AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Returns the public key and an import token you need to import or reimport key material for a KMS key.

By default, KMS keys are created with key material that KMS generates. This operation supports Importing key material, an advanced feature that lets you generate and import the cryptographic key material for a KMS key. For more information about importing key material into KMS, see Importing key material in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Before calling GetParametersForImport, use the CreateKey operation with an Origin value of EXTERNAL to create a KMS key with no key material. You can import key material for a symmetric encryption KMS key, HMAC KMS key, asymmetric encryption KMS key, or asymmetric signing KMS key. You can also import key material into a multi-Region key of any supported type. However, you can't import key material into a KMS key in a custom key store. You can also use GetParametersForImport to get a public key and import token to reimport the original key material into a KMS key whose key material expired or was deleted.

GetParametersForImport returns the items that you need to import your key material.

The public key and its import token are permanently linked and must be used together. Each public key and import token set is valid for 24 hours. The expiration date and time appear in the ParametersValidTo field in the GetParametersForImport response. You cannot use an expired public key or import token in an ImportKeyMaterial request. If your key and token expire, send another GetParametersForImport request.

GetParametersForImport requires the following information:

You can use the same or a different public key spec and wrapping algorithm each time you import or reimport the same key material.

The KMS key that you use for this operation must be in a compatible key state. For details, see Key states of KMS keys in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Cross-account use: No. You cannot perform this operation on a KMS key in a different Amazon Web Services account.

Required permissions: kms:GetParametersForImport (key policy)

Related operations:

Eventual consistency: The KMS API follows an eventual consistency model. For more information, see KMS eventual consistency.


For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to GetParametersForImportAsync.

Namespace: Amazon.KeyManagementService
Assembly: AWSSDK.KeyManagementService.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public virtual GetParametersForImportResponse GetParametersForImport(
         GetParametersForImportRequest request


Type: Amazon.KeyManagementService.Model.GetParametersForImportRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetParametersForImport service method.

Return Value

The response from the GetParametersForImport service method, as returned by KeyManagementService.


DependencyTimeoutException The system timed out while trying to fulfill the request. You can retry the request.
InvalidArnException The request was rejected because a specified ARN, or an ARN in a key policy, is not valid.
KMSInternalException The request was rejected because an internal exception occurred. The request can be retried.
KMSInvalidStateException The request was rejected because the state of the specified resource is not valid for this request. This exceptions means one of the following: The key state of the KMS key is not compatible with the operation. To find the key state, use the DescribeKey operation. For more information about which key states are compatible with each KMS operation, see Key states of KMS keys in the Key Management Service Developer Guide. For cryptographic operations on KMS keys in custom key stores, this exception represents a general failure with many possible causes. To identify the cause, see the error message that accompanies the exception.
NotFoundException The request was rejected because the specified entity or resource could not be found.
UnsupportedOperationException The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.


The following example downloads a public key and import token to import symmetric encryption key material. It uses the default wrapping key spec and the RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256 wrapping algorithm.

To download the public key and import token for a symmetric encryption KMS key

var client = new AmazonKeyManagementServiceClient();
var response = client.GetParametersForImport(new GetParametersForImportRequest 
    KeyId = "1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab", // The identifier of the KMS key that will be associated with the imported key material. You can use the key ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key.
    WrappingAlgorithm = "RSAES_OAEP_SHA_1", // The algorithm that you will use to encrypt the key material before importing it.
    WrappingKeySpec = "RSA_2048" // The type of wrapping key (public key) to return in the response.

MemoryStream importToken = response.ImportToken; // The import token to send with a subsequent ImportKeyMaterial request.
string keyId = response.KeyId; // The ARN of the KMS key that will be associated with the imported key material.
DateTime parametersValidTo = response.ParametersValidTo; // The date and time when the import token and public key expire. After this time, call GetParametersForImport again.
MemoryStream publicKey = response.PublicKey; // The public key to use to encrypt the key material before importing it.


The following example downloads a public key and import token to import an RSA private key. It uses a required RSA_AES wrapping algorithm and the largest supported private key.

To download the public key and import token for an RSA asymmetric KMS key

var client = new AmazonKeyManagementServiceClient();
var response = client.GetParametersForImport(new GetParametersForImportRequest 
    KeyId = "arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:key/8888abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab", // The identifier of the KMS key that will be associated with the imported key material. You can use the key ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key.
    WrappingAlgorithm = "RSA_AES_KEY_WRAP_SHA_256", // The algorithm that you will use to encrypt the key material before importing it.
    WrappingKeySpec = "RSA_4096" // The type of wrapping key (public key) to return in the response.

MemoryStream importToken = response.ImportToken; // The import token to send with a subsequent ImportKeyMaterial request.
string keyId = response.KeyId; // The ARN of the KMS key that will be associated with the imported key material.
DateTime parametersValidTo = response.ParametersValidTo; // The date and time when the import token and public key expire. After this time, call GetParametersForImport again.
MemoryStream publicKey = response.PublicKey; // The public key to use to encrypt the key material before importing it.


The following example downloads a public key and import token to import an ECC_NIST_P521 (secp521r1) private key. You cannot directly wrap this ECC key under an RSA_2048 public key, although you can use an RSA_2048 public key with an RSA_AES wrapping algorithm to wrap any supported key material. This example requests an RSA_3072 public key for use with the RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256.

To download the public key and import token for an elliptic curve (ECC) asymmetric KMS key

var client = new AmazonKeyManagementServiceClient();
var response = client.GetParametersForImport(new GetParametersForImportRequest 
    KeyId = "arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:key/9876abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab", // The identifier of the KMS key that will be associated with the imported key material. You can use the key ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key.
    WrappingAlgorithm = "RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256", // The algorithm that you will use to encrypt the key material before importing it.
    WrappingKeySpec = "RSA_3072" // The type of wrapping key (public key) to return in the response.

MemoryStream importToken = response.ImportToken; // The import token to send with a subsequent ImportKeyMaterial request.
string keyId = response.KeyId; // The ARN of the KMS key that will be associated with the imported key material.
DateTime parametersValidTo = response.ParametersValidTo; // The date and time when the import token and public key expire. After this time, call GetParametersForImport again.
MemoryStream publicKey = response.PublicKey; // The public key to use to encrypt the key material before importing it.


The following example downloads a public key and import token to import an HMAC key. It uses the RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256 wrapping algorithm and an RSA_4096 private key.

To download the public key and import token for an HMAC KMS key

var client = new AmazonKeyManagementServiceClient();
var response = client.GetParametersForImport(new GetParametersForImportRequest 
    KeyId = "2468abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab", // The identifier of the KMS key that will be associated with the imported key material. You can use the key ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key.
    WrappingAlgorithm = "RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256", // The algorithm that you will use to encrypt the key material before importing it.
    WrappingKeySpec = "RSA_4096" // The type of wrapping key (public key) to return in the response.

MemoryStream importToken = response.ImportToken; // The import token to send with a subsequent ImportKeyMaterial request.
string keyId = response.KeyId; // The ARN of the KMS key that will be associated with the imported key material.
DateTime parametersValidTo = response.ParametersValidTo; // The date and time when the import token and public key expire. After this time, call GetParametersForImport again.
MemoryStream publicKey = response.PublicKey; // The public key to use to encrypt the key material before importing it.


Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5

See Also