, etc.). You also must
    // provide an IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to read this
    // stream on your behalf.
    // To create the in-application stream, you need to specify a schema to transform
    // your data into a schematized version used in SQL. In the schema, you provide
    // the necessary mapping of the data elements in the streaming source to record
    // columns in the in-app stream.
    Inputs []*Input `type:"list"`

    // You can configure application output to write data from any of the in-application
    // streams to up to three destinations.
    // These destinations can be Amazon Kinesis streams, Amazon Kinesis Firehose
    // delivery streams, AWS Lambda destinations, or any combination of the three.
    // In the configuration, you specify the in-application stream name, the destination
    // stream or Lambda function Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and the format to use
    // when writing data. You must also provide an IAM role that Amazon Kinesis
    // Analytics can assume to write to the destination stream or Lambda function
    // on your behalf.
    // In the output configuration, you also provide the output stream or Lambda
    // function ARN. For stream destinations, you provide the format of data in
    // the stream (for example, JSON, CSV). You also must provide an IAM role that
    // Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to write to the stream or Lambda function
    // on your behalf.
    Outputs []*Output `type:"list"`

    // A list of one or more tags to assign to the application. A tag is a key-value
    // pair that identifies an application. Note that the maximum number of application
    // tags includes system tags. The maximum number of user-defined application
    // tags is 50. For more information, see Using Tagging (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-tagging.html).
    Tags []*Tag `min:"1" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields


func (CreateApplicationInput) GoString

func (s CreateApplicationInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateApplicationInput) SetApplicationCode

func (s *CreateApplicationInput) SetApplicationCode(v string) *CreateApplicationInput

SetApplicationCode sets the ApplicationCode field's value.

func (*CreateApplicationInput) SetApplicationDescription

func (s *CreateApplicationInput) SetApplicationDescription(v string) *CreateApplicationInput

SetApplicationDescription sets the ApplicationDescription field's value.

func (*CreateApplicationInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *CreateApplicationInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *CreateApplicationInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*CreateApplicationInput) SetCloudWatchLoggingOptions

func (s *CreateApplicationInput) SetCloudWatchLoggingOptions(v []*CloudWatchLoggingOption) *CreateApplicationInput

SetCloudWatchLoggingOptions sets the CloudWatchLoggingOptions field's value.

func (*CreateApplicationInput) SetInputs

func (s *CreateApplicationInput) SetInputs(v []*Input) *CreateApplicationInput

SetInputs sets the Inputs field's value.

func (*CreateApplicationInput) SetOutputs

func (s *CreateApplicationInput) SetOutputs(v []*Output) *CreateApplicationInput

SetOutputs sets the Outputs field's value.

func (*CreateApplicationInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateApplicationInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateApplicationInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (CreateApplicationInput) String

func (s CreateApplicationInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateApplicationInput) Validate

func (s *CreateApplicationInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateApplicationOutput

type CreateApplicationOutput struct {

    // In response to your CreateApplication request, Amazon Kinesis Analytics returns
    // a response with a summary of the application it created, including the application
    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN), name, and status.
    // ApplicationSummary is a required field
    ApplicationSummary *ApplicationSummary `type:"structure" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields


func (CreateApplicationOutput) GoString

func (s CreateApplicationOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateApplicationOutput) SetApplicationSummary

func (s *CreateApplicationOutput) SetApplicationSummary(v *ApplicationSummary) *CreateApplicationOutput

SetApplicationSummary sets the ApplicationSummary field's value.

func (CreateApplicationOutput) String

func (s CreateApplicationOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput

type DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput struct {

    // The Kinesis Analytics application name.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The CloudWatchLoggingOptionId of the CloudWatch logging option to delete.
    // You can get the CloudWatchLoggingOptionId by using the DescribeApplication
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation.
    // CloudWatchLoggingOptionId is a required field
    CloudWatchLoggingOptionId *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The version ID of the Kinesis Analytics application.
    // CurrentApplicationVersionId is a required field
    CurrentApplicationVersionId *int64 `min:"1" type:"long" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) GoString

func (s DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionId

func (s *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionId(v string) *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput

SetCloudWatchLoggingOptionId sets the CloudWatchLoggingOptionId field's value.

func (*DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId

func (s *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId(v int64) *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput

SetCurrentApplicationVersionId sets the CurrentApplicationVersionId field's value.

func (DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) String

func (s DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput

type DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput) String

func (s DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteApplicationInput

type DeleteApplicationInput struct {

    // Name of the Amazon Kinesis Analytics application to delete.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // You can use the DescribeApplication operation to get this value.
    // CreateTimestamp is a required field
    CreateTimestamp *time.Time `type:"timestamp" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteApplicationInput) GoString

func (s DeleteApplicationInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteApplicationInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *DeleteApplicationInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *DeleteApplicationInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*DeleteApplicationInput) SetCreateTimestamp

func (s *DeleteApplicationInput) SetCreateTimestamp(v time.Time) *DeleteApplicationInput

SetCreateTimestamp sets the CreateTimestamp field's value.

func (DeleteApplicationInput) String

func (s DeleteApplicationInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteApplicationInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteApplicationInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput

type DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput struct {

    // The Kinesis Analytics application name.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The version ID of the Kinesis Analytics application.
    // CurrentApplicationVersionId is a required field
    CurrentApplicationVersionId *int64 `min:"1" type:"long" required:"true"`

    // The ID of the input configuration from which to delete the input processing
    // configuration. You can get a list of the input IDs for an application by
    // using the DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation.
    // InputId is a required field
    InputId *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) GoString

func (s DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId

func (s *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId(v int64) *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput

SetCurrentApplicationVersionId sets the CurrentApplicationVersionId field's value.

func (*DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetInputId

func (s *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) SetInputId(v string) *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput

SetInputId sets the InputId field's value.

func (DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) String

func (s DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput

type DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput) String

func (s DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteApplicationOutput

type DeleteApplicationOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteApplicationOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteApplicationOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (DeleteApplicationOutput) String

func (s DeleteApplicationOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteApplicationOutputInput

type DeleteApplicationOutputInput struct {

    // Amazon Kinesis Analytics application name.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Amazon Kinesis Analytics application version. You can use the DescribeApplication
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation to get the current application version. If the version specified
    // is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned.
    // CurrentApplicationVersionId is a required field
    CurrentApplicationVersionId *int64 `min:"1" type:"long" required:"true"`

    // The ID of the configuration to delete. Each output configuration that is
    // added to the application, either when the application is created or later
    // using the AddApplicationOutput (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_AddApplicationOutput.html)
    // operation, has a unique ID. You need to provide the ID to uniquely identify
    // the output configuration that you want to delete from the application configuration.
    // You can use the DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation to get the specific OutputId.
    // OutputId is a required field
    OutputId *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteApplicationOutputInput) GoString

func (s DeleteApplicationOutputInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteApplicationOutputInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *DeleteApplicationOutputInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *DeleteApplicationOutputInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*DeleteApplicationOutputInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId

func (s *DeleteApplicationOutputInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId(v int64) *DeleteApplicationOutputInput

SetCurrentApplicationVersionId sets the CurrentApplicationVersionId field's value.

func (*DeleteApplicationOutputInput) SetOutputId

func (s *DeleteApplicationOutputInput) SetOutputId(v string) *DeleteApplicationOutputInput

SetOutputId sets the OutputId field's value.

func (DeleteApplicationOutputInput) String

func (s DeleteApplicationOutputInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteApplicationOutputInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteApplicationOutputInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteApplicationOutputOutput

type DeleteApplicationOutputOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteApplicationOutputOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteApplicationOutputOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (DeleteApplicationOutputOutput) String

func (s DeleteApplicationOutputOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput

type DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput struct {

    // Name of an existing application.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Version of the application. You can use the DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation to get the current application version. If the version specified
    // is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned.
    // CurrentApplicationVersionId is a required field
    CurrentApplicationVersionId *int64 `min:"1" type:"long" required:"true"`

    // ID of the reference data source. When you add a reference data source to
    // your application using the AddApplicationReferenceDataSource (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_AddApplicationReferenceDataSource.html),
    // Amazon Kinesis Analytics assigns an ID. You can use the DescribeApplication
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation to get the reference ID.
    // ReferenceId is a required field
    ReferenceId *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) GoString

func (s DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId

func (s *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId(v int64) *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput

SetCurrentApplicationVersionId sets the CurrentApplicationVersionId field's value.

func (*DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) SetReferenceId

func (s *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) SetReferenceId(v string) *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput

SetReferenceId sets the ReferenceId field's value.

func (DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) String

func (s DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput

type DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput) String

func (s DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeApplicationInput

type DescribeApplicationInput struct {

    // Name of the application.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeApplicationInput) GoString

func (s DescribeApplicationInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeApplicationInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *DescribeApplicationInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *DescribeApplicationInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (DescribeApplicationInput) String

func (s DescribeApplicationInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeApplicationInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeApplicationInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeApplicationOutput

type DescribeApplicationOutput struct {

    // Provides a description of the application, such as the application Amazon
    // Resource Name (ARN), status, latest version, and input and output configuration
    // details.
    // ApplicationDetail is a required field
    ApplicationDetail *ApplicationDetail `type:"structure" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeApplicationOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeApplicationOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeApplicationOutput) SetApplicationDetail

func (s *DescribeApplicationOutput) SetApplicationDetail(v *ApplicationDetail) *DescribeApplicationOutput

SetApplicationDetail sets the ApplicationDetail field's value.

func (DescribeApplicationOutput) String

func (s DescribeApplicationOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DestinationSchema

type DestinationSchema struct {

    // Specifies the format of the records on the output stream.
    // RecordFormatType is a required field
    RecordFormatType *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"RecordFormatType"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the data format when records are written to the destination. For more information, see Configuring Application Output (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-output.html).

func (DestinationSchema) GoString

func (s DestinationSchema) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DestinationSchema) SetRecordFormatType

func (s *DestinationSchema) SetRecordFormatType(v string) *DestinationSchema

SetRecordFormatType sets the RecordFormatType field's value.

func (DestinationSchema) String

func (s DestinationSchema) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DestinationSchema) Validate

func (s *DestinationSchema) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DiscoverInputSchemaInput

type DiscoverInputSchemaInput struct {

    // The InputProcessingConfiguration (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_InputProcessingConfiguration.html)
    // to use to preprocess the records before discovering the schema of the records.
    InputProcessingConfiguration *InputProcessingConfiguration `type:"structure"`

    // Point at which you want Amazon Kinesis Analytics to start reading records
    // from the specified streaming source discovery purposes.
    InputStartingPositionConfiguration *InputStartingPositionConfiguration `type:"structure"`

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the streaming source.
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to access the
    // stream on your behalf.
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // Specify this parameter to discover a schema from data in an Amazon S3 object.
    S3Configuration *S3Configuration `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DiscoverInputSchemaInput) GoString

func (s DiscoverInputSchemaInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DiscoverInputSchemaInput) SetInputProcessingConfiguration

func (s *DiscoverInputSchemaInput) SetInputProcessingConfiguration(v *InputProcessingConfiguration) *DiscoverInputSchemaInput

SetInputProcessingConfiguration sets the InputProcessingConfiguration field's value.

func (*DiscoverInputSchemaInput) SetInputStartingPositionConfiguration

func (s *DiscoverInputSchemaInput) SetInputStartingPositionConfiguration(v *InputStartingPositionConfiguration) *DiscoverInputSchemaInput

SetInputStartingPositionConfiguration sets the InputStartingPositionConfiguration field's value.

func (*DiscoverInputSchemaInput) SetResourceARN

func (s *DiscoverInputSchemaInput) SetResourceARN(v string) *DiscoverInputSchemaInput

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*DiscoverInputSchemaInput) SetRoleARN

func (s *DiscoverInputSchemaInput) SetRoleARN(v string) *DiscoverInputSchemaInput

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (*DiscoverInputSchemaInput) SetS3Configuration

func (s *DiscoverInputSchemaInput) SetS3Configuration(v *S3Configuration) *DiscoverInputSchemaInput

SetS3Configuration sets the S3Configuration field's value.

func (DiscoverInputSchemaInput) String

func (s DiscoverInputSchemaInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DiscoverInputSchemaInput) Validate

func (s *DiscoverInputSchemaInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DiscoverInputSchemaOutput

type DiscoverInputSchemaOutput struct {

    // Schema inferred from the streaming source. It identifies the format of the
    // data in the streaming source and how each data element maps to corresponding
    // columns in the in-application stream that you can create.
    InputSchema *SourceSchema `type:"structure"`

    // An array of elements, where each element corresponds to a row in a stream
    // record (a stream record can have more than one row).
    ParsedInputRecords [][]*string `type:"list"`

    // Stream data that was modified by the processor specified in the InputProcessingConfiguration
    // parameter.
    ProcessedInputRecords []*string `type:"list"`

