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Describes the status of the specified volumes. Volume status provides the result of the checks performed on your volumes to determine events that can impair the performance of your volumes. The performance of a volume can be affected if an issue occurs on the volume's underlying host. If the volume's underlying host experiences a power outage or system issue, after the system is restored, there could be data inconsistencies on the volume. Volume events notify you if this occurs. Volume actions notify you if any action needs to be taken in response to the event.
The DescribeVolumeStatus
operation provides the following information about
the specified volumes:
Status: Reflects the current status of the volume. The possible values are
, impaired
, warning
, or insufficient-data
. If all checks
pass, the overall status of the volume is ok
. If the check fails, the overall
status is impaired
. If the status is insufficient-data
, then the checks
might still be taking place on your volume at the time. We recommend that you retry
the request. For more information about volume status, see Monitor
the status of your volumes in the Amazon EBS User Guide.
Events: Reflect the cause of a volume status and might require you to take
action. For example, if your volume returns an impaired
status, then the volume
event might be potential-data-inconsistency
. This means that your volume has
been affected by an issue with the underlying host, has all I/O operations disabled,
and might have inconsistent data.
Actions: Reflect the actions you might have to take in response to an event.
For example, if the status of the volume is impaired
and the volume event shows
, then the action shows enable-volume-io
This means that you may want to enable the I/O operations for the volume by calling
the EnableVolumeIO action and then check the volume for data consistency.
Volume status is based on the volume status checks, and does not reflect the volume
state. Therefore, volume status does not indicate volumes in the error
(for example, when a volume is incapable of accepting I/O.)
The order of the elements in the response, including those within nested structures, might vary. Applications should not assume the elements appear in a particular order.
For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to DescribeVolumeStatusAsync.
Namespace: Amazon.EC2
Assembly: AWSSDK.EC2.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z
public virtual DescribeVolumeStatusResponse DescribeVolumeStatus( DescribeVolumeStatusRequest request )
Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeVolumeStatus service method.
This example describes the status for the volume ``vol-1234567890abcdef0``.
var client = new AmazonEC2Client(); var response = client.DescribeVolumeStatus(new DescribeVolumeStatusRequest { VolumeIds = new List<string> { "vol-1234567890abcdef0" } }); List<VolumeStatusItem> volumeStatuses = response.VolumeStatuses;
This example describes the status for all volumes that are impaired. In this example output, there are no impaired volumes.
var client = new AmazonEC2Client(); var response = client.DescribeVolumeStatus(new DescribeVolumeStatusRequest { Filters = new List<Filter> { new Filter { Name = "volume-status.status", Values = new List<string> { "impaired" } } } }); List<VolumeStatusItem> volumeStatuses = response.VolumeStatuses;
.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5