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This is the response object from the AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress operation.
Namespace: Amazon.EC2.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.EC2.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z
public class AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponse : AmazonWebServiceResponse
The AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponse type exposes the following members
Name | Description | |
AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponse() |
Name | Type | Description | |
ContentLength | System.Int64 | Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse. | |
HttpStatusCode | System.Net.HttpStatusCode | Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse. | |
ResponseMetadata | Amazon.Runtime.ResponseMetadata | Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse. | |
Return | System.Boolean |
Gets and sets the property Return.
Returns |
SecurityGroupRules | System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.EC2.Model.SecurityGroupRule> |
Gets and sets the property SecurityGroupRules. Information about the inbound (ingress) security group rules that were added. |
This example enables inbound traffic on TCP port 22 (SSH). The rule includes a description to help you identify it later.
var client = new AmazonEC2Client(); var response = client.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(new AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest { GroupId = "sg-903004f8", IpPermissions = new List<IpPermission> { new IpPermission { FromPort = 22, IpProtocol = "tcp", ToPort = 22 } } });
This example enables inbound traffic on TCP port 80 from the specified security group. The group must be in the same VPC or a peer VPC. Incoming traffic is allowed based on the private IP addresses of instances that are associated with the specified security group.
var client = new AmazonEC2Client(); var response = client.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(new AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest { GroupId = "sg-111aaa22", IpPermissions = new List<IpPermission> { new IpPermission { FromPort = 80, IpProtocol = "tcp", ToPort = 80, UserIdGroupPairs = new List<UserIdGroupPair> { new UserIdGroupPair { Description = "HTTP access from other instances", GroupId = "sg-1a2b3c4d" } } } } });
This example adds an inbound rule that allows RDP traffic from the specified IPv6 address range. The rule includes a description to help you identify it later.
var client = new AmazonEC2Client(); var response = client.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(new AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest { GroupId = "sg-123abc12 ", IpPermissions = new List<IpPermission> { new IpPermission { FromPort = 3389, IpProtocol = "tcp", Ipv6Ranges = new List<Ipv6Range> { new Ipv6Range { CidrIpv6 = "2001:db8:1234:1a00::/64", Description = "RDP access from the NY office" } }, ToPort = 3389 } } });
Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1
.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0
.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5