You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::ElasticBeanstalk::Types::UpdateEnvironmentMessage

  • Object
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When passing UpdateEnvironmentMessage as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  application_name: "ApplicationName",
  environment_id: "EnvironmentId",
  environment_name: "EnvironmentName",
  group_name: "GroupName",
  description: "Description",
  tier: {
    name: "String",
    type: "String",
    version: "String",
  version_label: "VersionLabel",
  template_name: "ConfigurationTemplateName",
  solution_stack_name: "SolutionStackName",
  platform_arn: "PlatformArn",
  option_settings: [
      resource_name: "ResourceName",
      namespace: "OptionNamespace",
      option_name: "ConfigurationOptionName",
      value: "ConfigurationOptionValue",
  options_to_remove: [
      resource_name: "ResourceName",
      namespace: "OptionNamespace",
      option_name: "ConfigurationOptionName",

Request to update an environment.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The name of the application with which the environment is associated.


  • (String)

    The name of the application with which the environment is associated.


If this parameter is specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk updates the description of this environment.


  • (String)

    If this parameter is specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk updates the description of this environment.


The ID of the environment to update.

If no environment with this ID exists, AWS Elastic Beanstalk returns an InvalidParameterValue error.

Condition: You must specify either this or an EnvironmentName, or both. If you do not specify either, AWS Elastic Beanstalk returns MissingRequiredParameter error.


  • (String)

    The ID of the environment to update.


The name of the environment to update. If no environment with this name exists, AWS Elastic Beanstalk returns an InvalidParameterValue error.

Condition: You must specify either this or an EnvironmentId, or both. If you do not specify either, AWS Elastic Beanstalk returns MissingRequiredParameter error.


  • (String)

    The name of the environment to update.


The name of the group to which the target environment belongs. Specify a group name only if the environment\'s name is specified in an environment manifest and not with the environment name or environment ID parameters. See Environment Manifest (env.yaml) for details.


  • (String)

    The name of the group to which the target environment belongs.


If specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk updates the configuration set associated with the running environment and sets the specified configuration options to the requested value.


  • (Array<Types::ConfigurationOptionSetting>)

    If specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk updates the configuration set associated with the running environment and sets the specified configuration options to the requested value.


A list of custom user-defined configuration options to remove from the configuration set for this environment.


  • (Array<Types::OptionSpecification>)

    A list of custom user-defined configuration options to remove from the configuration set for this environment.


The ARN of the platform, if used.


  • (String)

    The ARN of the platform, if used.


This specifies the platform version that the environment will run after the environment is updated.


  • (String)

    This specifies the platform version that the environment will run after the environment is updated.


If this parameter is specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk deploys this configuration template to the environment. If no such configuration template is found, AWS Elastic Beanstalk returns an InvalidParameterValue error.


  • (String)

    If this parameter is specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk deploys this configuration template to the environment.


This specifies the tier to use to update the environment.

Condition: At this time, if you change the tier version, name, or type, AWS Elastic Beanstalk returns InvalidParameterValue error.



If this parameter is specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk deploys the named application version to the environment. If no such application version is found, returns an InvalidParameterValue error.


  • (String)

    If this parameter is specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk deploys the named application version to the environment.