You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::APIGateway::Types::Account

  • Object
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Represents an AWS account that is associated with API Gateway.

To view the account info, call GET on this resource.

Error Codes

The following exception may be thrown when the request fails.

  • UnauthorizedException
  • NotFoundException
  • TooManyRequestsException

For detailed error code information, including the corresponding HTTP Status Codes, see API Gateway Error Codes

Example: Get the information about an account.

GET /account HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host: X-Amz-Date: 20160531T184618Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=<code>{access_key_ID}</code>/us-east-1/apigateway/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature=<code>{sig4_hash}</code> 

The successful response returns a 200 OK status code and a payload similar to the following:

{ "_links": { "curies": { "href": "<a href=""></a><code>{rel}</code>.html", "name": "account", "templated": true }, "self": { "href": "/account" }, "account:update": { "href": "/account" } }, "cloudwatchRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/apigAwsProxyRole", "throttleSettings": { "rateLimit": 500, "burstLimit": 1000 } } 

In addition to making the REST API call directly, you can use the AWS CLI and an AWS SDK to access this resource.

Returned by:

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The version of the API keys used for the account.


  • (String)

    The version of the API keys used for the account.


The ARN of an Amazon CloudWatch role for the current Account.


  • (String)

    The ARN of an Amazon CloudWatch role for the current Account.


A list of features supported for the account. When usage plans are enabled, the features list will include an entry of "UsagePlans".


  • (Array<String>)

    A list of features supported for the account.


Specifies the API request limits configured for the current Account.
