AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

AWS services or capabilities described in AWS Documentation may vary by region/location. Click Getting Started with Amazon AWS to see specific differences applicable to the China (Beijing) Region.

This interface is the read only access to the ClientConfig object used when setting up service clients. Once service clients are initiated the config object should not be changed to avoid issues with using a service client in a multi threaded environment.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.Runtime
Assembly: AWSSDK.Core.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public interface IClientConfig

The IClientConfig type exposes the following members


Public Property AllowAutoRedirect System.Boolean

This flag controls if .NET HTTP infrastructure should follow redirection responses (e.g. HTTP 307 - temporary redirect).

Public Property AuthenticationRegion System.String

Gets the AuthenticationRegion property. Used in AWS4 request signing, this is an optional property; change it only if the region cannot be determined from the service endpoint.

Public Property AuthenticationServiceName System.String

Gets the AuthenticationServiceName property. Used in AWS4 request signing, this is the short-form name of the service being called.

Public Property AWSTokenProvider Amazon.Runtime.IAWSTokenProvider

For Services using Bearer authentication, this controls how Amazon.Runtime.BearerTokenSigner resolves a Amazon.Runtime.AWSToken.

See Amazon.Runtime.DefaultAWSTokenProviderChain for additional information.

Public Property BufferSize System.Int32

Gets the BufferSize property. The BufferSize controls the buffer used to read in from input streams and write out to the request.

Public Property ClientAppId System.String

ClientAppId is an optional application specific identifier that can be set. When set it will be appended to the User-Agent header of every request in the form of app/{ClientAppId}.

If the ClientAppId is not set on the object the SDK will search the environment variable AWS_SDK_UA_APP_ID and the shared config profile attribute sdk_ua_app_id for a potential value for the ClientAppId.

Public Property ClockOffset System.TimeSpan

Returns the calculated clock skew value for this config's service endpoint. If AWSConfigs.CorrectForClockSkew is false, this value won't be used to construct service requests.

Public Property ConnectionLimit System.Int32

Gets the connection limit set on the ServicePoint for the WebRequest. Default value is 50 connections unless ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit is set in which case ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit will be used as the default.

Public Property CorrectedUtcNow System.DateTime

Returns the clock skew adjusted utc now. This value is affected by AWSConfigs.ManualClockCorrection

Public Property DefaultConfigurationMode Amazon.Runtime.DefaultConfigurationMode

Returns the Amazon.Runtime.DefaultConfigurationMode that will be used. If none is specified, than the correct one is computed by Amazon.Runtime.Internal.IDefaultConfigurationProvider.

Public Property DisableHostPrefixInjection System.Boolean

Gets the DisableHostPrefixInjection flag. If true, host prefix injection will be disabled for this client, the default value of this flag is false. Host prefix injection prefixes the service endpoint with request members from APIs which use this feature. Example: for a hostPrefix of "foo-name." and a endpoint of "" the default behavior is to prefix the endpoint with the hostPrefix resulting in a final endpoint of "". Setting DisableHostPrefixInjection to true will disable hostPrefix injection resulting in a final endpoint of "" regardless of the value of hostPrefix. E.g. You may want to disable host prefix injection for testing against a local mock endpoint.

Public Property DisableLogging System.Boolean

Gets the DisableLogging. If true logging for this client will be disabled.

Public Property DisableRequestCompression System.Boolean

Controls whether request payloads are automatically compressed for supported operations. This setting only applies to operations that support compression. The default value is "false". Set to "true" to disable compression.

Public Property EndpointDiscoveryCacheLimit System.Int32

Returns the maximum number of discovered endpoints that can be stored within the cache for the client. The default limit is 1000 cache entries.

Public Property EndpointDiscoveryEnabled System.Boolean

Returns the flag indicating if endpoint discovery should be enabled or disabled for operations that are not required to use endpoint discovery.

Public Property EndpointProvider Amazon.Runtime.Endpoints.IEndpointProvider

Gets and sets of the EndpointProvider property. This property is used for endpoints resolution. During service client creation it is set to service's default generated EndpointProvider, but can be changed to use custom user supplied EndpointProvider.

