AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

AWS services or capabilities described in AWS Documentation may vary by region/location. Click Getting Started with Amazon AWS to see specific differences applicable to the China (Beijing) Region.


Class ActionStatus

Constants used for properties of type ActionStatus.

Class ActivationState

Constants used for properties of type ActivationState.

Class AdditionalS3DataSourceDataType

Constants used for properties of type AdditionalS3DataSourceDataType.

Class AggregationTransformationValue

Constants used for properties of type AggregationTransformationValue.

Class AlgorithmSortBy

Constants used for properties of type AlgorithmSortBy.

Class AlgorithmStatus

Constants used for properties of type AlgorithmStatus.

Class AmazonSageMakerClient

Implementation for accessing SageMaker

Provides APIs for creating and managing SageMaker resources.

Other Resources:

Class AmazonSageMakerConfig

Configuration for accessing Amazon SageMaker service

Class AmazonSageMakerDefaultConfiguration

Configuration for accessing Amazon SageMaker service

Class AmazonSageMakerException

Common exception for the SageMaker service.

Class AmazonSageMakerRequest

Base class for SageMaker operation requests.

Class AppImageConfigSortKey

Constants used for properties of type AppImageConfigSortKey.

Class AppInstanceType

Constants used for properties of type AppInstanceType.

Class AppNetworkAccessType

Constants used for properties of type AppNetworkAccessType.

Class AppSecurityGroupManagement

Constants used for properties of type AppSecurityGroupManagement.

Class AppSortKey

Constants used for properties of type AppSortKey.

Class AppStatus

Constants used for properties of type AppStatus.

Class AppType

Constants used for properties of type AppType.

Class ArtifactSourceIdType

Constants used for properties of type ArtifactSourceIdType.

Class AssemblyType

Constants used for properties of type AssemblyType.

Class AssociationEdgeType

Constants used for properties of type AssociationEdgeType.

Class AsyncNotificationTopicTypes

Constants used for properties of type AsyncNotificationTopicTypes.

Class AthenaResultCompressionType

Constants used for properties of type AthenaResultCompressionType.

Class AthenaResultFormat

Constants used for properties of type AthenaResultFormat.

Class AuthMode

Constants used for properties of type AuthMode.

Class AutoMLAlgorithm

Constants used for properties of type AutoMLAlgorithm.

Class AutoMLChannelType

Constants used for properties of type AutoMLChannelType.

Class AutoMLJobObjectiveType

Constants used for properties of type AutoMLJobObjectiveType.

Class AutoMLJobSecondaryStatus

Constants used for properties of type AutoMLJobSecondaryStatus.

Class AutoMLJobStatus

Constants used for properties of type AutoMLJobStatus.

Class AutoMLMetricEnum

Constants used for properties of type AutoMLMetricEnum.

Class AutoMLMetricExtendedEnum

Constants used for properties of type AutoMLMetricExtendedEnum.

Class AutoMLMode

Constants used for properties of type AutoMLMode.

Class AutoMLProblemTypeConfigName

Constants used for properties of type AutoMLProblemTypeConfigName.

Class AutoMLProcessingUnit

Constants used for properties of type AutoMLProcessingUnit.

Class AutoMLS3DataType

Constants used for properties of type AutoMLS3DataType.

Class AutoMLSortBy

Constants used for properties of type AutoMLSortBy.

Class AutoMLSortOrder

Constants used for properties of type AutoMLSortOrder.

Class AutoMountHomeEFS

Constants used for properties of type AutoMountHomeEFS.

Class AutotuneMode

Constants used for properties of type AutotuneMode.

Class AwsManagedHumanLoopRequestSource

Constants used for properties of type AwsManagedHumanLoopRequestSource.

Class BatchDeleteClusterNodesErrorCode

Constants used for properties of type BatchDeleteClusterNodesErrorCode.

Class BatchStrategy

Constants used for properties of type BatchStrategy.

Class BooleanOperator

Constants used for properties of type BooleanOperator.

Class CandidateSortBy

Constants used for properties of type CandidateSortBy.

Class CandidateStatus

Constants used for properties of type CandidateStatus.

Class CandidateStepType

Constants used for properties of type CandidateStepType.

Class CapacitySizeType

Constants used for properties of type CapacitySizeType.