    // Raw stream data that was sampled to infer the schema.
    RawInputRecords []*string `type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DiscoverInputSchemaOutput) GoString

func (s DiscoverInputSchemaOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DiscoverInputSchemaOutput) SetInputSchema

func (s *DiscoverInputSchemaOutput) SetInputSchema(v *SourceSchema) *DiscoverInputSchemaOutput

SetInputSchema sets the InputSchema field's value.

func (*DiscoverInputSchemaOutput) SetParsedInputRecords

func (s *DiscoverInputSchemaOutput) SetParsedInputRecords(v [][]*string) *DiscoverInputSchemaOutput

SetParsedInputRecords sets the ParsedInputRecords field's value.

func (*DiscoverInputSchemaOutput) SetProcessedInputRecords

func (s *DiscoverInputSchemaOutput) SetProcessedInputRecords(v []*string) *DiscoverInputSchemaOutput

SetProcessedInputRecords sets the ProcessedInputRecords field's value.

func (*DiscoverInputSchemaOutput) SetRawInputRecords

func (s *DiscoverInputSchemaOutput) SetRawInputRecords(v []*string) *DiscoverInputSchemaOutput

SetRawInputRecords sets the RawInputRecords field's value.

func (DiscoverInputSchemaOutput) String

func (s DiscoverInputSchemaOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type Input

type Input struct {

    // Describes the number of in-application streams to create.
    // Data from your source is routed to these in-application input streams.
    // (see Configuring Application Input (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-input.html).
    InputParallelism *InputParallelism `type:"structure"`

    // The InputProcessingConfiguration (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_InputProcessingConfiguration.html)
    // for the input. An input processor transforms records as they are received
    // from the stream, before the application's SQL code executes. Currently, the
    // only input processing configuration available is InputLambdaProcessor (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_InputLambdaProcessor.html).
    InputProcessingConfiguration *InputProcessingConfiguration `type:"structure"`

    // Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data
    // element maps to corresponding columns in the in-application stream that is
    // being created.
    // Also used to describe the format of the reference data source.
    // InputSchema is a required field
    InputSchema *SourceSchema `type:"structure" required:"true"`

    // If the streaming source is an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream, identifies
    // the delivery stream's ARN and an IAM role that enables Amazon Kinesis Analytics
    // to access the stream on your behalf.
    // Note: Either KinesisStreamsInput or KinesisFirehoseInput is required.
    KinesisFirehoseInput *KinesisFirehoseInput `type:"structure"`

    // If the streaming source is an Amazon Kinesis stream, identifies the stream's
    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and an IAM role that enables Amazon Kinesis Analytics
    // to access the stream on your behalf.
    // Note: Either KinesisStreamsInput or KinesisFirehoseInput is required.
    KinesisStreamsInput *KinesisStreamsInput `type:"structure"`

    // Name prefix to use when creating an in-application stream. Suppose that you
    // specify a prefix "MyInApplicationStream." Amazon Kinesis Analytics then creates
    // one or more (as per the InputParallelism count you specified) in-application
    // streams with names "MyInApplicationStream_001," "MyInApplicationStream_002,"
    // and so on.
    // NamePrefix is a required field
    NamePrefix *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

When you configure the application input, you specify the streaming source, the in-application stream name that is created, and the mapping between the two. For more information, see Configuring Application Input (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-input.html).

func (Input) GoString

func (s Input) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Input) SetInputParallelism

func (s *Input) SetInputParallelism(v *InputParallelism) *Input

SetInputParallelism sets the InputParallelism field's value.

func (*Input) SetInputProcessingConfiguration

func (s *Input) SetInputProcessingConfiguration(v *InputProcessingConfiguration) *Input

SetInputProcessingConfiguration sets the InputProcessingConfiguration field's value.

func (*Input) SetInputSchema

func (s *Input) SetInputSchema(v *SourceSchema) *Input

SetInputSchema sets the InputSchema field's value.

func (*Input) SetKinesisFirehoseInput

func (s *Input) SetKinesisFirehoseInput(v *KinesisFirehoseInput) *Input

SetKinesisFirehoseInput sets the KinesisFirehoseInput field's value.

func (*Input) SetKinesisStreamsInput

func (s *Input) SetKinesisStreamsInput(v *KinesisStreamsInput) *Input

SetKinesisStreamsInput sets the KinesisStreamsInput field's value.

func (*Input) SetNamePrefix

func (s *Input) SetNamePrefix(v string) *Input

SetNamePrefix sets the NamePrefix field's value.

func (Input) String

func (s Input) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Input) Validate

func (s *Input) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type InputConfiguration

type InputConfiguration struct {

    // Input source ID. You can get this ID by calling the DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation.
    // Id is a required field
    Id *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Point at which you want the application to start processing records from
    // the streaming source.
    // InputStartingPositionConfiguration is a required field
    InputStartingPositionConfiguration *InputStartingPositionConfiguration `type:"structure" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

When you start your application, you provide this configuration, which identifies the input source and the point in the input source at which you want the application to start processing records.

func (InputConfiguration) GoString

func (s InputConfiguration) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputConfiguration) SetId

func (s *InputConfiguration) SetId(v string) *InputConfiguration

SetId sets the Id field's value.

func (*InputConfiguration) SetInputStartingPositionConfiguration

func (s *InputConfiguration) SetInputStartingPositionConfiguration(v *InputStartingPositionConfiguration) *InputConfiguration

SetInputStartingPositionConfiguration sets the InputStartingPositionConfiguration field's value.

func (InputConfiguration) String

func (s InputConfiguration) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputConfiguration) Validate

func (s *InputConfiguration) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type InputDescription

type InputDescription struct {

    // Returns the in-application stream names that are mapped to the stream source.
    InAppStreamNames []*string `type:"list"`

    // Input ID associated with the application input. This is the ID that Amazon
    // Kinesis Analytics assigns to each input configuration you add to your application.
    InputId *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // Describes the configured parallelism (number of in-application streams mapped
    // to the streaming source).
    InputParallelism *InputParallelism `type:"structure"`

    // The description of the preprocessor that executes on records in this input
    // before the application's code is run.
    InputProcessingConfigurationDescription *InputProcessingConfigurationDescription `type:"structure"`

    // Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data
    // element maps to corresponding columns in the in-application stream that is
    // being created.
    InputSchema *SourceSchema `type:"structure"`

    // Point at which the application is configured to read from the input stream.
    InputStartingPositionConfiguration *InputStartingPositionConfiguration `type:"structure"`

    // If an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream is configured as a streaming
    // source, provides the delivery stream's ARN and an IAM role that enables Amazon
    // Kinesis Analytics to access the stream on your behalf.
    KinesisFirehoseInputDescription *KinesisFirehoseInputDescription `type:"structure"`

    // If an Amazon Kinesis stream is configured as streaming source, provides Amazon
    // Kinesis stream's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and an IAM role that enables
    // Amazon Kinesis Analytics to access the stream on your behalf.
    KinesisStreamsInputDescription *KinesisStreamsInputDescription `type:"structure"`

    // In-application name prefix.
    NamePrefix *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the application input configuration. For more information, see Configuring Application Input (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-input.html).

func (InputDescription) GoString

func (s InputDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputDescription) SetInAppStreamNames

func (s *InputDescription) SetInAppStreamNames(v []*string) *InputDescription

SetInAppStreamNames sets the InAppStreamNames field's value.

func (*InputDescription) SetInputId

func (s *InputDescription) SetInputId(v string) *InputDescription

SetInputId sets the InputId field's value.

func (*InputDescription) SetInputParallelism

func (s *InputDescription) SetInputParallelism(v *InputParallelism) *InputDescription

SetInputParallelism sets the InputParallelism field's value.

func (*InputDescription) SetInputProcessingConfigurationDescription

func (s *InputDescription) SetInputProcessingConfigurationDescription(v *InputProcessingConfigurationDescription) *InputDescription

SetInputProcessingConfigurationDescription sets the InputProcessingConfigurationDescription field's value.

func (*InputDescription) SetInputSchema

func (s *InputDescription) SetInputSchema(v *SourceSchema) *InputDescription

SetInputSchema sets the InputSchema field's value.

func (*InputDescription) SetInputStartingPositionConfiguration

func (s *InputDescription) SetInputStartingPositionConfiguration(v *InputStartingPositionConfiguration) *InputDescription

SetInputStartingPositionConfiguration sets the InputStartingPositionConfiguration field's value.

func (*InputDescription) SetKinesisFirehoseInputDescription

func (s *InputDescription) SetKinesisFirehoseInputDescription(v *KinesisFirehoseInputDescription) *InputDescription

SetKinesisFirehoseInputDescription sets the KinesisFirehoseInputDescription field's value.

func (*InputDescription) SetKinesisStreamsInputDescription

func (s *InputDescription) SetKinesisStreamsInputDescription(v *KinesisStreamsInputDescription) *InputDescription

SetKinesisStreamsInputDescription sets the KinesisStreamsInputDescription field's value.

func (*InputDescription) SetNamePrefix

func (s *InputDescription) SetNamePrefix(v string) *InputDescription

SetNamePrefix sets the NamePrefix field's value.

func (InputDescription) String

func (s InputDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type InputLambdaProcessor

type InputLambdaProcessor struct {

    // The ARN of the AWS Lambda (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/) function
    // that operates on records in the stream.
    // To specify an earlier version of the Lambda function than the latest, include
    // the Lambda function version in the Lambda function ARN. For more information
    // about Lambda ARNs, see Example ARNs: AWS Lambda (/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html#arn-syntax-lambda)
    // ResourceARN is a required field
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The ARN of the IAM role that is used to access the AWS Lambda function.
    // RoleARN is a required field
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

An object that contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Lambda (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/) function that is used to preprocess records in the stream, and the ARN of the IAM role that is used to access the AWS Lambda function.

func (InputLambdaProcessor) GoString

func (s InputLambdaProcessor) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputLambdaProcessor) SetResourceARN

func (s *InputLambdaProcessor) SetResourceARN(v string) *InputLambdaProcessor

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*InputLambdaProcessor) SetRoleARN

func (s *InputLambdaProcessor) SetRoleARN(v string) *InputLambdaProcessor

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (InputLambdaProcessor) String

func (s InputLambdaProcessor) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputLambdaProcessor) Validate

func (s *InputLambdaProcessor) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type InputLambdaProcessorDescription

type InputLambdaProcessorDescription struct {

    // The ARN of the AWS Lambda (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/) function
    // that is used to preprocess the records in the stream.
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The ARN of the IAM role that is used to access the AWS Lambda function.
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

An object that contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Lambda (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/) function that is used to preprocess records in the stream, and the ARN of the IAM role that is used to access the AWS Lambda expression.

func (InputLambdaProcessorDescription) GoString

func (s InputLambdaProcessorDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputLambdaProcessorDescription) SetResourceARN

func (s *InputLambdaProcessorDescription) SetResourceARN(v string) *InputLambdaProcessorDescription

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*InputLambdaProcessorDescription) SetRoleARN

func (s *InputLambdaProcessorDescription) SetRoleARN(v string) *InputLambdaProcessorDescription

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (InputLambdaProcessorDescription) String

func (s InputLambdaProcessorDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type InputLambdaProcessorUpdate

type InputLambdaProcessorUpdate struct {

    // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the new AWS Lambda (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/)
    // function that is used to preprocess the records in the stream.
    // To specify an earlier version of the Lambda function than the latest, include
    // the Lambda function version in the Lambda function ARN. For more information
    // about Lambda ARNs, see Example ARNs: AWS Lambda (/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html#arn-syntax-lambda)
    ResourceARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // The ARN of the new IAM role that is used to access the AWS Lambda function.
    RoleARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Represents an update to the InputLambdaProcessor (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_InputLambdaProcessor.html) that is used to preprocess the records in the stream.

func (InputLambdaProcessorUpdate) GoString

func (s InputLambdaProcessorUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputLambdaProcessorUpdate) SetResourceARNUpdate

func (s *InputLambdaProcessorUpdate) SetResourceARNUpdate(v string) *InputLambdaProcessorUpdate

SetResourceARNUpdate sets the ResourceARNUpdate field's value.

func (*InputLambdaProcessorUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate

func (s *InputLambdaProcessorUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate(v string) *InputLambdaProcessorUpdate

SetRoleARNUpdate sets the RoleARNUpdate field's value.

func (InputLambdaProcessorUpdate) String

func (s InputLambdaProcessorUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputLambdaProcessorUpdate) Validate

func (s *InputLambdaProcessorUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type InputParallelism

type InputParallelism struct {

    // Number of in-application streams to create. For more information, see Limits
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/limits.html).
    Count *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the number of in-application streams to create for a given streaming source. For information about parallelism, see Configuring Application Input (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-input.html).

func (InputParallelism) GoString

func (s InputParallelism) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputParallelism) SetCount

func (s *InputParallelism) SetCount(v int64) *InputParallelism

SetCount sets the Count field's value.

func (InputParallelism) String

func (s InputParallelism) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputParallelism) Validate

func (s *InputParallelism) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type InputParallelismUpdate

type InputParallelismUpdate struct {

    // Number of in-application streams to create for the specified streaming source.
    CountUpdate *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides updates to the parallelism count.

func (InputParallelismUpdate) GoString

func (s InputParallelismUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputParallelismUpdate) SetCountUpdate

func (s *InputParallelismUpdate) SetCountUpdate(v int64) *InputParallelismUpdate

SetCountUpdate sets the CountUpdate field's value.

func (InputParallelismUpdate) String

func (s InputParallelismUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputParallelismUpdate) Validate

func (s *InputParallelismUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type InputProcessingConfiguration

type InputProcessingConfiguration struct {

    // The InputLambdaProcessor (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_InputLambdaProcessor.html)
    // that is used to preprocess the records in the stream before being processed
    // by your application code.
    // InputLambdaProcessor is a required field
    InputLambdaProcessor *InputLambdaProcessor `type:"structure" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides a description of a processor that is used to preprocess the records in the stream before being processed by your application code. Currently, the only input processor available is AWS Lambda (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/).

func (InputProcessingConfiguration) GoString

func (s InputProcessingConfiguration) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputProcessingConfiguration) SetInputLambdaProcessor

func (s *InputProcessingConfiguration) SetInputLambdaProcessor(v *InputLambdaProcessor) *InputProcessingConfiguration

SetInputLambdaProcessor sets the InputLambdaProcessor field's value.

func (InputProcessingConfiguration) String

func (s InputProcessingConfiguration) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputProcessingConfiguration) Validate

func (s *InputProcessingConfiguration) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type InputProcessingConfigurationDescription

type InputProcessingConfigurationDescription struct {

    // Provides configuration information about the associated InputLambdaProcessorDescription
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_InputLambdaProcessorDescription.html).
    InputLambdaProcessorDescription *InputLambdaProcessorDescription `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides configuration information about an input processor. Currently, the only input processor available is AWS Lambda (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/).

func (InputProcessingConfigurationDescription) GoString

func (s InputProcessingConfigurationDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputProcessingConfigurationDescription) SetInputLambdaProcessorDescription

func (s *InputProcessingConfigurationDescription) SetInputLambdaProcessorDescription(v *InputLambdaProcessorDescription) *InputProcessingConfigurationDescription

SetInputLambdaProcessorDescription sets the InputLambdaProcessorDescription field's value.

func (InputProcessingConfigurationDescription) String

func (s InputProcessingConfigurationDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate

type InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate struct {

    // Provides update information for an InputLambdaProcessor (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_InputLambdaProcessor.html).
    // InputLambdaProcessorUpdate is a required field
    InputLambdaProcessorUpdate *InputLambdaProcessorUpdate `type:"structure" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes updates to an InputProcessingConfiguration (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_InputProcessingConfiguration.html).

func (InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate) GoString

func (s InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate) SetInputLambdaProcessorUpdate

func (s *InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate) SetInputLambdaProcessorUpdate(v *InputLambdaProcessorUpdate) *InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate

SetInputLambdaProcessorUpdate sets the InputLambdaProcessorUpdate field's value.

func (InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate) String

func (s InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate) Validate

func (s *InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type InputSchemaUpdate

type InputSchemaUpdate struct {

    // A list of RecordColumn objects. Each object describes the mapping of the
    // streaming source element to the corresponding column in the in-application
    // stream.
    RecordColumnUpdates []*RecordColumn `min:"1" type:"list"`

    // Specifies the encoding of the records in the streaming source. For example,
    // UTF-8.
    RecordEncodingUpdate *string `type:"string"`

    // Specifies the format of the records on the streaming source.
    RecordFormatUpdate *RecordFormat `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes updates for the application's input schema.

func (InputSchemaUpdate) GoString

func (s InputSchemaUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputSchemaUpdate) SetRecordColumnUpdates

func (s *InputSchemaUpdate) SetRecordColumnUpdates(v []*RecordColumn) *InputSchemaUpdate

SetRecordColumnUpdates sets the RecordColumnUpdates field's value.

func (*InputSchemaUpdate) SetRecordEncodingUpdate

func (s *InputSchemaUpdate) SetRecordEncodingUpdate(v string) *InputSchemaUpdate

SetRecordEncodingUpdate sets the RecordEncodingUpdate field's value.

func (*InputSchemaUpdate) SetRecordFormatUpdate

func (s *InputSchemaUpdate) SetRecordFormatUpdate(v *RecordFormat) *InputSchemaUpdate

SetRecordFormatUpdate sets the RecordFormatUpdate field's value.

func (InputSchemaUpdate) String

func (s InputSchemaUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputSchemaUpdate) Validate

func (s *InputSchemaUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type InputStartingPositionConfiguration

type InputStartingPositionConfiguration struct {

    // The starting position on the stream.
    //    * NOW - Start reading just after the most recent record in the stream,
    //    start at the request time stamp that the customer issued.
    //    * TRIM_HORIZON - Start reading at the last untrimmed record in the stream,
    //    which is the oldest record available in the stream. This option is not
    //    available for an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.
    //    * LAST_STOPPED_POINT - Resume reading from where the application last
    //    stopped reading.
    InputStartingPosition *string `type:"string" enum:"InputStartingPosition"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the point at which the application reads from the streaming source.

func (InputStartingPositionConfiguration) GoString

func (s InputStartingPositionConfiguration) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputStartingPositionConfiguration) SetInputStartingPosition

func (s *InputStartingPositionConfiguration) SetInputStartingPosition(v string) *InputStartingPositionConfiguration

SetInputStartingPosition sets the InputStartingPosition field's value.

func (InputStartingPositionConfiguration) String

func (s InputStartingPositionConfiguration) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type InputUpdate

type InputUpdate struct {

    // Input ID of the application input to be updated.
    // InputId is a required field
    InputId *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Describes the parallelism updates (the number in-application streams Amazon
    // Kinesis Analytics creates for the specific streaming source).
    InputParallelismUpdate *InputParallelismUpdate `type:"structure"`

    // Describes updates for an input processing configuration.
    InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate *InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate `type:"structure"`

    // Describes the data format on the streaming source, and how record elements
    // on the streaming source map to columns of the in-application stream that
    // is created.
    InputSchemaUpdate *InputSchemaUpdate `type:"structure"`

    // If an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream is the streaming source to
    // be updated, provides an updated stream ARN and IAM role ARN.
    KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate *KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate `type:"structure"`

    // If an Amazon Kinesis stream is the streaming source to be updated, provides
    // an updated stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and IAM role ARN.
    KinesisStreamsInputUpdate *KinesisStreamsInputUpdate `type:"structure"`

    // Name prefix for in-application streams that Amazon Kinesis Analytics creates
    // for the specific streaming source.
    NamePrefixUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes updates to a specific input configuration (identified by the InputId of an application).

func (InputUpdate) GoString

func (s InputUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputUpdate) SetInputId

func (s *InputUpdate) SetInputId(v string) *InputUpdate

SetInputId sets the InputId field's value.

func (*InputUpdate) SetInputParallelismUpdate

func (s *InputUpdate) SetInputParallelismUpdate(v *InputParallelismUpdate) *InputUpdate

SetInputParallelismUpdate sets the InputParallelismUpdate field's value.

func (*InputUpdate) SetInputProcessingConfigurationUpdate

func (s *InputUpdate) SetInputProcessingConfigurationUpdate(v *InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate) *InputUpdate

SetInputProcessingConfigurationUpdate sets the InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate field's value.

func (*InputUpdate) SetInputSchemaUpdate

func (s *InputUpdate) SetInputSchemaUpdate(v *InputSchemaUpdate) *InputUpdate

SetInputSchemaUpdate sets the InputSchemaUpdate field's value.

func (*InputUpdate) SetKinesisFirehoseInputUpdate

func (s *InputUpdate) SetKinesisFirehoseInputUpdate(v *KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate) *InputUpdate

SetKinesisFirehoseInputUpdate sets the KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate field's value.

func (*InputUpdate) SetKinesisStreamsInputUpdate

func (s *InputUpdate) SetKinesisStreamsInputUpdate(v *KinesisStreamsInputUpdate) *InputUpdate

SetKinesisStreamsInputUpdate sets the KinesisStreamsInputUpdate field's value.

func (*InputUpdate) SetNamePrefixUpdate

func (s *InputUpdate) SetNamePrefixUpdate(v string) *InputUpdate

SetNamePrefixUpdate sets the NamePrefixUpdate field's value.

func (InputUpdate) String

func (s InputUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InputUpdate) Validate

func (s *InputUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type InvalidApplicationConfigurationException

type InvalidApplicationConfigurationException struct {
    RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

    // test
    Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

User-provided application configuration is not valid.

func (*InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) Code

func (s *InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) Error

func (s *InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) Error() string

func (InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) GoString

func (s InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) Message

func (s *InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) OrigErr

func (s *InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) RequestID

func (s *InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) StatusCode

func (s *InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) String

func (s InvalidApplicationConfigurationException) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type InvalidArgumentException

type InvalidArgumentException struct {
    RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

    Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Specified input parameter value is invalid.

func (*InvalidArgumentException) Code

func (s *InvalidArgumentException) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*InvalidArgumentException) Error

func (s *InvalidArgumentException) Error() string

func (InvalidArgumentException) GoString

func (s InvalidArgumentException) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InvalidArgumentException) Message

func (s *InvalidArgumentException) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*InvalidArgumentException) OrigErr

func (s *InvalidArgumentException) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*InvalidArgumentException) RequestID

func (s *InvalidArgumentException) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*InvalidArgumentException) StatusCode

func (s *InvalidArgumentException) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (InvalidArgumentException) String

func (s InvalidArgumentException) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type JSONMappingParameters

type JSONMappingParameters struct {

    // Path to the top-level parent that contains the records.
    // RecordRowPath is a required field
    RecordRowPath *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source.

func (JSONMappingParameters) GoString

func (s JSONMappingParameters) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*JSONMappingParameters) SetRecordRowPath

func (s *JSONMappingParameters) SetRecordRowPath(v string) *JSONMappingParameters

SetRecordRowPath sets the RecordRowPath field's value.

func (JSONMappingParameters) String

func (s JSONMappingParameters) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*JSONMappingParameters) Validate

func (s *JSONMappingParameters) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type KinesisAnalytics

type KinesisAnalytics struct {

KinesisAnalytics provides the API operation methods for making requests to Amazon Kinesis Analytics. See this package's package overview docs for details on the service.

KinesisAnalytics methods are safe to use concurrently. It is not safe to modify mutate any of the struct's properties though.

func New

func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *KinesisAnalytics

New creates a new instance of the KinesisAnalytics client with a session. If additional configuration is needed for the client instance use the optional aws.Config parameter to add your extra config.


mySession := session.Must(session.NewSession())

// Create a KinesisAnalytics client from just a session.
svc := kinesisanalytics.New(mySession)

// Create a KinesisAnalytics client with additional configuration
svc := kinesisanalytics.New(mySession, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion("us-west-2"))

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption(input *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) (*AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput, error)

AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Adds a CloudWatch log stream to monitor application configuration errors. For more information about using CloudWatch log streams with Amazon Kinesis Analytics applications, see Working with Amazon CloudWatch Logs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/cloudwatch-logs.html).

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest(input *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput)

AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption for more information on using the AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest method.
req, resp := client.AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput, error)

AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionWithContext is the same as AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInput

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInput(input *AddApplicationInputInput) (*AddApplicationInputOutput, error)

AddApplicationInput API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Adds a streaming source to your Amazon Kinesis application. For conceptual information, see Configuring Application Input (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-input.html).

You can add a streaming source either when you create an application or you can use this operation to add a streaming source after you create an application. For more information, see CreateApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_CreateApplication.html).

Any configuration update, including adding a streaming source using this operation, results in a new version of the application. You can use the DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html) operation to find the current application version.

This operation requires permissions to perform the kinesisanalytics:AddApplicationInput action.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation AddApplicationInput for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

  • CodeValidationException User-provided application code (query) is invalid. This can be a simple syntax error.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/AddApplicationInput

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration(input *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) (*AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput, error)

AddApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Adds an InputProcessingConfiguration (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_InputProcessingConfiguration.html) to an application. An input processor preprocesses records on the input stream before the application's SQL code executes. Currently, the only input processor available is AWS Lambda (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/).

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation AddApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/AddApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest(input *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput)

AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the AddApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See AddApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration for more information on using the AddApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest method.
req, resp := client.AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/AddApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput, error)

AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationWithContext is the same as AddApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See AddApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputRequest(input *AddApplicationInputInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddApplicationInputOutput)

AddApplicationInputRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the AddApplicationInput operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See AddApplicationInput for more information on using the AddApplicationInput API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the AddApplicationInputRequest method.
req, resp := client.AddApplicationInputRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/AddApplicationInput

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationInputWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddApplicationInputInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddApplicationInputOutput, error)

AddApplicationInputWithContext is the same as AddApplicationInput with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See AddApplicationInput for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationOutput

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationOutput(input *AddApplicationOutputInput) (*AddApplicationOutputOutput, error)

AddApplicationOutput API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Adds an external destination to your Amazon Kinesis Analytics application.

