You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.
Class: Aws::CognitoIdentity::Types::IdentityPool
- Inherits:
- Object
- Struct
- Aws::CognitoIdentity::Types::IdentityPool
- Defined in:
- (unknown)
When passing IdentityPool as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:
identity_pool_id: "IdentityPoolId", # required
identity_pool_name: "IdentityPoolName", # required
allow_unauthenticated_identities: false, # required
allow_classic_flow: false,
supported_login_providers: {
"IdentityProviderName" => "IdentityProviderId",
developer_provider_name: "DeveloperProviderName",
open_id_connect_provider_arns: ["ARNString"],
cognito_identity_providers: [
provider_name: "CognitoIdentityProviderName",
client_id: "CognitoIdentityProviderClientId",
server_side_token_check: false,
saml_provider_arns: ["ARNString"],
identity_pool_tags: {
"TagKeysType" => "TagValueType",
An object representing an Amazon Cognito identity pool.
Returned by:
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#allow_classic_flow ⇒ Boolean
Enables or disables the Basic (Classic) authentication flow.
#allow_unauthenticated_identities ⇒ Boolean
TRUE if the identity pool supports unauthenticated logins.
#cognito_identity_providers ⇒ Array<Types::CognitoIdentityProvider>
A list representing an Amazon Cognito user pool and its client ID.
#developer_provider_name ⇒ String
The \"domain\" by which Cognito will refer to your users.
#identity_pool_id ⇒ String
An identity pool ID in the format REGION:GUID.
#identity_pool_name ⇒ String
A string that you provide.
#identity_pool_tags ⇒ Hash<String,String>
The tags that are assigned to the identity pool.
#open_id_connect_provider_arns ⇒ Array<String>
A list of OpendID Connect provider ARNs.
#saml_provider_arns ⇒ Array<String>
An array of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the SAML provider for your identity pool.
#supported_login_providers ⇒ Hash<String,String>
Optional key:value pairs mapping provider names to provider app IDs.
Instance Attribute Details
#allow_classic_flow ⇒ Boolean
Enables or disables the Basic (Classic) authentication flow. For more information, see Identity Pools (Federated Identities) Authentication Flow in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.
#allow_unauthenticated_identities ⇒ Boolean
TRUE if the identity pool supports unauthenticated logins.
#cognito_identity_providers ⇒ Array<Types::CognitoIdentityProvider>
A list representing an Amazon Cognito user pool and its client ID.
#developer_provider_name ⇒ String
The \"domain\" by which Cognito will refer to your users.
#identity_pool_id ⇒ String
An identity pool ID in the format REGION:GUID.
#identity_pool_name ⇒ String
A string that you provide.
#identity_pool_tags ⇒ Hash<String,String>
The tags that are assigned to the identity pool. A tag is a label that you can apply to identity pools to categorize and manage them in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria.
#open_id_connect_provider_arns ⇒ Array<String>
A list of OpendID Connect provider ARNs.
#saml_provider_arns ⇒ Array<String>
An array of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the SAML provider for your identity pool.
#supported_login_providers ⇒ Hash<String,String>
Optional key:value pairs mapping provider names to provider app IDs.