You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::Firehose::Types::UpdateDestinationInput

  • Object
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When passing UpdateDestinationInput as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  delivery_stream_name: "DeliveryStreamName", # required
  current_delivery_stream_version_id: "DeliveryStreamVersionId", # required
  destination_id: "DestinationId", # required
  s3_destination_update: {
    role_arn: "RoleARN",
    bucket_arn: "BucketARN",
    prefix: "Prefix",
    error_output_prefix: "ErrorOutputPrefix",
    buffering_hints: {
      size_in_m_bs: 1,
      interval_in_seconds: 1,
    compression_format: "UNCOMPRESSED", # accepts UNCOMPRESSED, GZIP, ZIP, Snappy, HADOOP_SNAPPY
    encryption_configuration: {
      no_encryption_config: "NoEncryption", # accepts NoEncryption
      kms_encryption_config: {
        awskms_key_arn: "AWSKMSKeyARN", # required
    cloud_watch_logging_options: {
      enabled: false,
      log_group_name: "LogGroupName",
      log_stream_name: "LogStreamName",
  extended_s3_destination_update: {
    role_arn: "RoleARN",
    bucket_arn: "BucketARN",
    prefix: "Prefix",
    error_output_prefix: "ErrorOutputPrefix",
    buffering_hints: {
      size_in_m_bs: 1,
      interval_in_seconds: 1,
    compression_format: "UNCOMPRESSED", # accepts UNCOMPRESSED, GZIP, ZIP, Snappy, HADOOP_SNAPPY
    encryption_configuration: {
      no_encryption_config: "NoEncryption", # accepts NoEncryption
      kms_encryption_config: {
        awskms_key_arn: "AWSKMSKeyARN", # required
    cloud_watch_logging_options: {
      enabled: false,
      log_group_name: "LogGroupName",
      log_stream_name: "LogStreamName",
    processing_configuration: {
      enabled: false,
      processors: [
          type: "Lambda", # required, accepts Lambda
          parameters: [
              parameter_name: "LambdaArn", # required, accepts LambdaArn, NumberOfRetries, RoleArn, BufferSizeInMBs, BufferIntervalInSeconds
              parameter_value: "ProcessorParameterValue", # required
    s3_backup_mode: "Disabled", # accepts Disabled, Enabled
    s3_backup_update: {
      role_arn: "RoleARN",
      bucket_arn: "BucketARN",
      prefix: "Prefix",
      error_output_prefix: "ErrorOutputPrefix",
      buffering_hints: {
        size_in_m_bs: 1,
        interval_in_seconds: 1,
      compression_format: "UNCOMPRESSED", # accepts UNCOMPRESSED, GZIP, ZIP, Snappy, HADOOP_SNAPPY
      encryption_configuration: {
        no_encryption_config: "NoEncryption", # accepts NoEncryption
        kms_encryption_config: {
          awskms_key_arn: "AWSKMSKeyARN", # required
      cloud_watch_logging_options: {
        enabled: false,
        log_group_name: "LogGroupName",
        log_stream_name: "LogStreamName",
    data_format_conversion_configuration: {
      schema_configuration: {
        role_arn: "NonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace",
        catalog_id: "NonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace",
        database_name: "NonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace",
        table_name: "NonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace",
        region: "NonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace",
        version_id: "NonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace",
      input_format_configuration: {
        deserializer: {
          open_x_json_ser_de: {
            convert_dots_in_json_keys_to_underscores: false,
            case_insensitive: false,
            column_to_json_key_mappings: {
              "NonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace" => "NonEmptyString",
          hive_json_ser_de: {
            timestamp_formats: ["NonEmptyString"],
      output_format_configuration: {
        serializer: {
          parquet_ser_de: {
            block_size_bytes: 1,
            page_size_bytes: 1,
            compression: "UNCOMPRESSED", # accepts UNCOMPRESSED, GZIP, SNAPPY
            enable_dictionary_compression: false,
            max_padding_bytes: 1,
            writer_version: "V1", # accepts V1, V2
          orc_ser_de: {
            stripe_size_bytes: 1,
            block_size_bytes: 1,
            row_index_stride: 1,
            enable_padding: false,
            padding_tolerance: 1.0,
            compression: "NONE", # accepts NONE, ZLIB, SNAPPY
            bloom_filter_columns: ["NonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace"],
            bloom_filter_false_positive_probability: 1.0,
            dictionary_key_threshold: 1.0,
            format_version: "V0_11", # accepts V0_11, V0_12
      enabled: false,
  redshift_destination_update: {
    role_arn: "RoleARN",
    cluster_jdbc_url: "ClusterJDBCURL",
    copy_command: {
      data_table_name: "DataTableName", # required
      data_table_columns: "DataTableColumns",
      copy_options: "CopyOptions",
    username: "Username",
    password: "Password",
    retry_options: {
      duration_in_seconds: 1,
    s3_update: {
      role_arn: "RoleARN",
      bucket_arn: "BucketARN",
      prefix: "Prefix",
      error_output_prefix: "ErrorOutputPrefix",
      buffering_hints: {
        size_in_m_bs: 1,
        interval_in_seconds: 1,
      compression_format: "UNCOMPRESSED", # accepts UNCOMPRESSED, GZIP, ZIP, Snappy, HADOOP_SNAPPY
      encryption_configuration: {
        no_encryption_config: "NoEncryption", # accepts NoEncryption
        kms_encryption_config: {
          awskms_key_arn: "AWSKMSKeyARN", # required
      cloud_watch_logging_options: {
        enabled: false,
        log_group_name: "LogGroupName",
        log_stream_name: "LogStreamName",
    processing_configuration: {
      enabled: false,
      processors: [
          type: "Lambda", # required, accepts Lambda
          parameters: [
              parameter_name: "LambdaArn", # required, accepts LambdaArn, NumberOfRetries, RoleArn, BufferSizeInMBs, BufferIntervalInSeconds
              parameter_value: "ProcessorParameterValue", # required
    s3_backup_mode: "Disabled", # accepts Disabled, Enabled
    s3_backup_update: {
      role_arn: "RoleARN",
      bucket_arn: "BucketARN",
      prefix: "Prefix",
      error_output_prefix: "ErrorOutputPrefix",
      buffering_hints: {
        size_in_m_bs: 1,
        interval_in_seconds: 1,
      compression_format: "UNCOMPRESSED", # accepts UNCOMPRESSED, GZIP, ZIP, Snappy, HADOOP_SNAPPY
      encryption_configuration: {
        no_encryption_config: "NoEncryption", # accepts NoEncryption
        kms_encryption_config: {
          awskms_key_arn: "AWSKMSKeyARN", # required
      cloud_watch_logging_options: {
        enabled: false,
        log_group_name: "LogGroupName",
        log_stream_name: "LogStreamName",
    cloud_watch_logging_options: {
      enabled: false,
      log_group_name: "LogGroupName",
      log_stream_name: "LogStreamName",
  elasticsearch_destination_update: {
    role_arn: "RoleARN",
    domain_arn: "ElasticsearchDomainARN",
    cluster_endpoint: "ElasticsearchClusterEndpoint",
    index_name: "ElasticsearchIndexName",
    type_name: "ElasticsearchTypeName",
    index_rotation_period: "NoRotation", # accepts NoRotation, OneHour, OneDay, OneWeek, OneMonth
    buffering_hints: {
      interval_in_seconds: 1,
      size_in_m_bs: 1,
    retry_options: {
      duration_in_seconds: 1,
    s3_update: {
      role_arn: "RoleARN",
      bucket_arn: "BucketARN",
      prefix: "Prefix",
      error_output_prefix: "ErrorOutputPrefix",
      buffering_hints: {
        size_in_m_bs: 1,
        interval_in_seconds: 1,
      compression_format: "UNCOMPRESSED", # accepts UNCOMPRESSED, GZIP, ZIP, Snappy, HADOOP_SNAPPY
      encryption_configuration: {
        no_encryption_config: "NoEncryption", # accepts NoEncryption
        kms_encryption_config: {
          awskms_key_arn: "AWSKMSKeyARN", # required
      cloud_watch_logging_options: {
        enabled: false,
        log_group_name: "LogGroupName",
        log_stream_name: "LogStreamName",
    processing_configuration: {
      enabled: false,
      processors: [
          type: "Lambda", # required, accepts Lambda
          parameters: [
              parameter_name: "LambdaArn", # required, accepts LambdaArn, NumberOfRetries, RoleArn, BufferSizeInMBs, BufferIntervalInSeconds
              parameter_value: "ProcessorParameterValue", # required
    cloud_watch_logging_options: {
      enabled: false,
      log_group_name: "LogGroupName",
      log_stream_name: "LogStreamName",
  splunk_destination_update: {
    hec_endpoint: "HECEndpoint",
    hec_endpoint_type: "Raw", # accepts Raw, Event
    hec_token: "HECToken",
    hec_acknowledgment_timeout_in_seconds: 1,
    retry_options: {
      duration_in_seconds: 1,
    s3_backup_mode: "FailedEventsOnly", # accepts FailedEventsOnly, AllEvents
    s3_update: {
      role_arn: "RoleARN",
      bucket_arn: "BucketARN",
      prefix: "Prefix",
      error_output_prefix: "ErrorOutputPrefix",
      buffering_hints: {
        size_in_m_bs: 1,
        interval_in_seconds: 1,
      compression_format: "UNCOMPRESSED", # accepts UNCOMPRESSED, GZIP, ZIP, Snappy, HADOOP_SNAPPY
      encryption_configuration: {
        no_encryption_config: "NoEncryption", # accepts NoEncryption
        kms_encryption_config: {
          awskms_key_arn: "AWSKMSKeyARN", # required
      cloud_watch_logging_options: {
        enabled: false,
        log_group_name: "LogGroupName",
        log_stream_name: "LogStreamName",
    processing_configuration: {
      enabled: false,
      processors: [
          type: "Lambda", # required, accepts Lambda
          parameters: [
              parameter_name: "LambdaArn", # required, accepts LambdaArn, NumberOfRetries, RoleArn, BufferSizeInMBs, BufferIntervalInSeconds
              parameter_value: "ProcessorParameterValue", # required
    cloud_watch_logging_options: {
      enabled: false,
      log_group_name: "LogGroupName",
      log_stream_name: "LogStreamName",
  http_endpoint_destination_update: {
    endpoint_configuration: {
      url: "HttpEndpointUrl", # required
      name: "HttpEndpointName",
      access_key: "HttpEndpointAccessKey",
    buffering_hints: {
      size_in_m_bs: 1,
      interval_in_seconds: 1,
    cloud_watch_logging_options: {
      enabled: false,
      log_group_name: "LogGroupName",
      log_stream_name: "LogStreamName",
    request_configuration: {
      content_encoding: "NONE", # accepts NONE, GZIP
      common_attributes: [
          attribute_name: "HttpEndpointAttributeName", # required
          attribute_value: "HttpEndpointAttributeValue", # required
    processing_configuration: {
      enabled: false,
      processors: [
          type: "Lambda", # required, accepts Lambda
          parameters: [
              parameter_name: "LambdaArn", # required, accepts LambdaArn, NumberOfRetries, RoleArn, BufferSizeInMBs, BufferIntervalInSeconds
              parameter_value: "ProcessorParameterValue", # required
    role_arn: "RoleARN",
    retry_options: {
      duration_in_seconds: 1,
    s3_backup_mode: "FailedDataOnly", # accepts FailedDataOnly, AllData
    s3_update: {
      role_arn: "RoleARN",
      bucket_arn: "BucketARN",
      prefix: "Prefix",
      error_output_prefix: "ErrorOutputPrefix",
      buffering_hints: {
        size_in_m_bs: 1,
        interval_in_seconds: 1,
      compression_format: "UNCOMPRESSED", # accepts UNCOMPRESSED, GZIP, ZIP, Snappy, HADOOP_SNAPPY
      encryption_configuration: {
        no_encryption_config: "NoEncryption", # accepts NoEncryption
        kms_encryption_config: {
          awskms_key_arn: "AWSKMSKeyARN", # required
      cloud_watch_logging_options: {
        enabled: false,
        log_group_name: "LogGroupName",
        log_stream_name: "LogStreamName",

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Obtain this value from the VersionId result of DeliveryStreamDescription. This value is required, and helps the service perform conditional operations. For example, if there is an interleaving update and this value is null, then the update destination fails. After the update is successful, the VersionId value is updated. The service then performs a merge of the old configuration with the new configuration.



The name of the delivery stream.


  • (String)

    The name of the delivery stream.


The ID of the destination.


  • (String)

    The ID of the destination.


Describes an update for a destination in Amazon ES.



Describes an update for a destination in Amazon S3.



Describes an update to the specified HTTP endpoint destination.



Describes an update for a destination in Amazon Redshift.



[Deprecated] Describes an update for a destination in Amazon S3.



Describes an update for a destination in Splunk.
