We announced
Getting Your Region-Specific Endpoint for MediaConvert
This Node.js code example shows:
How to retrieve your region-specific endpoint from MediaConvert.
The Scenario
In this example, you use a Node.js module to call MediaConvert and retrieve your region-specific endpoint. You can retrieve your endpoint URL from the service default endpoint and so do not yet need your region-specific endpoint. The code uses the SDK for JavaScript to retrieve this endpoint by using this method of the MediaConvert client class:
The default Node.js HTTP/HTTPS agent creates a new TCP connection for every new request. To avoid the cost of establishing a new connection, the AWS SDK for JavaScript reuses TCP connections. For more information, see Reusing Connections with Keep-Alive in Node.js.
Prerequisite Tasks
To set up and run this example, first complete these tasks:
Install Node.js. For more information, see the Node.js website
. Create a shared configurations file with your user credentials. For more information about providing a shared credentials file, see Loading Credentials in Node.js from the Shared Credentials File.
Create an IAM role that gives MediaConvert access to your input files and the Amazon S3 buckets where your output files are stored. For details, see Set Up IAM Permissions in the AWS Elemental MediaConvert User Guide.
Getting Your Endpoint URL
Create a Node.js module with the file name emc_getendpoint.js
. Be sure to configure the SDK
as previously shown.
Create an object to pass the empty request parameters for the
method of the AWS.MediaConvert
client class. To
call the describeEndpoints
method, create a promise for invoking an
MediaConvert service object, passing the parameters. Handle the response in
the promise callback.
// Load the SDK for JavaScript. const aws = require("aws-sdk"); // Set the AWS Region. aws.config.update({ region: "us-west-2" }); // Create the client. const mediaConvert = new aws.MediaConvert({ apiVersion: "2017-08-29" }); exports.handler = async (event, context) => { // Create empty request parameters const params = { MaxResults: 0, }; try { const { Endpoints } = await mediaConvert .describeEndpoints(params) .promise(); console.log("Your MediaConvert endpoint is ", Endpoints); } catch (err) { console.log("MediaConvert Error", err); } };
To run the example, type the following at the command line.
node emc_getendpoint.js
This sample code can be found here on GitHub