If you want Amazon Kinesis Analytics to deliver data from an in-application stream within your application to an external destination (such as an Amazon Kinesis stream, an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream, or an AWS Lambda function), you add the relevant configuration to your application using this operation. You can configure one or more outputs for your application. Each output configuration maps an in-application stream and an external destination.

You can use one of the output configurations to deliver data from your in-application error stream to an external destination so that you can analyze the errors. For more information, see Understanding Application Output (Destination) (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-output.html).

Any configuration update, including adding a streaming source using this operation, results in a new version of the application. You can use the DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html) operation to find the current application version.

For the limits on the number of application inputs and outputs you can configure, see Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/limits.html).

This operation requires permissions to perform the kinesisanalytics:AddApplicationOutput action.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation AddApplicationOutput for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/AddApplicationOutput

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationOutputRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationOutputRequest(input *AddApplicationOutputInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddApplicationOutputOutput)

AddApplicationOutputRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the AddApplicationOutput operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See AddApplicationOutput for more information on using the AddApplicationOutput API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the AddApplicationOutputRequest method.
req, resp := client.AddApplicationOutputRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/AddApplicationOutput

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationOutputWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationOutputWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddApplicationOutputInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddApplicationOutputOutput, error)

AddApplicationOutputWithContext is the same as AddApplicationOutput with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See AddApplicationOutput for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationReferenceDataSource

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationReferenceDataSource(input *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) (*AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput, error)

AddApplicationReferenceDataSource API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Adds a reference data source to an existing application.

Amazon Kinesis Analytics reads reference data (that is, an Amazon S3 object) and creates an in-application table within your application. In the request, you provide the source (S3 bucket name and object key name), name of the in-application table to create, and the necessary mapping information that describes how data in Amazon S3 object maps to columns in the resulting in-application table.

For conceptual information, see Configuring Application Input (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-input.html). For the limits on data sources you can add to your application, see Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/limits.html).

This operation requires permissions to perform the kinesisanalytics:AddApplicationOutput action.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation AddApplicationReferenceDataSource for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/AddApplicationReferenceDataSource

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest(input *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput)

AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the AddApplicationReferenceDataSource operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See AddApplicationReferenceDataSource for more information on using the AddApplicationReferenceDataSource API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest method.
req, resp := client.AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/AddApplicationReferenceDataSource

func (*KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput, error)

AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithContext is the same as AddApplicationReferenceDataSource with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See AddApplicationReferenceDataSource for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) CreateApplication

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) CreateApplication(input *CreateApplicationInput) (*CreateApplicationOutput, error)

CreateApplication API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Creates an Amazon Kinesis Analytics application. You can configure each application with one streaming source as input, application code to process the input, and up to three destinations where you want Amazon Kinesis Analytics to write the output data from your application. For an overview, see How it Works (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works.html).

In the input configuration, you map the streaming source to an in-application stream, which you can think of as a constantly updating table. In the mapping, you must provide a schema for the in-application stream and map each data column in the in-application stream to a data element in the streaming source.

Your application code is one or more SQL statements that read input data, transform it, and generate output. Your application code can create one or more SQL artifacts like SQL streams or pumps.

In the output configuration, you can configure the application to write data from in-application streams created in your applications to up to three destinations.

To read data from your source stream or write data to destination streams, Amazon Kinesis Analytics needs your permissions. You grant these permissions by creating IAM roles. This operation requires permissions to perform the kinesisanalytics:CreateApplication action.

For introductory exercises to create an Amazon Kinesis Analytics application, see Getting Started (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/getting-started.html).

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation CreateApplication for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • CodeValidationException User-provided application code (query) is invalid. This can be a simple syntax error.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • LimitExceededException Exceeded the number of applications allowed.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • TooManyTagsException Application created with too many tags, or too many tags added to an application. Note that the maximum number of application tags includes system tags. The maximum number of user-defined application tags is 50.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/CreateApplication

func (*KinesisAnalytics) CreateApplicationRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) CreateApplicationRequest(input *CreateApplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateApplicationOutput)

CreateApplicationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CreateApplication operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See CreateApplication for more information on using the CreateApplication API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the CreateApplicationRequest method.
req, resp := client.CreateApplicationRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/CreateApplication

func (*KinesisAnalytics) CreateApplicationWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) CreateApplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateApplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateApplicationOutput, error)

CreateApplicationWithContext is the same as CreateApplication with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CreateApplication for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplication

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplication(input *DeleteApplicationInput) (*DeleteApplicationOutput, error)

DeleteApplication API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Deletes the specified application. Amazon Kinesis Analytics halts application execution and deletes the application, including any application artifacts (such as in-application streams, reference table, and application code).

This operation requires permissions to perform the kinesisanalytics:DeleteApplication action.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation DeleteApplication for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DeleteApplication

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption(input *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) (*DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput, error)

DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Deletes a CloudWatch log stream from an application. For more information about using CloudWatch log streams with Amazon Kinesis Analytics applications, see Working with Amazon CloudWatch Logs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/cloudwatch-logs.html).

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest(input *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput)

DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption for more information on using the DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionOutput, error)

DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionWithContext is the same as DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOption for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration(input *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) (*DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput, error)

DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Deletes an InputProcessingConfiguration (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_InputProcessingConfiguration.html) from an input.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest(input *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput)

DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration for more information on using the DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationOutput, error)

DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationWithContext is the same as DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfiguration for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationOutput

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationOutput(input *DeleteApplicationOutputInput) (*DeleteApplicationOutputOutput, error)

DeleteApplicationOutput API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Deletes output destination configuration from your application configuration. Amazon Kinesis Analytics will no longer write data from the corresponding in-application stream to the external output destination.

This operation requires permissions to perform the kinesisanalytics:DeleteApplicationOutput action.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation DeleteApplicationOutput for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DeleteApplicationOutput

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationOutputRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationOutputRequest(input *DeleteApplicationOutputInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteApplicationOutputOutput)

DeleteApplicationOutputRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteApplicationOutput operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteApplicationOutput for more information on using the DeleteApplicationOutput API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteApplicationOutputRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteApplicationOutputRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DeleteApplicationOutput

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationOutputWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationOutputWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteApplicationOutputInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteApplicationOutputOutput, error)

DeleteApplicationOutputWithContext is the same as DeleteApplicationOutput with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteApplicationOutput for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSource

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSource(input *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) (*DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput, error)

DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSource API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Deletes a reference data source configuration from the specified application configuration.

If the application is running, Amazon Kinesis Analytics immediately removes the in-application table that you created using the AddApplicationReferenceDataSource (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_AddApplicationReferenceDataSource.html) operation.

This operation requires permissions to perform the kinesisanalytics.DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSource action.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSource for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSource

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest(input *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput)

DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSource operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSource for more information on using the DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSource API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSource

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceOutput, error)

DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithContext is the same as DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSource with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSource for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationRequest(input *DeleteApplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteApplicationOutput)

DeleteApplicationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteApplication operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteApplication for more information on using the DeleteApplication API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteApplicationRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteApplicationRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DeleteApplication

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DeleteApplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteApplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteApplicationOutput, error)

DeleteApplicationWithContext is the same as DeleteApplication with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteApplication for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DescribeApplication

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DescribeApplication(input *DescribeApplicationInput) (*DescribeApplicationOutput, error)

DescribeApplication API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Returns information about a specific Amazon Kinesis Analytics application.

If you want to retrieve a list of all applications in your account, use the ListApplications (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_ListApplications.html) operation.

This operation requires permissions to perform the kinesisanalytics:DescribeApplication action. You can use DescribeApplication to get the current application versionId, which you need to call other operations such as Update.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation DescribeApplication for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DescribeApplication

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DescribeApplicationRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DescribeApplicationRequest(input *DescribeApplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeApplicationOutput)

DescribeApplicationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeApplication operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeApplication for more information on using the DescribeApplication API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeApplicationRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeApplicationRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DescribeApplication

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DescribeApplicationWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DescribeApplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeApplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeApplicationOutput, error)

DescribeApplicationWithContext is the same as DescribeApplication with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeApplication for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DiscoverInputSchema

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DiscoverInputSchema(input *DiscoverInputSchemaInput) (*DiscoverInputSchemaOutput, error)

DiscoverInputSchema API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Infers a schema by evaluating sample records on the specified streaming source (Amazon Kinesis stream or Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream) or S3 object. In the response, the operation returns the inferred schema and also the sample records that the operation used to infer the schema.

You can use the inferred schema when configuring a streaming source for your application. For conceptual information, see Configuring Application Input (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-input.html). Note that when you create an application using the Amazon Kinesis Analytics console, the console uses this operation to infer a schema and show it in the console user interface.

This operation requires permissions to perform the kinesisanalytics:DiscoverInputSchema action.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation DiscoverInputSchema for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • UnableToDetectSchemaException Data format is not valid. Amazon Kinesis Analytics is not able to detect schema for the given streaming source.

  • ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException Discovery failed to get a record from the streaming source because of the Amazon Kinesis Streams ProvisionedThroughputExceededException. For more information, see GetRecords (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/APIReference/API_GetRecords.html) in the Amazon Kinesis Streams API Reference.

  • ServiceUnavailableException The service is unavailable. Back off and retry the operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DiscoverInputSchema

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DiscoverInputSchemaRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DiscoverInputSchemaRequest(input *DiscoverInputSchemaInput) (req *request.Request, output *DiscoverInputSchemaOutput)

DiscoverInputSchemaRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DiscoverInputSchema operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DiscoverInputSchema for more information on using the DiscoverInputSchema API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DiscoverInputSchemaRequest method.
req, resp := client.DiscoverInputSchemaRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/DiscoverInputSchema

func (*KinesisAnalytics) DiscoverInputSchemaWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) DiscoverInputSchemaWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DiscoverInputSchemaInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DiscoverInputSchemaOutput, error)

DiscoverInputSchemaWithContext is the same as DiscoverInputSchema with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DiscoverInputSchema for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) ListApplications

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) ListApplications(input *ListApplicationsInput) (*ListApplicationsOutput, error)

ListApplications API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Returns a list of Amazon Kinesis Analytics applications in your account. For each application, the response includes the application name, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and status. If the response returns the HasMoreApplications value as true, you can send another request by adding the ExclusiveStartApplicationName in the request body, and set the value of this to the last application name from the previous response.

If you want detailed information about a specific application, use DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html).

This operation requires permissions to perform the kinesisanalytics:ListApplications action.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation ListApplications for usage and error information. See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/ListApplications

func (*KinesisAnalytics) ListApplicationsRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) ListApplicationsRequest(input *ListApplicationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListApplicationsOutput)

ListApplicationsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ListApplications operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ListApplications for more information on using the ListApplications API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ListApplicationsRequest method.
req, resp := client.ListApplicationsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/ListApplications

func (*KinesisAnalytics) ListApplicationsWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) ListApplicationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListApplicationsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListApplicationsOutput, error)

ListApplicationsWithContext is the same as ListApplications with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ListApplications for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) ListTagsForResource

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) ListTagsForResource(input *ListTagsForResourceInput) (*ListTagsForResourceOutput, error)

ListTagsForResource API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

Retrieves the list of key-value tags assigned to the application. For more information, see Using Tagging (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-tagging.html).

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation ListTagsForResource for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/ListTagsForResource

func (*KinesisAnalytics) ListTagsForResourceRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) ListTagsForResourceRequest(input *ListTagsForResourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListTagsForResourceOutput)

ListTagsForResourceRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ListTagsForResource operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ListTagsForResource for more information on using the ListTagsForResource API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ListTagsForResourceRequest method.
req, resp := client.ListTagsForResourceRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/ListTagsForResource

func (*KinesisAnalytics) ListTagsForResourceWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) ListTagsForResourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListTagsForResourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListTagsForResourceOutput, error)

ListTagsForResourceWithContext is the same as ListTagsForResource with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ListTagsForResource for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) StartApplication

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) StartApplication(input *StartApplicationInput) (*StartApplicationOutput, error)

StartApplication API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Starts the specified Amazon Kinesis Analytics application. After creating an application, you must exclusively call this operation to start your application.

After the application starts, it begins consuming the input data, processes it, and writes the output to the configured destination.

The application status must be READY for you to start an application. You can get the application status in the console or using the DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html) operation.

After you start the application, you can stop the application from processing the input by calling the StopApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_StopApplication.html) operation.

