Lambda function rotation strategies - AWS Secrets Manager

Lambda function rotation strategies

For Rotation by Lambda function, for database secrets, Secrets Manager offers two rotation strategies.

Rotation strategy: single user

This strategy updates credentials for one user in one secret. For Amazon RDS Db2 instances, because users can't change their own passwords, you must provide admin credentials in a separate secret. This is the simplest rotation strategy, and it is appropriate for most use cases. In particular, we recommend you use this strategy for credentials for one-time (ad hoc) or interactive users.

When the secret rotates, open database connections are not dropped. While rotation is happening, there is a short period of time between when the password in the database changes and when the secret is updated. During this time, there is a low risk of the database denying calls that use the rotated credentials. You can mitigate this risk with an appropriate retry strategy. After rotation, new connections use the new credentials.

Rotation strategy: alternating users

This strategy updates credentials for two users in one secret. You create the first user, and during the first rotation, the rotation function clones it to create the second user. Every time the secret rotates, the rotation function alternates which user's password it updates. Because most users don't have permission to clone themselves, you must provide the credentials for a superuser in another secret. We recommend using the single-user rotation strategy when cloned users in your database don't have the same permissions as the original user, and for credentials for one-time (ad hoc) or interactive users.

This strategy is appropriate for databases with permission models where one role owns the database tables and a second role has permission to access the database tables. It is also appropriate for applications that require high availability. If an application retrieves the secret during rotation, the application still gets a valid set of credentials. After rotation, both user and user_clone credentials are valid. There is even less chance of applications getting a deny during this type of rotation than single user rotation. If the database is hosted on a server farm where the password change takes time to propagate to all servers, there is a risk of the database denying calls that use the new credentials. You can mitigate this risk with an appropriate retry strategy.

Secrets Manager creates the cloned user with the same permissions as the original user. If you change the original user's permissions after the clone is created, you must also change the cloned user's permissions.

For example, if you create a secret with a database user's credentials, the secret contains one version with those credentials.

The secret contains one secret version labeled AWSCURRENT. The username for the AWSCURRENT version is MyUser.

First rotation – The rotation function creates a clone of your user with a generated password, and those credentials become the current secret version.

The secret contains two secret versions, one labeled AWSCURRENT and one labeled AWSPREVIOUS. The username for the AWSCURRENT version is MyUser_clone.

Second rotation – The rotation function updates the password for the original user.

The secret contains two secret versions, one labeled AWSCURRENT and one labeled AWSPREVIOUS. The username for the AWSCURRENT version is MyUser.

Third rotation – The rotation function updates the password for the cloned user.

The secret contains two secret versions, one labeled AWSCURRENT and one labeled AWSPREVIOUS. The username for the AWSCURRENT version is MyUser_clone.