This decorator expects a secret ID string and SecretCache as the first and second arguments. The remaining arguments map parameters from the wrapped function to JSON keys in the secret. The secret must contain a string in JSON structure.
For a secret that contains this JSON:
{ "username": "
", "password": "EXAMPLE-PASSWORD
" }
The following example shows how to extract the JSON values for username
and password
from the secret.
from aws_secretsmanager_caching import SecretCache from aws_secretsmanager_caching import InjectKeywordedSecretString, InjectSecretString cache = SecretCache() @InjectKeywordedSecretString ( secret_id = '
' , cache = cache , func_username = 'username' , func_password = 'password' ) deffunction_to_be_decorated
( func_username, func_password): print( 'Do something with the func_username and func_password parameters')