Public Property FastFailRequests System.Boolean

Under Adaptive retry mode, this flag determines if the client should wait for a send token to become available or don't block and fail the request immediately if a send token is not available.

Public Property IgnoreConfiguredEndpointUrls System.Boolean

If set to true the SDK will ignore the configured endpointUrls in the config file or in the environment variables. By default it is set to false.

Public Property IsMaxErrorRetrySet System.Boolean

Determines if MaxErrorRetry has been manually set.

Public Property LogMetrics System.Boolean

Flag on whether to log metrics for service calls. This can be set in the application's configs, as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <add key="AWSLogMetrics" value"true"/>

Public Property LogResponse System.Boolean

Gets the LogResponse property. If this property is set to true, the service response is read in its entirety and logged.

Public Property MaxErrorRetry System.Int32

Returns the flag indicating how many retry HTTP requests an SDK should make for a single SDK operation invocation before giving up. This flag will return 4 when the RetryMode is set to "Legacy" which is the default. For RetryMode values of "Standard" or "Adaptive" this flag will return 2. In addition to the values returned that are dependant on the RetryMode, the value can be set to a specific value by using the AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS environment variable, max_attempts in the shared configuration file, or by setting a value directly on this property. When using AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS or max_attempts the value returned from this property will be one less than the value entered because this flag is the number of retry requests, not total requests. To learn more about the RetryMode property that affects the values returned by this flag, see Amazon.Runtime.IClientConfig.RetryMode.

Public Property MaxIdleTime System.Int32

Gets the max idle time set on the ServicePoint for the WebRequest. Default value is 50 seconds (50,000 ms) unless ServicePointManager.MaxServicePointIdleTime is set, in which case ServicePointManager.MaxServicePointIdleTime will be used as the default.

Public Property Profile Amazon.Profile

Specifies the profile to be used. When this is set on the ClientConfig and that config is passed to the service client constructor the sdk will try to find the credentials associated with the Profile.Name property If set, this will override AWS_PROFILE and AWSConfigs.ProfileName.

Public Property ProgressUpdateInterval System.Int64

Gets the interval at which progress update events are raised for upload operations. By default, the progress update events are raised at every 100KB of data transferred.

Public Property ProxyCredentials System.Net.ICredentials

Credentials to use with a proxy.

Public Property ProxyHost System.String

Gets the ProxyHost property.

Public Property ProxyPort System.Int32

Gets the ProxyPort property.

Public Property ReadEntireResponse System.Boolean

Gets the ReadEntireResponse. If this property is set to true, the service response is read in its entirety before being processed.

Public Property ReadWriteTimeout System.Nullable<System.TimeSpan>

Gets the default read-write timeout value.

Public Property RegionEndpoint Amazon.RegionEndpoint

Gets the RegionEndpoint property. The region constant to use that determines the endpoint to use. If this is not set then the client will fallback to the value of ServiceURL.

Public Property RegionEndpointServiceName System.String

The constant used to lookup in the region hash the endpoint.

Public Property RequestChecksumCalculation Amazon.Runtime.RequestChecksumCalculation

Determines the behavior for calculating checksums for request payloads. By default it is set to Amazon.Runtime.RequestChecksumCalculation.WHEN_SUPPORTED.

Public Property RequestMinCompressionSizeBytes System.Int64

Minimum size in bytes that a request body should be to trigger compression.

Public Property ResignRetries System.Boolean

Flag on whether to resign requests on retry or not.

Public Property ResponseChecksumValidation Amazon.Runtime.ResponseChecksumValidation

Determines the behavior for validating checksums on response payloads. By default it is set to Amazon.Runtime.ResponseChecksumValidation.WHEN_SUPPORTED.

Public Property RetryMode Amazon.Runtime.RequestRetryMode

Returns the flag indicating the current mode in use for request retries and influences the value returned from Amazon.Runtime.IClientConfig.MaxErrorRetry. The default value is RequestRetryMode.Legacy. This flag can be configured by using the AWS_RETRY_MODE environment variable, retry_mode in the shared configuration file, or by setting this value directly.