Class CaptureMode

Constants used for properties of type CaptureMode.

Class CaptureStatus

Constants used for properties of type CaptureStatus.

Class ClarifyFeatureType

Constants used for properties of type ClarifyFeatureType.

Class ClarifyTextGranularity

Constants used for properties of type ClarifyTextGranularity.

Class ClarifyTextLanguage

Constants used for properties of type ClarifyTextLanguage.

Class ClusterInstanceStatus

Constants used for properties of type ClusterInstanceStatus.

Class ClusterInstanceType

Constants used for properties of type ClusterInstanceType.

Class ClusterNodeRecovery

Constants used for properties of type ClusterNodeRecovery.

Class ClusterSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ClusterSortBy.

Class ClusterStatus

Constants used for properties of type ClusterStatus.

Class CodeRepositorySortBy

Constants used for properties of type CodeRepositorySortBy.

Class CodeRepositorySortOrder

Constants used for properties of type CodeRepositorySortOrder.

Class CollectionType

Constants used for properties of type CollectionType.

Class CompilationJobStatus

Constants used for properties of type CompilationJobStatus.

Class CompleteOnConvergence

Constants used for properties of type CompleteOnConvergence.

Class CompressionType

Constants used for properties of type CompressionType.

Class ConditionOutcome

Constants used for properties of type ConditionOutcome.

Class ContainerMode

Constants used for properties of type ContainerMode.

Class ContentClassifier

Constants used for properties of type ContentClassifier.

Class CrossAccountFilterOption

Constants used for properties of type CrossAccountFilterOption.

Class DataDistributionType

Constants used for properties of type DataDistributionType.

Class DataSourceName

Constants used for properties of type DataSourceName.

Class DeepHealthCheckType

Constants used for properties of type DeepHealthCheckType.

Class DetailedAlgorithmStatus

Constants used for properties of type DetailedAlgorithmStatus.

Class DetailedModelPackageStatus

Constants used for properties of type DetailedModelPackageStatus.

Class DeviceDeploymentStatus

Constants used for properties of type DeviceDeploymentStatus.

Class DeviceSubsetType

Constants used for properties of type DeviceSubsetType.

Class DirectInternetAccess

Constants used for properties of type DirectInternetAccess.

Class Direction

Constants used for properties of type Direction.

Class DomainStatus

Constants used for properties of type DomainStatus.

Class EdgePackagingJobStatus

Constants used for properties of type EdgePackagingJobStatus.

Class EdgePresetDeploymentStatus

Constants used for properties of type EdgePresetDeploymentStatus.

Class EdgePresetDeploymentType

Constants used for properties of type EdgePresetDeploymentType.

Class EnabledOrDisabled

Constants used for properties of type EnabledOrDisabled.

Class EndpointConfigSortKey

Constants used for properties of type EndpointConfigSortKey.

Class EndpointSortKey

Constants used for properties of type EndpointSortKey.

Class EndpointStatus

Constants used for properties of type EndpointStatus.

Class ExecutionRoleIdentityConfig

Constants used for properties of type ExecutionRoleIdentityConfig.

Class ExecutionStatus

Constants used for properties of type ExecutionStatus.

Class FailureHandlingPolicy

Constants used for properties of type FailureHandlingPolicy.

Class FairShare

Constants used for properties of type FairShare.

Class FeatureGroupSortBy

Constants used for properties of type FeatureGroupSortBy.

Class FeatureGroupSortOrder

Constants used for properties of type FeatureGroupSortOrder.

Class FeatureGroupStatus

Constants used for properties of type FeatureGroupStatus.

Class FeatureStatus

Constants used for properties of type FeatureStatus.

Class FeatureType

Constants used for properties of type FeatureType.

Class FileSystemAccessMode

Constants used for properties of type FileSystemAccessMode.

Class FileSystemType

Constants used for properties of type FileSystemType.

Class FillingType

Constants used for properties of type FillingType.

Class FlatInvocations

Constants used for properties of type FlatInvocations.

Class FlowDefinitionStatus

Constants used for properties of type FlowDefinitionStatus.

Class Framework

Constants used for properties of type Framework.

Class HubContentSortBy

Constants used for properties of type HubContentSortBy.

