Use a specific credentials provider - AWS SDK for Java 2.x

Use a specific credentials provider

The SDK uses credentials providers to retrieve, manage, and supply authentication credentials (such as access keys and session tokens) that are needed to access AWS services.

Credential providers simplify retrieving credentials from various sources, implement security best practices, and support flexible authentication strategies across AWS environments.

Specify a credentials provider

To bypass the default credentials provider chain, specify which credentials provider a service client should use. When you supply a specific credentials provider, the SDK skips the process of checking various locations, which slightly reduces the time to create a service client.

For example, if you set your default configuration using environment variables, supply an EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider object to the credentialsProvider method on the service client builder, as shown the following code snippet:

Region region = Region.US_WEST_2; DynamoDbClient ddb = DynamoDbClient.builder() .region(region) .credentialsProvider(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider.create()) .build();

For a complete list of credential providers and provider chains, see All Known Implementing Classes in the API reference for AwsCredentialsProvider.


You can also use your own credentials provider or provider chains by implementing the AwsCredentialsProvider interface.

Configure a credentials provider

As an example of configuring a credentials provider implementation, you might want to have the SDK use a background thread to pre-fetch (retrieve in advance) credentials before they expire. That way you can avoid the blocking call that retrieves fresh credentials.

The following shows an example that creates an StsAssumeRoleCredentialsProvider that uses a background thread to pre-fetch credentials by setting the asyncCredentialUpdateEnabled property to true on the builder:

S3Client s3Client = S3Client.builder() .credentialsProvider(StsAssumeRoleCredentialsProvider.builder() .asyncCredentialUpdateEnabled(true) .stsClient(StsClient.create()) .refreshRequest(r -> r .roleArn("arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/S3-listbuckets-only-role") .roleSessionName("test-temp-session") .durationSeconds(900)) .build()) .build();

When you invoke an operation on s3Client for the first time, an AssumeRoleRequest is sent to the AWS Security Token Service (STS). STS returns temporary credentials that are valid for 15 minutes (900 seconds). The s3Client instance uses the cached credentials until it's time to refresh them before the 15 minutes elapse. By default, the SDK attempts to retrieve new credentials for a new session between 5 minutes and 1 minute before the expiration time of the current session. The pre-fetch window is configurable by using the prefetchTime and staleTime properties.

You can configure the following session-based credentials providers similarly:

  • StsWebIdentityTokenFileCredentialsProvider

  • StsGetSessionTokenCredentialsProvider

  • StsGetFederationTokenCredentialsProvider

  • StsAssumeRoleWithWebIdentityCredentialsProvider

  • StsAssumeRoleWithSamlCredentialsProvider

  • StsAssumeRoleCredentialsProvider

  • DefaultCredentialsProvider (when it delegates to credentials provider that uses sessions)

  • ProcessCredentialsProvider

  • WebIdentityTokenFileCredentialsProvider

  • ContainerCredentialsProvider

  • InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider