AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

AWS services or capabilities described in AWS Documentation may vary by region/location. Click Getting Started with Amazon AWS to see specific differences applicable to the China (Beijing) Region.

Container for the parameters to the ListBuckets operation.

This operation is not supported by directory buckets.

Returns a list of all buckets owned by the authenticated sender of the request. To grant IAM permission to use this operation, you must add the s3:ListAllMyBuckets policy action.

For information about Amazon S3 buckets, see Creating, configuring, and working with Amazon S3 buckets.

We strongly recommend using only paginated ListBuckets requests. Unpaginated ListBuckets requests are only supported for Amazon Web Services accounts set to the default general purpose bucket quota of 10,000. If you have an approved general purpose bucket quota above 10,000, you must send paginated ListBuckets requests to list your account’s buckets. All unpaginated ListBuckets requests will be rejected for Amazon Web Services accounts with a general purpose bucket quota greater than 10,000.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.S3.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.S3.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class ListBucketsRequest : AmazonWebServiceRequest

The ListBucketsRequest type exposes the following members


Public Method ListBucketsRequest()


Public Property BucketRegion System.String

Limits the response to buckets that are located in the specified Amazon Web Services region.

Requests made to an endpoint in a region that is different from the bucket-region parameter are not supported. For example, if you want to limit the response to your buckets in us-west-2 region, the request must be made to an endpoint in us-west-2.

Public Property ContinuationToken System.String

Gets and sets the property ContinuationToken.

ContinuationToken indicates to Amazon S3 that the list is being continued on this bucket with a token. ContinuationToken is obfuscated and is not a real key. You can use this ContinuationToken for pagination of the list results.

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 1024.

Required: No.

If you specify the bucket-region, prefix, or continuation-token query parameters without using max-buckets to set the maximum number of buckets returned in the response, Amazon S3 applies a default page size of 10,000 and provides a continuation token if there are more buckets.

Public Property MaxBuckets System.Int32

Gets and sets the property MaxBuckets.

Maximum number of buckets to be returned in response. When the number is more than the count of buckets that are owned by an Amazon Web Services account, return all the buckets in response.

Public Property Prefix System.String

Limits the response to bucket names that begin with the specified bucket name prefix.


This example shows how to list all buckets.

ListBuckets sample

// Create a client
AmazonS3Client client = new AmazonS3Client();

// Issue call
ListBucketsResponse response = client.ListBuckets();

// View response data
Console.WriteLine("Buckets owner - {0}", response.Owner.DisplayName);
foreach (S3Bucket bucket in response.Buckets)
    Console.WriteLine("Bucket {0}, Created on {1}", bucket.BucketName, bucket.CreationDate);


Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5