Class HubContentStatus

Constants used for properties of type HubContentStatus.

Class HubContentSupportStatus

Constants used for properties of type HubContentSupportStatus.

Class HubContentType

Constants used for properties of type HubContentType.

Class HubSortBy

Constants used for properties of type HubSortBy.

Class HubStatus

Constants used for properties of type HubStatus.

Class HumanTaskUiStatus

Constants used for properties of type HumanTaskUiStatus.

Class HyperParameterScalingType

Constants used for properties of type HyperParameterScalingType.

Class HyperParameterTuningAllocationStrategy

Constants used for properties of type HyperParameterTuningAllocationStrategy.

Class HyperParameterTuningJobObjectiveType

Constants used for properties of type HyperParameterTuningJobObjectiveType.

Class HyperParameterTuningJobSortByOptions

Constants used for properties of type HyperParameterTuningJobSortByOptions.

Class HyperParameterTuningJobStatus

Constants used for properties of type HyperParameterTuningJobStatus.

Class HyperParameterTuningJobStrategyType

Constants used for properties of type HyperParameterTuningJobStrategyType.

Class HyperParameterTuningJobWarmStartType

Constants used for properties of type HyperParameterTuningJobWarmStartType.

Class ImageSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ImageSortBy.

Class ImageSortOrder

Constants used for properties of type ImageSortOrder.

Class ImageStatus

Constants used for properties of type ImageStatus.

Class ImageVersionSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ImageVersionSortBy.

Class ImageVersionSortOrder

Constants used for properties of type ImageVersionSortOrder.

Class ImageVersionStatus

Constants used for properties of type ImageVersionStatus.

Class InferenceComponentCapacitySizeType

Constants used for properties of type InferenceComponentCapacitySizeType.

Class InferenceComponentSortKey

Constants used for properties of type InferenceComponentSortKey.

Class InferenceComponentStatus

Constants used for properties of type InferenceComponentStatus.

Class InferenceExecutionMode

Constants used for properties of type InferenceExecutionMode.

Class InferenceExperimentStatus

Constants used for properties of type InferenceExperimentStatus.

Class InferenceExperimentStopDesiredState

Constants used for properties of type InferenceExperimentStopDesiredState.

Class InferenceExperimentType

Constants used for properties of type InferenceExperimentType.

Class InputMode

Constants used for properties of type InputMode.

Class InstanceGroupStatus

Constants used for properties of type InstanceGroupStatus.

Class InstanceType

Constants used for properties of type InstanceType.

Class IsTrackingServerActive

Constants used for properties of type IsTrackingServerActive.

Class JobType

Constants used for properties of type JobType.

Class JoinSource

Constants used for properties of type JoinSource.

Class LabelingJobStatus

Constants used for properties of type LabelingJobStatus.

Class LastUpdateStatusValue

Constants used for properties of type LastUpdateStatusValue.

Class LifecycleManagement

Constants used for properties of type LifecycleManagement.

Class LineageType

Constants used for properties of type LineageType.

Class ListCompilationJobsSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ListCompilationJobsSortBy.

Class ListDeviceFleetsSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ListDeviceFleetsSortBy.

Class ListEdgeDeploymentPlansSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ListEdgeDeploymentPlansSortBy.

Class ListEdgePackagingJobsSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ListEdgePackagingJobsSortBy.

Class ListInferenceRecommendationsJobsSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ListInferenceRecommendationsJobsSortBy.

Class ListLabelingJobsForWorkteamSortByOptions

Constants used for properties of type ListLabelingJobsForWorkteamSortByOptions.

Class ListOptimizationJobsSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ListOptimizationJobsSortBy.

Class ListWorkforcesSortByOptions

Constants used for properties of type ListWorkforcesSortByOptions.

Class ListWorkteamsSortByOptions

Constants used for properties of type ListWorkteamsSortByOptions.

Class ManagedInstanceScalingStatus

Constants used for properties of type ManagedInstanceScalingStatus.

Class MetricSetSource

Constants used for properties of type MetricSetSource.

Class MlTools

Constants used for properties of type MlTools.

Class ModelApprovalStatus

Constants used for properties of type ModelApprovalStatus.

Class ModelCacheSetting

Constants used for properties of type ModelCacheSetting.