Public Property ServiceId System.String

The serviceId for the service, which is specified in the metadata in the ServiceModel. The transformed value of the service ID (replace any spaces in the service ID with underscores and uppercase all letters) is used to set service-specific endpoint urls. I.e: AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_ELASTIC_BEANSTALK For configuration files, replace any spaces with underscores and lowercase all letters I.e. elastic_beanstalk = endpoint_url = http://localhost:8000

Public Property ServiceURL System.String

Gets and sets of the ServiceURL property. This is an optional property if you need to set a specific service URL instead setting the region with the RegionEndpoint property.

Public Property ServiceVersion System.String

Gets Service Version

Public Property SignatureMethod Amazon.Runtime.SigningAlgorithm

Gets the signatureMethod property.

Public Property SignatureVersion System.String

Gets the SignatureVersion property. Note: This property exists for backward compatibility but is no longer used by any service other than S3.

Public Property TcpKeepAlive Amazon.Runtime.TcpKeepAlive

Gets the TCP keep-alive values to use for service requests. Enabling TCP keep-alive sends periodic TCP keep-alive probe packets, to prevent disconnection due to network inactivity. This is useful when you make API calls that take a long time to respond. In this case, the connection could be dropped by an intermediate node (e.g. proxy) as the connection is inactive for a long time. Timeout controls the duration of inactivity before a keep-alive probe packet is sent. Interval controls the amount of time to wait before retrying a keep-alive probe packet in the event the server doesn't respond to a keep-alive probe.

Public Property TelemetryProvider Amazon.Runtime.Telemetry.TelemetryProvider

This telemetry provider is used to collect and report telemetry data (such as traces and metrics) for operations performed by this specific client. If this property is not explicitly set, it will default to the global Amazon.AWSConfigs.TelemetryProvider.

Public Property ThrottleRetries System.Boolean

Configures a flag enabling to either opt in or opt out of the retry throttling service. Note: set value to true to enable retry throttling feature. The Default value for this flag is false.

Public Property Timeout System.Nullable<System.TimeSpan>

Gets the default request timeout value.

Public Property UseAlternateUserAgentHeader System.Boolean

When set to true, the service client will use the x-amz-user-agent header instead of the User-Agent header to report version and environment information to the AWS service. Note: This is especially useful when using a platform like WebAssembly which doesn't allow to specify the User-Agent header.

Public Property UseDualstackEndpoint System.Boolean

Configures the endpoint calculation for a service to go to a dual stack (ipv6 enabled) endpoint for the configured region.

Public Property UseFIPSEndpoint System.Boolean

Configures the endpoint calculation to go to a FIPS ( endpoint for the configured region.

Public Property UseHttp System.Boolean

Gets the UseHttp property. If this property is set to true, the client attempts to use HTTP protocol. By default, this property is set to false.

Public Property UseNagleAlgorithm System.Boolean

Gets whether the Nagle algorithm is used on connections managed by the ServicePoint object used for requests to AWS. This is defaulted to false for lower latency with responses that return small amount of data. This is the opposite default than ServicePoint.UseNagleAlgorithm which is optimized for large responses like web pages or images.

Public Property UserAgent System.String

Gets the UserAgent property.



Asynchronous operations (methods ending with Async) in the table below are for .NET 4.5 or higher. For .NET 3.5 the SDK follows the standard naming convention of BeginMethodName and EndMethodName to indicate asynchronous operations - these method pairs are not shown in the table below.

Public Method DetermineDnsSuffix()

Given this client configuration, return a DNS suffix for service endpoint url.

Public Method DetermineServiceURL()

Using either the RegionEndpoint or the ServiceURL determine what the URL to the service is.

Public Method GetHttpProxy()

Returns a WebProxy instance to use for HTTP connections if an explicit web proxy hasn't been configured.

Public Method GetHttpsProxy()

Returns a WebProxy instance to use for HTTPS connections if an explicit web proxy hasn't been configured.

Public Method GetWebProxy()

Returns a WebProxy instance configured to match the proxy settings in the client configuration.

Public Method Validate()

Performs validation on this config object. Throws exception if any of the required values are missing/invalid.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5