Application ID - AWS SDKs and Tools

Application ID


For help in understanding the layout of settings pages, or in interpreting the Support by AWS SDKs and tools table that follows, see Understanding the settings pages of this guide.

A single AWS account can be used by multiple customer applications to make calls to AWS services. Application ID provides a way for customers to identify which source application made a set of calls using an AWS account. AWS SDKs and services don't use or interpret this value other than to surface it back in customer communications. For example, this value can be included in operational emails or in the AWS Health Dashboard to uniquely identify which of your applications is associated with the notification.

Configure this functionality by using the following:

sdk_ua_app_id - shared AWS config file setting
AWS_SDK_UA_APP_ID - environment variable
aws.userAgentAppId - JVM system property: Java/Kotlin only

This setting is a unique string you assign to your application to identify which of your applications within a particular AWS account makes calls to AWS.

Default value: None

Valid values: String with maximum length of 50. Letters, numbers and the following special characters are allowed: !,$,%,&,*,+,-,.,,,^,_,`,|,~.

Example of setting this value in the config file:

[default] sdk_ua_app_id=ABCDEF

Linux/macOS example of setting environment variables via command line:


Windows example of setting environment variables via command line:


If you include symbols that have a special meaning to the shell being used, escape the value as appropriate.

Support by AWS SDKs and tools

The following SDKs support the features and settings described in this topic. Any partial exceptions are noted. Any JVM system property settings are supported by the AWS SDK for Java and the AWS SDK for Kotlin only.

SDK Supported Notes or more information
AWS CLI v2 Yes
SDK for C++ Yes shared config file not supported.
SDK for Go V2 (1.x) Yes
SDK for Go 1.x (V1) No
SDK for Java 2.x Partial Shared config file setting not supported; environment variable not supported.
SDK for Java 1.x No
SDK for JavaScript 3.x Yes
SDK for JavaScript 2.x No
SDK for Kotlin Yes
SDK for .NET 3.x Yes Environment variables not supported.
SDK for PHP 3.x Yes
SDK for Python (Boto3) Yes
SDK for Ruby 3.x Yes
SDK for Rust Yes
SDK for Swift No
Tools for PowerShell No