Class ModelCardExportJobSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ModelCardExportJobSortBy.

Class ModelCardExportJobSortOrder

Constants used for properties of type ModelCardExportJobSortOrder.

Class ModelCardExportJobStatus

Constants used for properties of type ModelCardExportJobStatus.

Class ModelCardProcessingStatus

Constants used for properties of type ModelCardProcessingStatus.

Class ModelCardSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ModelCardSortBy.

Class ModelCardSortOrder

Constants used for properties of type ModelCardSortOrder.

Class ModelCardStatus

Constants used for properties of type ModelCardStatus.

Class ModelCardVersionSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ModelCardVersionSortBy.

Class ModelCompressionType

Constants used for properties of type ModelCompressionType.

Class ModelInfrastructureType

Constants used for properties of type ModelInfrastructureType.

Class ModelMetadataFilterType

Constants used for properties of type ModelMetadataFilterType.

Class ModelPackageGroupSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ModelPackageGroupSortBy.

Class ModelPackageGroupStatus

Constants used for properties of type ModelPackageGroupStatus.

Class ModelPackageSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ModelPackageSortBy.

Class ModelPackageStatus

Constants used for properties of type ModelPackageStatus.

Class ModelPackageType

Constants used for properties of type ModelPackageType.

Class ModelSortKey

Constants used for properties of type ModelSortKey.

Class ModelVariantAction

Constants used for properties of type ModelVariantAction.

Class ModelVariantStatus

Constants used for properties of type ModelVariantStatus.

Class MonitoringAlertHistorySortKey

Constants used for properties of type MonitoringAlertHistorySortKey.

Class MonitoringAlertStatus

Constants used for properties of type MonitoringAlertStatus.

Class MonitoringExecutionSortKey

Constants used for properties of type MonitoringExecutionSortKey.

Class MonitoringJobDefinitionSortKey

Constants used for properties of type MonitoringJobDefinitionSortKey.

Class MonitoringProblemType

Constants used for properties of type MonitoringProblemType.

Class MonitoringScheduleSortKey

Constants used for properties of type MonitoringScheduleSortKey.

Class MonitoringType

Constants used for properties of type MonitoringType.

Class NotebookInstanceAcceleratorType

Constants used for properties of type NotebookInstanceAcceleratorType.

Class NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigSortKey

Constants used for properties of type NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigSortKey.

Class NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigSortOrder

Constants used for properties of type NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfigSortOrder.

Class NotebookInstanceSortKey

Constants used for properties of type NotebookInstanceSortKey.

Class NotebookInstanceSortOrder

Constants used for properties of type NotebookInstanceSortOrder.

Class NotebookInstanceStatus

Constants used for properties of type NotebookInstanceStatus.

Class NotebookOutputOption

Constants used for properties of type NotebookOutputOption.

Class ObjectiveStatus

Constants used for properties of type ObjectiveStatus.

Class OfflineStoreStatusValue

Constants used for properties of type OfflineStoreStatusValue.

Class Operator

Constants used for properties of type Operator.

Class OptimizationJobDeploymentInstanceType

Constants used for properties of type OptimizationJobDeploymentInstanceType.

Class OptimizationJobStatus

Constants used for properties of type OptimizationJobStatus.

Class OrderKey

Constants used for properties of type OrderKey.

Class OutputCompressionType

Constants used for properties of type OutputCompressionType.

Class ParameterType

Constants used for properties of type ParameterType.

Class PartnerAppAuthType

Constants used for properties of type PartnerAppAuthType.

Class PartnerAppStatus

Constants used for properties of type PartnerAppStatus.

Class PartnerAppType

Constants used for properties of type PartnerAppType.

Class PipelineExecutionStatus

Constants used for properties of type PipelineExecutionStatus.

Class PipelineStatus

Constants used for properties of type PipelineStatus.

Class PreemptTeamTasks

Constants used for properties of type PreemptTeamTasks.

Class ProblemType

Constants used for properties of type ProblemType.

Class ProcessingInstanceType

Constants used for properties of type ProcessingInstanceType.

Class ProcessingJobStatus

Constants used for properties of type ProcessingJobStatus.

Class ProcessingS3CompressionType

Constants used for properties of type ProcessingS3CompressionType.