This operation requires permissions to perform the kinesisanalytics:StartApplication action.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation StartApplication for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • InvalidApplicationConfigurationException User-provided application configuration is not valid.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/StartApplication

func (*KinesisAnalytics) StartApplicationRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) StartApplicationRequest(input *StartApplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartApplicationOutput)

StartApplicationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StartApplication operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StartApplication for more information on using the StartApplication API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StartApplicationRequest method.
req, resp := client.StartApplicationRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/StartApplication

func (*KinesisAnalytics) StartApplicationWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) StartApplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartApplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartApplicationOutput, error)

StartApplicationWithContext is the same as StartApplication with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StartApplication for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) StopApplication

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) StopApplication(input *StopApplicationInput) (*StopApplicationOutput, error)

StopApplication API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Stops the application from processing input data. You can stop an application only if it is in the running state. You can use the DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html) operation to find the application state. After the application is stopped, Amazon Kinesis Analytics stops reading data from the input, the application stops processing data, and there is no output written to the destination.

This operation requires permissions to perform the kinesisanalytics:StopApplication action.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation StopApplication for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/StopApplication

func (*KinesisAnalytics) StopApplicationRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) StopApplicationRequest(input *StopApplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *StopApplicationOutput)

StopApplicationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StopApplication operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StopApplication for more information on using the StopApplication API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StopApplicationRequest method.
req, resp := client.StopApplicationRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/StopApplication

func (*KinesisAnalytics) StopApplicationWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) StopApplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StopApplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StopApplicationOutput, error)

StopApplicationWithContext is the same as StopApplication with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StopApplication for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) TagResource

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) TagResource(input *TagResourceInput) (*TagResourceOutput, error)

TagResource API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

Adds one or more key-value tags to a Kinesis Analytics application. Note that the maximum number of application tags includes system tags. The maximum number of user-defined application tags is 50. For more information, see Using Tagging (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-tagging.html).

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation TagResource for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • TooManyTagsException Application created with too many tags, or too many tags added to an application. Note that the maximum number of application tags includes system tags. The maximum number of user-defined application tags is 50.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/TagResource

func (*KinesisAnalytics) TagResourceRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) TagResourceRequest(input *TagResourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *TagResourceOutput)

TagResourceRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the TagResource operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See TagResource for more information on using the TagResource API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the TagResourceRequest method.
req, resp := client.TagResourceRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/TagResource

func (*KinesisAnalytics) TagResourceWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) TagResourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *TagResourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*TagResourceOutput, error)

TagResourceWithContext is the same as TagResource with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See TagResource for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) UntagResource

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) UntagResource(input *UntagResourceInput) (*UntagResourceOutput, error)

UntagResource API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

Removes one or more tags from a Kinesis Analytics application. For more information, see Using Tagging (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-tagging.html).

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation UntagResource for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • TooManyTagsException Application created with too many tags, or too many tags added to an application. Note that the maximum number of application tags includes system tags. The maximum number of user-defined application tags is 50.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/UntagResource

func (*KinesisAnalytics) UntagResourceRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) UntagResourceRequest(input *UntagResourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *UntagResourceOutput)

UntagResourceRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the UntagResource operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See UntagResource for more information on using the UntagResource API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the UntagResourceRequest method.
req, resp := client.UntagResourceRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/UntagResource

func (*KinesisAnalytics) UntagResourceWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) UntagResourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *UntagResourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*UntagResourceOutput, error)

UntagResourceWithContext is the same as UntagResource with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See UntagResource for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

func (*KinesisAnalytics) UpdateApplication

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) UpdateApplication(input *UpdateApplicationInput) (*UpdateApplicationOutput, error)

UpdateApplication API operation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.

This documentation is for version 1 of the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API, which only supports SQL applications. Version 2 of the API supports SQL and Java applications. For more information about version 2, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics API V2 Documentation (/kinesisanalytics/latest/apiv2/Welcome.html).

Updates an existing Amazon Kinesis Analytics application. Using this API, you can update application code, input configuration, and output configuration.

Note that Amazon Kinesis Analytics updates the CurrentApplicationVersionId each time you update your application.

This operation requires permission for the kinesisanalytics:UpdateApplication action.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for Amazon Kinesis Analytics's API operation UpdateApplication for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • CodeValidationException User-provided application code (query) is invalid. This can be a simple syntax error.

  • ResourceNotFoundException Specified application can't be found.

  • ResourceInUseException Application is not available for this operation.

  • InvalidArgumentException Specified input parameter value is invalid.

  • ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.

  • UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/UpdateApplication

func (*KinesisAnalytics) UpdateApplicationRequest

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) UpdateApplicationRequest(input *UpdateApplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *UpdateApplicationOutput)

UpdateApplicationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the UpdateApplication operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See UpdateApplication for more information on using the UpdateApplication API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the UpdateApplicationRequest method.
req, resp := client.UpdateApplicationRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/kinesisanalytics-2015-08-14/UpdateApplication

func (*KinesisAnalytics) UpdateApplicationWithContext

func (c *KinesisAnalytics) UpdateApplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *UpdateApplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*UpdateApplicationOutput, error)

UpdateApplicationWithContext is the same as UpdateApplication with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See UpdateApplication for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See https://golang.org/pkg/context/ for more information on using Contexts.

type KinesisFirehoseInput

type KinesisFirehoseInput struct {

    // ARN of the input delivery stream.
    // ResourceARN is a required field
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to access the
    // stream on your behalf. You need to make sure that the role has the necessary
    // permissions to access the stream.
    // RoleARN is a required field
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Identifies an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream as the streaming source. You provide the delivery stream's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and an IAM role ARN that enables Amazon Kinesis Analytics to access the stream on your behalf.

func (KinesisFirehoseInput) GoString

func (s KinesisFirehoseInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisFirehoseInput) SetResourceARN

func (s *KinesisFirehoseInput) SetResourceARN(v string) *KinesisFirehoseInput

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*KinesisFirehoseInput) SetRoleARN

func (s *KinesisFirehoseInput) SetRoleARN(v string) *KinesisFirehoseInput

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (KinesisFirehoseInput) String

func (s KinesisFirehoseInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisFirehoseInput) Validate

func (s *KinesisFirehoseInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type KinesisFirehoseInputDescription

type KinesisFirehoseInputDescription struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics assumes to access the stream.
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream that is configured as the streaming source in the application input configuration.

func (KinesisFirehoseInputDescription) GoString

func (s KinesisFirehoseInputDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisFirehoseInputDescription) SetResourceARN

func (s *KinesisFirehoseInputDescription) SetResourceARN(v string) *KinesisFirehoseInputDescription

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*KinesisFirehoseInputDescription) SetRoleARN

func (s *KinesisFirehoseInputDescription) SetRoleARN(v string) *KinesisFirehoseInputDescription

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (KinesisFirehoseInputDescription) String

func (s KinesisFirehoseInputDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate

type KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the input Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery
    // stream to read.
    ResourceARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to access the
    // stream on your behalf. You need to grant the necessary permissions to this
    // role.
    RoleARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

When updating application input configuration, provides information about an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream as the streaming source.

func (KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate) GoString

func (s KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate) SetResourceARNUpdate

func (s *KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate) SetResourceARNUpdate(v string) *KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate

SetResourceARNUpdate sets the ResourceARNUpdate field's value.

func (*KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate

func (s *KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate(v string) *KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate

SetRoleARNUpdate sets the RoleARNUpdate field's value.

func (KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate) String

func (s KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate) Validate

func (s *KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type KinesisFirehoseOutput

type KinesisFirehoseOutput struct {

    // ARN of the destination Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream to write to.
    // ResourceARN is a required field
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to write to
    // the destination stream on your behalf. You need to grant the necessary permissions
    // to this role.
    // RoleARN is a required field
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

When configuring application output, identifies an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream as the destination. You provide the stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and an IAM role that enables Amazon Kinesis Analytics to write to the stream on your behalf.

func (KinesisFirehoseOutput) GoString

func (s KinesisFirehoseOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisFirehoseOutput) SetResourceARN

func (s *KinesisFirehoseOutput) SetResourceARN(v string) *KinesisFirehoseOutput

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*KinesisFirehoseOutput) SetRoleARN

func (s *KinesisFirehoseOutput) SetRoleARN(v string) *KinesisFirehoseOutput

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (KinesisFirehoseOutput) String

func (s KinesisFirehoseOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisFirehoseOutput) Validate

func (s *KinesisFirehoseOutput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription

type KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to access the
    // stream.
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

For an application output, describes the Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream configured as its destination.

func (KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription) GoString

func (s KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription) SetResourceARN

func (s *KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription) SetResourceARN(v string) *KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription) SetRoleARN

func (s *KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription) SetRoleARN(v string) *KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription) String

func (s KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate

type KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream
    // to write to.
    ResourceARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to access the
    // stream on your behalf. You need to grant the necessary permissions to this
    // role.
    RoleARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

When updating an output configuration using the UpdateApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_UpdateApplication.html) operation, provides information about an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream configured as the destination.

func (KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate) GoString

func (s KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate) SetResourceARNUpdate

func (s *KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate) SetResourceARNUpdate(v string) *KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate

SetResourceARNUpdate sets the ResourceARNUpdate field's value.

func (*KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate

func (s *KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate(v string) *KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate

SetRoleARNUpdate sets the RoleARNUpdate field's value.

func (KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate) String

func (s KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate) Validate

func (s *KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type KinesisStreamsInput

type KinesisStreamsInput struct {

    // ARN of the input Amazon Kinesis stream to read.
    // ResourceARN is a required field
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to access the
    // stream on your behalf. You need to grant the necessary permissions to this
    // role.
    // RoleARN is a required field
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Identifies an Amazon Kinesis stream as the streaming source. You provide the stream's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and an IAM role ARN that enables Amazon Kinesis Analytics to access the stream on your behalf.

func (KinesisStreamsInput) GoString

func (s KinesisStreamsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisStreamsInput) SetResourceARN

func (s *KinesisStreamsInput) SetResourceARN(v string) *KinesisStreamsInput

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*KinesisStreamsInput) SetRoleARN

func (s *KinesisStreamsInput) SetRoleARN(v string) *KinesisStreamsInput

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (KinesisStreamsInput) String

func (s KinesisStreamsInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisStreamsInput) Validate

func (s *KinesisStreamsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type KinesisStreamsInputDescription

type KinesisStreamsInputDescription struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream.
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to access the
    // stream.
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the Amazon Kinesis stream that is configured as the streaming source in the application input configuration.

func (KinesisStreamsInputDescription) GoString

func (s KinesisStreamsInputDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisStreamsInputDescription) SetResourceARN

func (s *KinesisStreamsInputDescription) SetResourceARN(v string) *KinesisStreamsInputDescription

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*KinesisStreamsInputDescription) SetRoleARN

func (s *KinesisStreamsInputDescription) SetRoleARN(v string) *KinesisStreamsInputDescription

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (KinesisStreamsInputDescription) String

func (s KinesisStreamsInputDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type KinesisStreamsInputUpdate

type KinesisStreamsInputUpdate struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the input Amazon Kinesis stream to read.
    ResourceARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to access the
    // stream on your behalf. You need to grant the necessary permissions to this
    // role.
    RoleARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

When updating application input configuration, provides information about an Amazon Kinesis stream as the streaming source.

func (KinesisStreamsInputUpdate) GoString

func (s KinesisStreamsInputUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisStreamsInputUpdate) SetResourceARNUpdate

func (s *KinesisStreamsInputUpdate) SetResourceARNUpdate(v string) *KinesisStreamsInputUpdate

SetResourceARNUpdate sets the ResourceARNUpdate field's value.

func (*KinesisStreamsInputUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate

func (s *KinesisStreamsInputUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate(v string) *KinesisStreamsInputUpdate

SetRoleARNUpdate sets the RoleARNUpdate field's value.

func (KinesisStreamsInputUpdate) String

func (s KinesisStreamsInputUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisStreamsInputUpdate) Validate

func (s *KinesisStreamsInputUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type KinesisStreamsOutput

type KinesisStreamsOutput struct {

    // ARN of the destination Amazon Kinesis stream to write to.
    // ResourceARN is a required field
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to write to
    // the destination stream on your behalf. You need to grant the necessary permissions
    // to this role.
    // RoleARN is a required field
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

When configuring application output, identifies an Amazon Kinesis stream as the destination. You provide the stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and also an IAM role ARN that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can use to write to the stream on your behalf.

func (KinesisStreamsOutput) GoString

func (s KinesisStreamsOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisStreamsOutput) SetResourceARN

func (s *KinesisStreamsOutput) SetResourceARN(v string) *KinesisStreamsOutput

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*KinesisStreamsOutput) SetRoleARN

func (s *KinesisStreamsOutput) SetRoleARN(v string) *KinesisStreamsOutput

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (KinesisStreamsOutput) String

func (s KinesisStreamsOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisStreamsOutput) Validate

func (s *KinesisStreamsOutput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type KinesisStreamsOutputDescription

type KinesisStreamsOutputDescription struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream.
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to access the
    // stream.
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