Class ProcessingS3DataDistributionType

Constants used for properties of type ProcessingS3DataDistributionType.

Class ProcessingS3DataType

Constants used for properties of type ProcessingS3DataType.

Class ProcessingS3InputMode

Constants used for properties of type ProcessingS3InputMode.

Class ProcessingS3UploadMode

Constants used for properties of type ProcessingS3UploadMode.

Class Processor

Constants used for properties of type Processor.

Class ProductionVariantAcceleratorType

Constants used for properties of type ProductionVariantAcceleratorType.

Class ProductionVariantInferenceAmiVersion

Constants used for properties of type ProductionVariantInferenceAmiVersion.

Class ProductionVariantInstanceType

Constants used for properties of type ProductionVariantInstanceType.

Class ProfilingStatus

Constants used for properties of type ProfilingStatus.

Class ProjectSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ProjectSortBy.

Class ProjectSortOrder

Constants used for properties of type ProjectSortOrder.

Class ProjectStatus

Constants used for properties of type ProjectStatus.

Class RecommendationJobStatus

Constants used for properties of type RecommendationJobStatus.

Class RecommendationJobSupportedEndpointType

Constants used for properties of type RecommendationJobSupportedEndpointType.

Class RecommendationJobType

Constants used for properties of type RecommendationJobType.

Class RecommendationStatus

Constants used for properties of type RecommendationStatus.

Class RecommendationStepType

Constants used for properties of type RecommendationStepType.

Class RecordWrapper

Constants used for properties of type RecordWrapper.

Class RedshiftResultCompressionType

Constants used for properties of type RedshiftResultCompressionType.

Class RedshiftResultFormat

Constants used for properties of type RedshiftResultFormat.

Class RepositoryAccessMode

Constants used for properties of type RepositoryAccessMode.

Class ReservedCapacityInstanceType

Constants used for properties of type ReservedCapacityInstanceType.

Class ReservedCapacityStatus

Constants used for properties of type ReservedCapacityStatus.

Class ResourceCatalogSortBy

Constants used for properties of type ResourceCatalogSortBy.

Class ResourceCatalogSortOrder

Constants used for properties of type ResourceCatalogSortOrder.

Class ResourceSharingStrategy

Constants used for properties of type ResourceSharingStrategy.

Class ResourceType

Constants used for properties of type ResourceType.

Class RetentionType

Constants used for properties of type RetentionType.

Class RootAccess

Constants used for properties of type RootAccess.

Class RoutingStrategy

Constants used for properties of type RoutingStrategy.

Class RStudioServerProAccessStatus

Constants used for properties of type RStudioServerProAccessStatus.

Class RStudioServerProUserGroup

Constants used for properties of type RStudioServerProUserGroup.

Class RuleEvaluationStatus

Constants used for properties of type RuleEvaluationStatus.

Class S3DataDistribution

Constants used for properties of type S3DataDistribution.

Class S3DataType

Constants used for properties of type S3DataType.

Class S3ModelDataType

Constants used for properties of type S3ModelDataType.

Class SageMakerImageName

Constants used for properties of type SageMakerImageName.

Class SageMakerResourceName

Constants used for properties of type SageMakerResourceName.

Class SagemakerServicecatalogStatus

Constants used for properties of type SagemakerServicecatalogStatus.

Class SchedulerResourceStatus

Constants used for properties of type SchedulerResourceStatus.

Class ScheduleStatus

Constants used for properties of type ScheduleStatus.

Class SearchSortOrder

Constants used for properties of type SearchSortOrder.

Class SecondaryStatus

Constants used for properties of type SecondaryStatus.

Class SharingType

Constants used for properties of type SharingType.

Class SkipModelValidation

Constants used for properties of type SkipModelValidation.

Class SortActionsBy

Constants used for properties of type SortActionsBy.

Class SortArtifactsBy

Constants used for properties of type SortArtifactsBy.

Class SortAssociationsBy

Constants used for properties of type SortAssociationsBy.

Class SortBy

Constants used for properties of type SortBy.

Class SortClusterSchedulerConfigBy

Constants used for properties of type SortClusterSchedulerConfigBy.

Class SortContextsBy

Constants used for properties of type SortContextsBy.

Class SortExperimentsBy

Constants used for properties of type SortExperimentsBy.