For an application output, describes the Amazon Kinesis stream configured as its destination.

func (KinesisStreamsOutputDescription) GoString

func (s KinesisStreamsOutputDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisStreamsOutputDescription) SetResourceARN

func (s *KinesisStreamsOutputDescription) SetResourceARN(v string) *KinesisStreamsOutputDescription

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*KinesisStreamsOutputDescription) SetRoleARN

func (s *KinesisStreamsOutputDescription) SetRoleARN(v string) *KinesisStreamsOutputDescription

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (KinesisStreamsOutputDescription) String

func (s KinesisStreamsOutputDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate

type KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis stream where you want to
    // write the output.
    ResourceARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to access the
    // stream on your behalf. You need to grant the necessary permissions to this
    // role.
    RoleARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

When updating an output configuration using the UpdateApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_UpdateApplication.html) operation, provides information about an Amazon Kinesis stream configured as the destination.

func (KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate) GoString

func (s KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate) SetResourceARNUpdate

func (s *KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate) SetResourceARNUpdate(v string) *KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate

SetResourceARNUpdate sets the ResourceARNUpdate field's value.

func (*KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate

func (s *KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate(v string) *KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate

SetRoleARNUpdate sets the RoleARNUpdate field's value.

func (KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate) String

func (s KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate) Validate

func (s *KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type LambdaOutput

type LambdaOutput struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination Lambda function to write to.
    // To specify an earlier version of the Lambda function than the latest, include
    // the Lambda function version in the Lambda function ARN. For more information
    // about Lambda ARNs, see Example ARNs: AWS Lambda (/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html#arn-syntax-lambda)
    // ResourceARN is a required field
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to write to
    // the destination function on your behalf. You need to grant the necessary
    // permissions to this role.
    // RoleARN is a required field
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

When configuring application output, identifies an AWS Lambda function as the destination. You provide the function Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and also an IAM role ARN that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can use to write to the function on your behalf.

func (LambdaOutput) GoString

func (s LambdaOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*LambdaOutput) SetResourceARN

func (s *LambdaOutput) SetResourceARN(v string) *LambdaOutput

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*LambdaOutput) SetRoleARN

func (s *LambdaOutput) SetRoleARN(v string) *LambdaOutput

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (LambdaOutput) String

func (s LambdaOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*LambdaOutput) Validate

func (s *LambdaOutput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type LambdaOutputDescription

type LambdaOutputDescription struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination Lambda function.
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to write to
    // the destination function.
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

For an application output, describes the AWS Lambda function configured as its destination.

func (LambdaOutputDescription) GoString

func (s LambdaOutputDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*LambdaOutputDescription) SetResourceARN

func (s *LambdaOutputDescription) SetResourceARN(v string) *LambdaOutputDescription

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*LambdaOutputDescription) SetRoleARN

func (s *LambdaOutputDescription) SetRoleARN(v string) *LambdaOutputDescription

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (LambdaOutputDescription) String

func (s LambdaOutputDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type LambdaOutputUpdate

type LambdaOutputUpdate struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination Lambda function.
    // To specify an earlier version of the Lambda function than the latest, include
    // the Lambda function version in the Lambda function ARN. For more information
    // about Lambda ARNs, see Example ARNs: AWS Lambda (/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html#arn-syntax-lambda)
    ResourceARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to write to
    // the destination function on your behalf. You need to grant the necessary
    // permissions to this role.
    RoleARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

When updating an output configuration using the UpdateApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_UpdateApplication.html) operation, provides information about an AWS Lambda function configured as the destination.

func (LambdaOutputUpdate) GoString

func (s LambdaOutputUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*LambdaOutputUpdate) SetResourceARNUpdate

func (s *LambdaOutputUpdate) SetResourceARNUpdate(v string) *LambdaOutputUpdate

SetResourceARNUpdate sets the ResourceARNUpdate field's value.

func (*LambdaOutputUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate

func (s *LambdaOutputUpdate) SetRoleARNUpdate(v string) *LambdaOutputUpdate

SetRoleARNUpdate sets the RoleARNUpdate field's value.

func (LambdaOutputUpdate) String

func (s LambdaOutputUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*LambdaOutputUpdate) Validate

func (s *LambdaOutputUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type LimitExceededException

type LimitExceededException struct {
    RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

    Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Exceeded the number of applications allowed.

func (*LimitExceededException) Code

func (s *LimitExceededException) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*LimitExceededException) Error

func (s *LimitExceededException) Error() string

func (LimitExceededException) GoString

func (s LimitExceededException) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*LimitExceededException) Message

func (s *LimitExceededException) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*LimitExceededException) OrigErr

func (s *LimitExceededException) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*LimitExceededException) RequestID

func (s *LimitExceededException) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*LimitExceededException) StatusCode

func (s *LimitExceededException) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (LimitExceededException) String

func (s LimitExceededException) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ListApplicationsInput

type ListApplicationsInput struct {

    // Name of the application to start the list with. When using pagination to
    // retrieve the list, you don't need to specify this parameter in the first
    // request. However, in subsequent requests, you add the last application name
    // from the previous response to get the next page of applications.
    ExclusiveStartApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // Maximum number of applications to list.
    Limit *int64 `min:"1" type:"integer"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListApplicationsInput) GoString

func (s ListApplicationsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ListApplicationsInput) SetExclusiveStartApplicationName

func (s *ListApplicationsInput) SetExclusiveStartApplicationName(v string) *ListApplicationsInput

SetExclusiveStartApplicationName sets the ExclusiveStartApplicationName field's value.

func (*ListApplicationsInput) SetLimit

func (s *ListApplicationsInput) SetLimit(v int64) *ListApplicationsInput

SetLimit sets the Limit field's value.

func (ListApplicationsInput) String

func (s ListApplicationsInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ListApplicationsInput) Validate

func (s *ListApplicationsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ListApplicationsOutput

type ListApplicationsOutput struct {

    // List of ApplicationSummary objects.
    // ApplicationSummaries is a required field
    ApplicationSummaries []*ApplicationSummary `type:"list" required:"true"`

    // Returns true if there are more applications to retrieve.
    // HasMoreApplications is a required field
    HasMoreApplications *bool `type:"boolean" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListApplicationsOutput) GoString

func (s ListApplicationsOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ListApplicationsOutput) SetApplicationSummaries

func (s *ListApplicationsOutput) SetApplicationSummaries(v []*ApplicationSummary) *ListApplicationsOutput

SetApplicationSummaries sets the ApplicationSummaries field's value.

func (*ListApplicationsOutput) SetHasMoreApplications

func (s *ListApplicationsOutput) SetHasMoreApplications(v bool) *ListApplicationsOutput

SetHasMoreApplications sets the HasMoreApplications field's value.

func (ListApplicationsOutput) String

func (s ListApplicationsOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ListTagsForResourceInput

type ListTagsForResourceInput struct {

    // The ARN of the application for which to retrieve tags.
    // ResourceARN is a required field
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListTagsForResourceInput) GoString

func (s ListTagsForResourceInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ListTagsForResourceInput) SetResourceARN

func (s *ListTagsForResourceInput) SetResourceARN(v string) *ListTagsForResourceInput

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (ListTagsForResourceInput) String

func (s ListTagsForResourceInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ListTagsForResourceInput) Validate

func (s *ListTagsForResourceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ListTagsForResourceOutput

type ListTagsForResourceOutput struct {

    // The key-value tags assigned to the application.
    Tags []*Tag `min:"1" type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListTagsForResourceOutput) GoString

func (s ListTagsForResourceOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ListTagsForResourceOutput) SetTags

func (s *ListTagsForResourceOutput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *ListTagsForResourceOutput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (ListTagsForResourceOutput) String

func (s ListTagsForResourceOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type MappingParameters

type MappingParameters struct {

    // Provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters
    // (for example, CSV).
    CSVMappingParameters *CSVMappingParameters `type:"structure"`

    // Provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on
    // the streaming source.
    JSONMappingParameters *JSONMappingParameters `type:"structure"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

When configuring application input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the streaming source.

func (MappingParameters) GoString

func (s MappingParameters) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*MappingParameters) SetCSVMappingParameters

func (s *MappingParameters) SetCSVMappingParameters(v *CSVMappingParameters) *MappingParameters

SetCSVMappingParameters sets the CSVMappingParameters field's value.

func (*MappingParameters) SetJSONMappingParameters

func (s *MappingParameters) SetJSONMappingParameters(v *JSONMappingParameters) *MappingParameters

SetJSONMappingParameters sets the JSONMappingParameters field's value.

func (MappingParameters) String

func (s MappingParameters) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*MappingParameters) Validate

func (s *MappingParameters) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type Output

type Output struct {

    // Describes the data format when records are written to the destination. For
    // more information, see Configuring Application Output (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-output.html).
    // DestinationSchema is a required field
    DestinationSchema *DestinationSchema `type:"structure" required:"true"`

    // Identifies an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream as the destination.
    KinesisFirehoseOutput *KinesisFirehoseOutput `type:"structure"`

    // Identifies an Amazon Kinesis stream as the destination.
    KinesisStreamsOutput *KinesisStreamsOutput `type:"structure"`

    // Identifies an AWS Lambda function as the destination.
    LambdaOutput *LambdaOutput `type:"structure"`

    // Name of the in-application stream.
    // Name is a required field
    Name *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes application output configuration in which you identify an in-application stream and a destination where you want the in-application stream data to be written. The destination can be an Amazon Kinesis stream or an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.

For limits on how many destinations an application can write and other limitations, see Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/limits.html).

func (Output) GoString

func (s Output) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Output) SetDestinationSchema

func (s *Output) SetDestinationSchema(v *DestinationSchema) *Output

SetDestinationSchema sets the DestinationSchema field's value.

func (*Output) SetKinesisFirehoseOutput

func (s *Output) SetKinesisFirehoseOutput(v *KinesisFirehoseOutput) *Output

SetKinesisFirehoseOutput sets the KinesisFirehoseOutput field's value.

func (*Output) SetKinesisStreamsOutput

func (s *Output) SetKinesisStreamsOutput(v *KinesisStreamsOutput) *Output

SetKinesisStreamsOutput sets the KinesisStreamsOutput field's value.

func (*Output) SetLambdaOutput

func (s *Output) SetLambdaOutput(v *LambdaOutput) *Output

SetLambdaOutput sets the LambdaOutput field's value.

func (*Output) SetName

func (s *Output) SetName(v string) *Output

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (Output) String

func (s Output) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Output) Validate

func (s *Output) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type OutputDescription

type OutputDescription struct {

    // Data format used for writing data to the destination.
    DestinationSchema *DestinationSchema `type:"structure"`

    // Describes the Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream configured as the destination
    // where output is written.
    KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription *KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription `type:"structure"`

    // Describes Amazon Kinesis stream configured as the destination where output
    // is written.
    KinesisStreamsOutputDescription *KinesisStreamsOutputDescription `type:"structure"`

    // Describes the AWS Lambda function configured as the destination where output
    // is written.
    LambdaOutputDescription *LambdaOutputDescription `type:"structure"`

    // Name of the in-application stream configured as output.
    Name *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // A unique identifier for the output configuration.
    OutputId *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the application output configuration, which includes the in-application stream name and the destination where the stream data is written. The destination can be an Amazon Kinesis stream or an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.

func (OutputDescription) GoString

func (s OutputDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*OutputDescription) SetDestinationSchema

func (s *OutputDescription) SetDestinationSchema(v *DestinationSchema) *OutputDescription

SetDestinationSchema sets the DestinationSchema field's value.

func (*OutputDescription) SetKinesisFirehoseOutputDescription

func (s *OutputDescription) SetKinesisFirehoseOutputDescription(v *KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription) *OutputDescription

SetKinesisFirehoseOutputDescription sets the KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription field's value.

func (*OutputDescription) SetKinesisStreamsOutputDescription

func (s *OutputDescription) SetKinesisStreamsOutputDescription(v *KinesisStreamsOutputDescription) *OutputDescription

SetKinesisStreamsOutputDescription sets the KinesisStreamsOutputDescription field's value.

func (*OutputDescription) SetLambdaOutputDescription

func (s *OutputDescription) SetLambdaOutputDescription(v *LambdaOutputDescription) *OutputDescription

SetLambdaOutputDescription sets the LambdaOutputDescription field's value.

func (*OutputDescription) SetName

func (s *OutputDescription) SetName(v string) *OutputDescription

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (*OutputDescription) SetOutputId

func (s *OutputDescription) SetOutputId(v string) *OutputDescription

SetOutputId sets the OutputId field's value.

func (OutputDescription) String

func (s OutputDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type OutputUpdate

type OutputUpdate struct {

    // Describes the data format when records are written to the destination. For
    // more information, see Configuring Application Output (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-it-works-output.html).
    DestinationSchemaUpdate *DestinationSchema `type:"structure"`

    // Describes an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream as the destination for
    // the output.
    KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate *KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate `type:"structure"`

    // Describes an Amazon Kinesis stream as the destination for the output.
    KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate *KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate `type:"structure"`

    // Describes an AWS Lambda function as the destination for the output.
    LambdaOutputUpdate *LambdaOutputUpdate `type:"structure"`

    // If you want to specify a different in-application stream for this output
    // configuration, use this field to specify the new in-application stream name.
    NameUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // Identifies the specific output configuration that you want to update.
    // OutputId is a required field
    OutputId *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes updates to the output configuration identified by the OutputId.

func (OutputUpdate) GoString

func (s OutputUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*OutputUpdate) SetDestinationSchemaUpdate

func (s *OutputUpdate) SetDestinationSchemaUpdate(v *DestinationSchema) *OutputUpdate

SetDestinationSchemaUpdate sets the DestinationSchemaUpdate field's value.

func (*OutputUpdate) SetKinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate

func (s *OutputUpdate) SetKinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate(v *KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate) *OutputUpdate

SetKinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate sets the KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate field's value.

func (*OutputUpdate) SetKinesisStreamsOutputUpdate

func (s *OutputUpdate) SetKinesisStreamsOutputUpdate(v *KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate) *OutputUpdate

SetKinesisStreamsOutputUpdate sets the KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate field's value.

func (*OutputUpdate) SetLambdaOutputUpdate

func (s *OutputUpdate) SetLambdaOutputUpdate(v *LambdaOutputUpdate) *OutputUpdate

SetLambdaOutputUpdate sets the LambdaOutputUpdate field's value.

func (*OutputUpdate) SetNameUpdate

func (s *OutputUpdate) SetNameUpdate(v string) *OutputUpdate

SetNameUpdate sets the NameUpdate field's value.

func (*OutputUpdate) SetOutputId

func (s *OutputUpdate) SetOutputId(v string) *OutputUpdate

SetOutputId sets the OutputId field's value.

func (OutputUpdate) String

func (s OutputUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*OutputUpdate) Validate

func (s *OutputUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type RecordColumn

type RecordColumn struct {

    // Reference to the data element in the streaming input or the reference data
    // source. This element is required if the RecordFormatType (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_RecordFormat.html#analytics-Type-RecordFormat-RecordFormatTypel)
    // is JSON.
    Mapping *string `type:"string"`

    // Name of the column created in the in-application input stream or reference
    // table.
    // Name is a required field
    Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Type of column created in the in-application input stream or reference table.
    // SqlType is a required field
    SqlType *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the mapping of each data element in the streaming source to the corresponding column in the in-application stream.

Also used to describe the format of the reference data source.

func (RecordColumn) GoString

func (s RecordColumn) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RecordColumn) SetMapping

func (s *RecordColumn) SetMapping(v string) *RecordColumn

SetMapping sets the Mapping field's value.

func (*RecordColumn) SetName

func (s *RecordColumn) SetName(v string) *RecordColumn

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (*RecordColumn) SetSqlType

func (s *RecordColumn) SetSqlType(v string) *RecordColumn

SetSqlType sets the SqlType field's value.

func (RecordColumn) String

func (s RecordColumn) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RecordColumn) Validate

func (s *RecordColumn) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type RecordFormat

type RecordFormat struct {

    // When configuring application input at the time of creating or updating an
    // application, provides additional mapping information specific to the record
    // format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter)
    // on the streaming source.
    MappingParameters *MappingParameters `type:"structure"`

    // The type of record format.
    // RecordFormatType is a required field
    RecordFormatType *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"RecordFormatType"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the record format and relevant mapping information that should be applied to schematize the records on the stream.

func (RecordFormat) GoString

func (s RecordFormat) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RecordFormat) SetMappingParameters

func (s *RecordFormat) SetMappingParameters(v *MappingParameters) *RecordFormat

SetMappingParameters sets the MappingParameters field's value.

func (*RecordFormat) SetRecordFormatType

func (s *RecordFormat) SetRecordFormatType(v string) *RecordFormat

SetRecordFormatType sets the RecordFormatType field's value.

func (RecordFormat) String

func (s RecordFormat) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RecordFormat) Validate

func (s *RecordFormat) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ReferenceDataSource

type ReferenceDataSource struct {

    // Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data
    // element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream.
    // ReferenceSchema is a required field
    ReferenceSchema *SourceSchema `type:"structure" required:"true"`

    // Identifies the S3 bucket and object that contains the reference data. Also
    // identifies the IAM role Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to read this
    // object on your behalf. An Amazon Kinesis Analytics application loads reference
    // data only once. If the data changes, you call the UpdateApplication operation
    // to trigger reloading of data into your application.
    S3ReferenceDataSource *S3ReferenceDataSource `type:"structure"`

    // Name of the in-application table to create.
    // TableName is a required field
    TableName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the reference data source by providing the source information (S3 bucket name and object key name), the resulting in-application table name that is created, and the necessary schema to map the data elements in the Amazon S3 object to the in-application table.

func (ReferenceDataSource) GoString

func (s ReferenceDataSource) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReferenceDataSource) SetReferenceSchema

func (s *ReferenceDataSource) SetReferenceSchema(v *SourceSchema) *ReferenceDataSource

SetReferenceSchema sets the ReferenceSchema field's value.

func (*ReferenceDataSource) SetS3ReferenceDataSource

func (s *ReferenceDataSource) SetS3ReferenceDataSource(v *S3ReferenceDataSource) *ReferenceDataSource

SetS3ReferenceDataSource sets the S3ReferenceDataSource field's value.

func (*ReferenceDataSource) SetTableName

func (s *ReferenceDataSource) SetTableName(v string) *ReferenceDataSource

SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.

func (ReferenceDataSource) String

func (s ReferenceDataSource) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReferenceDataSource) Validate

func (s *ReferenceDataSource) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ReferenceDataSourceDescription

type ReferenceDataSourceDescription struct {

    // ID of the reference data source. This is the ID that Amazon Kinesis Analytics
    // assigns when you add the reference data source to your application using
    // the AddApplicationReferenceDataSource (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_AddApplicationReferenceDataSource.html)
    // operation.
    // ReferenceId is a required field
    ReferenceId *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data
    // element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream.
    ReferenceSchema *SourceSchema `type:"structure"`

    // Provides the S3 bucket name, the object key name that contains the reference
    // data. It also provides the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that
    // Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to read the Amazon S3 object and populate
    // the in-application reference table.
    // S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription is a required field
    S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription *S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription `type:"structure" required:"true"`

    // The in-application table name created by the specific reference data source
    // configuration.
    // TableName is a required field
    TableName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the reference data source configured for an application.

func (ReferenceDataSourceDescription) GoString

func (s ReferenceDataSourceDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetReferenceId

func (s *ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetReferenceId(v string) *ReferenceDataSourceDescription

SetReferenceId sets the ReferenceId field's value.

func (*ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetReferenceSchema

func (s *ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetReferenceSchema(v *SourceSchema) *ReferenceDataSourceDescription

SetReferenceSchema sets the ReferenceSchema field's value.

func (*ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetS3ReferenceDataSourceDescription

func (s *ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetS3ReferenceDataSourceDescription(v *S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription) *ReferenceDataSourceDescription

SetS3ReferenceDataSourceDescription sets the S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription field's value.

func (*ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetTableName

func (s *ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetTableName(v string) *ReferenceDataSourceDescription

SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.

func (ReferenceDataSourceDescription) String

func (s ReferenceDataSourceDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReferenceDataSourceUpdate

type ReferenceDataSourceUpdate struct {

    // ID of the reference data source being updated. You can use the DescribeApplication
    // (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation to get this value.
    // ReferenceId is a required field
    ReferenceId *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data
    // element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream.
    ReferenceSchemaUpdate *SourceSchema `type:"structure"`

    // Describes the S3 bucket name, object key name, and IAM role that Amazon Kinesis
    // Analytics can assume to read the Amazon S3 object on your behalf and populate
    // the in-application reference table.
    S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate *S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate `type:"structure"`

    // In-application table name that is created by this update.
    TableNameUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

When you update a reference data source configuration for an application, this object provides all the updated values (such as the source bucket name and object key name), the in-application table name that is created, and updated mapping information that maps the data in the Amazon S3 object to the in-application reference table that is created.

func (ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) GoString

func (s ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetReferenceId

func (s *ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetReferenceId(v string) *ReferenceDataSourceUpdate

SetReferenceId sets the ReferenceId field's value.

func (*ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetReferenceSchemaUpdate

func (s *ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetReferenceSchemaUpdate(v *SourceSchema) *ReferenceDataSourceUpdate

SetReferenceSchemaUpdate sets the ReferenceSchemaUpdate field's value.

func (*ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetS3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate

func (s *ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetS3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate(v *S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) *ReferenceDataSourceUpdate

SetS3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate sets the S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate field's value.

func (*ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetTableNameUpdate

func (s *ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetTableNameUpdate(v string) *ReferenceDataSourceUpdate

SetTableNameUpdate sets the TableNameUpdate field's value.

func (ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) String

func (s ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) Validate

func (s *ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ResourceInUseException

type ResourceInUseException struct {
    RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

    Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Application is not available for this operation.

func (*ResourceInUseException) Code

func (s *ResourceInUseException) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*ResourceInUseException) Error

func (s *ResourceInUseException) Error() string

func (ResourceInUseException) GoString

func (s ResourceInUseException) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ResourceInUseException) Message

func (s *ResourceInUseException) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*ResourceInUseException) OrigErr

func (s *ResourceInUseException) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*ResourceInUseException) RequestID

func (s *ResourceInUseException) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*ResourceInUseException) StatusCode

func (s *ResourceInUseException) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (ResourceInUseException) String

func (s ResourceInUseException) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ResourceNotFoundException

type ResourceNotFoundException struct {
    RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

    Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Specified application can't be found.

func (*ResourceNotFoundException) Code

func (s *ResourceNotFoundException) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*ResourceNotFoundException) Error

func (s *ResourceNotFoundException) Error() string

func (ResourceNotFoundException) GoString

func (s ResourceNotFoundException) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ResourceNotFoundException) Message

func (s *ResourceNotFoundException) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*ResourceNotFoundException) OrigErr

func (s *ResourceNotFoundException) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*ResourceNotFoundException) RequestID

func (s *ResourceNotFoundException) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*ResourceNotFoundException) StatusCode

func (s *ResourceNotFoundException) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (ResourceNotFoundException) String

func (s ResourceNotFoundException) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException

type ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException struct {
    RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

    Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Discovery failed to get a record from the streaming source because of the Amazon Kinesis Streams ProvisionedThroughputExceededException. For more information, see GetRecords (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/APIReference/API_GetRecords.html) in the Amazon Kinesis Streams API Reference.

func (*ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) Code

func (s *ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) Error

func (s *ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) Error() string

func (ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) GoString

func (s ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) Message

func (s *ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) OrigErr

func (s *ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) RequestID

func (s *ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) StatusCode

func (s *ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) String

func (s ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type S3Configuration

type S3Configuration struct {

    // ARN of the S3 bucket that contains the data.
    // BucketARN is a required field
    BucketARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The name of the object that contains the data.
    // FileKey is a required field
    FileKey *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // IAM ARN of the role used to access the data.
    // RoleARN is a required field
    RoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides a description of an Amazon S3 data source, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket, the ARN of the IAM role that is used to access the bucket, and the name of the Amazon S3 object that contains the data.

func (S3Configuration) GoString

func (s S3Configuration) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*S3Configuration) SetBucketARN

func (s *S3Configuration) SetBucketARN(v string) *S3Configuration

SetBucketARN sets the BucketARN field's value.

func (*S3Configuration) SetFileKey

func (s *S3Configuration) SetFileKey(v string) *S3Configuration

SetFileKey sets the FileKey field's value.

func (*S3Configuration) SetRoleARN

func (s *S3Configuration) SetRoleARN(v string) *S3Configuration

SetRoleARN sets the RoleARN field's value.

func (S3Configuration) String

func (s S3Configuration) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*S3Configuration) Validate

func (s *S3Configuration) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type S3ReferenceDataSource

type S3ReferenceDataSource struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket.
    // BucketARN is a required field
    BucketARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Object key name containing reference data.
    // FileKey is a required field
    FileKey *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that the service can assume to read data on your behalf.
    // This role must have permission for the s3:GetObject action on the object
    // and trust policy that allows Amazon Kinesis Analytics service principal to
    // assume this role.
    // ReferenceRoleARN is a required field
    ReferenceRoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Identifies the S3 bucket and object that contains the reference data. Also identifies the IAM role Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to read this object on your behalf.

An Amazon Kinesis Analytics application loads reference data only once. If the data changes, you call the UpdateApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_UpdateApplication.html) operation to trigger reloading of data into your application.

func (S3ReferenceDataSource) GoString

func (s S3ReferenceDataSource) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*S3ReferenceDataSource) SetBucketARN

func (s *S3ReferenceDataSource) SetBucketARN(v string) *S3ReferenceDataSource

SetBucketARN sets the BucketARN field's value.

func (*S3ReferenceDataSource) SetFileKey

func (s *S3ReferenceDataSource) SetFileKey(v string) *S3ReferenceDataSource

SetFileKey sets the FileKey field's value.

func (*S3ReferenceDataSource) SetReferenceRoleARN

func (s *S3ReferenceDataSource) SetReferenceRoleARN(v string) *S3ReferenceDataSource

SetReferenceRoleARN sets the ReferenceRoleARN field's value.

func (S3ReferenceDataSource) String

func (s S3ReferenceDataSource) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*S3ReferenceDataSource) Validate

func (s *S3ReferenceDataSource) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription

type S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket.
    // BucketARN is a required field
    BucketARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Amazon S3 object key name.
    // FileKey is a required field
    FileKey *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to read the
    // Amazon S3 object on your behalf to populate the in-application reference
    // table.
    // ReferenceRoleARN is a required field
    ReferenceRoleARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides the bucket name and object key name that stores the reference data.

func (S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription) GoString

func (s S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetBucketARN

func (s *S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetBucketARN(v string) *S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription

SetBucketARN sets the BucketARN field's value.

func (*S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetFileKey

func (s *S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetFileKey(v string) *S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription

SetFileKey sets the FileKey field's value.

func (*S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetReferenceRoleARN

func (s *S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription) SetReferenceRoleARN(v string) *S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription

SetReferenceRoleARN sets the ReferenceRoleARN field's value.

func (S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription) String

func (s S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate

type S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate struct {

    // Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket.
    BucketARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // Object key name.
    FileKeyUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`

    // ARN of the IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to read the
    // Amazon S3 object and populate the in-application.
    ReferenceRoleARNUpdate *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the S3 bucket name, object key name, and IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to read the Amazon S3 object on your behalf and populate the in-application reference table.

func (S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) GoString

func (s S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetBucketARNUpdate

func (s *S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetBucketARNUpdate(v string) *S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate

SetBucketARNUpdate sets the BucketARNUpdate field's value.

func (*S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetFileKeyUpdate

func (s *S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetFileKeyUpdate(v string) *S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate

SetFileKeyUpdate sets the FileKeyUpdate field's value.

func (*S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetReferenceRoleARNUpdate

func (s *S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) SetReferenceRoleARNUpdate(v string) *S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate

SetReferenceRoleARNUpdate sets the ReferenceRoleARNUpdate field's value.

func (S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) String

func (s S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) Validate

func (s *S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ServiceUnavailableException

type ServiceUnavailableException struct {
    RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

    Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

The service is unavailable. Back off and retry the operation.

func (*ServiceUnavailableException) Code

func (s *ServiceUnavailableException) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*ServiceUnavailableException) Error

func (s *ServiceUnavailableException) Error() string

func (ServiceUnavailableException) GoString

func (s ServiceUnavailableException) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ServiceUnavailableException) Message

func (s *ServiceUnavailableException) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*ServiceUnavailableException) OrigErr

func (s *ServiceUnavailableException) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*ServiceUnavailableException) RequestID

func (s *ServiceUnavailableException) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*ServiceUnavailableException) StatusCode

func (s *ServiceUnavailableException) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (ServiceUnavailableException) String

func (s ServiceUnavailableException) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type SourceSchema

type SourceSchema struct {

    // A list of RecordColumn objects.
    // RecordColumns is a required field
    RecordColumns []*RecordColumn `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"`

    // Specifies the encoding of the records in the streaming source. For example,
    // UTF-8.
    RecordEncoding *string `type:"string"`

    // Specifies the format of the records on the streaming source.
    // RecordFormat is a required field
    RecordFormat *RecordFormat `type:"structure" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns created in the in-application stream.

func (SourceSchema) GoString

func (s SourceSchema) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*SourceSchema) SetRecordColumns

func (s *SourceSchema) SetRecordColumns(v []*RecordColumn) *SourceSchema

SetRecordColumns sets the RecordColumns field's value.

func (*SourceSchema) SetRecordEncoding

func (s *SourceSchema) SetRecordEncoding(v string) *SourceSchema

SetRecordEncoding sets the RecordEncoding field's value.

func (*SourceSchema) SetRecordFormat

func (s *SourceSchema) SetRecordFormat(v *RecordFormat) *SourceSchema

SetRecordFormat sets the RecordFormat field's value.

func (SourceSchema) String

func (s SourceSchema) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*SourceSchema) Validate

func (s *SourceSchema) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartApplicationInput

type StartApplicationInput struct {

    // Name of the application.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Identifies the specific input, by ID, that the application starts consuming.
    // Amazon Kinesis Analytics starts reading the streaming source associated with
    // the input. You can also specify where in the streaming source you want Amazon
    // Kinesis Analytics to start reading.
    // InputConfigurations is a required field
    InputConfigurations []*InputConfiguration `type:"list" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartApplicationInput) GoString

func (s StartApplicationInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartApplicationInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *StartApplicationInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *StartApplicationInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*StartApplicationInput) SetInputConfigurations

func (s *StartApplicationInput) SetInputConfigurations(v []*InputConfiguration) *StartApplicationInput

SetInputConfigurations sets the InputConfigurations field's value.

func (StartApplicationInput) String

func (s StartApplicationInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartApplicationInput) Validate

func (s *StartApplicationInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartApplicationOutput

type StartApplicationOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartApplicationOutput) GoString

func (s StartApplicationOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (StartApplicationOutput) String

func (s StartApplicationOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StopApplicationInput

type StopApplicationInput struct {

    // Name of the running application to stop.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StopApplicationInput) GoString

func (s StopApplicationInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StopApplicationInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *StopApplicationInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *StopApplicationInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (StopApplicationInput) String

func (s StopApplicationInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StopApplicationInput) Validate

func (s *StopApplicationInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StopApplicationOutput

type StopApplicationOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StopApplicationOutput) GoString

func (s StopApplicationOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (StopApplicationOutput) String

func (s StopApplicationOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type Tag

type Tag struct {

    // The key of the key-value tag.
    // Key is a required field
    Key *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The value of the key-value tag. The value is optional.
    Value *string `type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

A key-value pair (the value is optional) that you can define and assign to AWS resources. If you specify a tag that already exists, the tag value is replaced with the value that you specify in the request. Note that the maximum number of application tags includes system tags. The maximum number of user-defined application tags is 50. For more information, see Using Tagging (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/how-tagging.html).

func (Tag) GoString

func (s Tag) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Tag) SetKey

func (s *Tag) SetKey(v string) *Tag

SetKey sets the Key field's value.

func (*Tag) SetValue

func (s *Tag) SetValue(v string) *Tag

SetValue sets the Value field's value.

func (Tag) String

func (s Tag) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Tag) Validate

func (s *Tag) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type TagResourceInput

type TagResourceInput struct {

    // The ARN of the application to assign the tags.
    // ResourceARN is a required field
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // The key-value tags to assign to the application.
    // Tags is a required field
    Tags []*Tag `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TagResourceInput) GoString

func (s TagResourceInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*TagResourceInput) SetResourceARN

func (s *TagResourceInput) SetResourceARN(v string) *TagResourceInput

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*TagResourceInput) SetTags

func (s *TagResourceInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *TagResourceInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (TagResourceInput) String

func (s TagResourceInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*TagResourceInput) Validate

func (s *TagResourceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type TagResourceOutput

type TagResourceOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TagResourceOutput) GoString

func (s TagResourceOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (TagResourceOutput) String

func (s TagResourceOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type TooManyTagsException

type TooManyTagsException struct {
    RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

    Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Application created with too many tags, or too many tags added to an application. Note that the maximum number of application tags includes system tags. The maximum number of user-defined application tags is 50.

func (*TooManyTagsException) Code

func (s *TooManyTagsException) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*TooManyTagsException) Error

func (s *TooManyTagsException) Error() string

func (TooManyTagsException) GoString

func (s TooManyTagsException) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*TooManyTagsException) Message

func (s *TooManyTagsException) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*TooManyTagsException) OrigErr

func (s *TooManyTagsException) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*TooManyTagsException) RequestID

func (s *TooManyTagsException) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*TooManyTagsException) StatusCode

func (s *TooManyTagsException) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (TooManyTagsException) String

func (s TooManyTagsException) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type UnableToDetectSchemaException

type UnableToDetectSchemaException struct {
    RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

    Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`

    ProcessedInputRecords []*string `type:"list"`

    RawInputRecords []*string `type:"list"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Data format is not valid. Amazon Kinesis Analytics is not able to detect schema for the given streaming source.

func (*UnableToDetectSchemaException) Code

func (s *UnableToDetectSchemaException) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*UnableToDetectSchemaException) Error

func (s *UnableToDetectSchemaException) Error() string

func (UnableToDetectSchemaException) GoString

func (s UnableToDetectSchemaException) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*UnableToDetectSchemaException) Message

func (s *UnableToDetectSchemaException) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*UnableToDetectSchemaException) OrigErr

func (s *UnableToDetectSchemaException) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*UnableToDetectSchemaException) RequestID

func (s *UnableToDetectSchemaException) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*UnableToDetectSchemaException) StatusCode

func (s *UnableToDetectSchemaException) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (UnableToDetectSchemaException) String

func (s UnableToDetectSchemaException) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type UnsupportedOperationException

type UnsupportedOperationException struct {
    RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

    Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

func (*UnsupportedOperationException) Code

func (s *UnsupportedOperationException) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*UnsupportedOperationException) Error

func (s *UnsupportedOperationException) Error() string

func (UnsupportedOperationException) GoString

func (s UnsupportedOperationException) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*UnsupportedOperationException) Message

func (s *UnsupportedOperationException) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*UnsupportedOperationException) OrigErr

func (s *UnsupportedOperationException) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*UnsupportedOperationException) RequestID

func (s *UnsupportedOperationException) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*UnsupportedOperationException) StatusCode

func (s *UnsupportedOperationException) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (UnsupportedOperationException) String

func (s UnsupportedOperationException) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type UntagResourceInput

type UntagResourceInput struct {

    // The ARN of the Kinesis Analytics application from which to remove the tags.
    // ResourceARN is a required field
    ResourceARN *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // A list of keys of tags to remove from the specified application.
    // TagKeys is a required field
    TagKeys []*string `min:"1" type:"list" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UntagResourceInput) GoString

func (s UntagResourceInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*UntagResourceInput) SetResourceARN

func (s *UntagResourceInput) SetResourceARN(v string) *UntagResourceInput

SetResourceARN sets the ResourceARN field's value.

func (*UntagResourceInput) SetTagKeys

func (s *UntagResourceInput) SetTagKeys(v []*string) *UntagResourceInput

SetTagKeys sets the TagKeys field's value.

func (UntagResourceInput) String

func (s UntagResourceInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*UntagResourceInput) Validate

func (s *UntagResourceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type UntagResourceOutput

type UntagResourceOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UntagResourceOutput) GoString

func (s UntagResourceOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (UntagResourceOutput) String

func (s UntagResourceOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type UpdateApplicationInput

type UpdateApplicationInput struct {

    // Name of the Amazon Kinesis Analytics application to update.
    // ApplicationName is a required field
    ApplicationName *string `min:"1" type:"string" required:"true"`

    // Describes application updates.
    // ApplicationUpdate is a required field
    ApplicationUpdate *ApplicationUpdate `type:"structure" required:"true"`

    // The current application version ID. You can use the DescribeApplication (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisanalytics/latest/dev/API_DescribeApplication.html)
    // operation to get this value.
    // CurrentApplicationVersionId is a required field
    CurrentApplicationVersionId *int64 `min:"1" type:"long" required:"true"`
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UpdateApplicationInput) GoString

func (s UpdateApplicationInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*UpdateApplicationInput) SetApplicationName

func (s *UpdateApplicationInput) SetApplicationName(v string) *UpdateApplicationInput

SetApplicationName sets the ApplicationName field's value.

func (*UpdateApplicationInput) SetApplicationUpdate

func (s *UpdateApplicationInput) SetApplicationUpdate(v *ApplicationUpdate) *UpdateApplicationInput

SetApplicationUpdate sets the ApplicationUpdate field's value.

func (*UpdateApplicationInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId

func (s *UpdateApplicationInput) SetCurrentApplicationVersionId(v int64) *UpdateApplicationInput

SetCurrentApplicationVersionId sets the CurrentApplicationVersionId field's value.

func (UpdateApplicationInput) String

func (s UpdateApplicationInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*UpdateApplicationInput) Validate

func (s *UpdateApplicationInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type UpdateApplicationOutput

type UpdateApplicationOutput struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UpdateApplicationOutput) GoString

func (s UpdateApplicationOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (UpdateApplicationOutput) String

func (s UpdateApplicationOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".