Class SortInferenceExperimentsBy

Constants used for properties of type SortInferenceExperimentsBy.

Class SortLineageGroupsBy

Constants used for properties of type SortLineageGroupsBy.

Class SortOrder

Constants used for properties of type SortOrder.

Class SortPipelineExecutionsBy

Constants used for properties of type SortPipelineExecutionsBy.

Class SortPipelinesBy

Constants used for properties of type SortPipelinesBy.

Class SortQuotaBy

Constants used for properties of type SortQuotaBy.

Class SortTrackingServerBy

Constants used for properties of type SortTrackingServerBy.

Class SortTrialComponentsBy

Constants used for properties of type SortTrialComponentsBy.

Class SortTrialsBy

Constants used for properties of type SortTrialsBy.

Class SpaceSortKey

Constants used for properties of type SpaceSortKey.

Class SpaceStatus

Constants used for properties of type SpaceStatus.

Class SplitType

Constants used for properties of type SplitType.

Class StageStatus

Constants used for properties of type StageStatus.

Class Statistic

Constants used for properties of type Statistic.

Class StepStatus

Constants used for properties of type StepStatus.

Class StorageType

Constants used for properties of type StorageType.

Class StudioLifecycleConfigAppType

Constants used for properties of type StudioLifecycleConfigAppType.

Class StudioLifecycleConfigSortKey

Constants used for properties of type StudioLifecycleConfigSortKey.

Class StudioWebPortal

Constants used for properties of type StudioWebPortal.

Class TableFormat

Constants used for properties of type TableFormat.

Class TagPropagation

Constants used for properties of type TagPropagation.

Class TargetDevice

Constants used for properties of type TargetDevice.

Class TargetPlatformAccelerator

Constants used for properties of type TargetPlatformAccelerator.

Class TargetPlatformArch

Constants used for properties of type TargetPlatformArch.

Class TargetPlatformOs

Constants used for properties of type TargetPlatformOs.

Class ThroughputMode

Constants used for properties of type ThroughputMode.

Class TrackingServerSize

Constants used for properties of type TrackingServerSize.

Class TrackingServerStatus

Constants used for properties of type TrackingServerStatus.

Class TrafficRoutingConfigType

Constants used for properties of type TrafficRoutingConfigType.

Class TrafficType

Constants used for properties of type TrafficType.

Class TrainingInputMode

Constants used for properties of type TrainingInputMode.

Class TrainingInstanceType

Constants used for properties of type TrainingInstanceType.

Class TrainingJobEarlyStoppingType

Constants used for properties of type TrainingJobEarlyStoppingType.

Class TrainingJobSortByOptions

Constants used for properties of type TrainingJobSortByOptions.

Class TrainingJobStatus

Constants used for properties of type TrainingJobStatus.

Class TrainingPlanFilterName

Constants used for properties of type TrainingPlanFilterName.

Class TrainingPlanSortBy

Constants used for properties of type TrainingPlanSortBy.

Class TrainingPlanSortOrder

Constants used for properties of type TrainingPlanSortOrder.

Class TrainingPlanStatus

Constants used for properties of type TrainingPlanStatus.

Class TrainingRepositoryAccessMode

Constants used for properties of type TrainingRepositoryAccessMode.

Class TransformInstanceType

Constants used for properties of type TransformInstanceType.

Class TransformJobStatus

Constants used for properties of type TransformJobStatus.

Class TrialComponentPrimaryStatus

Constants used for properties of type TrialComponentPrimaryStatus.

Class TtlDurationUnit

Constants used for properties of type TtlDurationUnit.

Class UserProfileSortKey

Constants used for properties of type UserProfileSortKey.

Class UserProfileStatus

Constants used for properties of type UserProfileStatus.

Class VariantPropertyType

Constants used for properties of type VariantPropertyType.

Class VariantStatus

Constants used for properties of type VariantStatus.

Class VendorGuidance

Constants used for properties of type VendorGuidance.

Class WarmPoolResourceStatus

Constants used for properties of type WarmPoolResourceStatus.

Class WorkforceStatus

Constants used for properties of type WorkforceStatus.


Interface IAmazonSageMaker

Interface for accessing SageMaker

Provides APIs for creating and managing SageMaker resources.

Other Resources: