Reviewing Security Lake usage and estimated costs - Amazon Security Lake

Reviewing Security Lake usage and estimated costs

The Usage page of the Amazon Security Lake console lets you review your current Security Lake usage, as well as future usage and cost estimates. If you’re currently participating in a 15-day free trial, your usage during the trial can help you estimate your costs for using Security Lake after your free trial ends. For an overview of Security Lake pricing, see How Security Lake pricing is determined. For detailed information and cost examples, see Amazon Security Lake Pricing.

In Security Lake, estimated usage costs are reported in US Dollars and apply only to the current AWS Region. The costs cover Security Lake usage by all accounts in your organization and include conversion to the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) and Apache Parquet format. However, the predicted costs don't include costs for other services that Security Lake works with, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and AWS Glue.

On the Usage page, you choose a time period for which to view usage and cost data. The default time period is the last 1 calendar day. You must have at least 1 day of Security Lake usage to see cost projections.

The top of the page shows the Projected cost for all accounts. This is your predicted Security Lake cost in the current AWS Region for the next 30 calendar days based on your actual usage during the selected time frame. The actual usage and predicted cost reflects all accounts in your organization.

On the remainder of the page, the usage and cost data is divided into two tables as follows:

  • Usage and cost by source – This is your current Security Lake usage broken down by data source, as well as estimated usage and costs for the next 30 calendar days based on your actual usage during the selected time frame. The actual usage, predicted usage, and predicted cost reflect all accounts in your organization. If you select a source, a split panel opens which shows which accounts generated logs and events from that source. For each account, the split panel includes both actual usage from that source and predicted usage and costs.

  • Usage and cost by account – This is your current Security Lake usage broken down by account, as well as estimated usage and costs for the next 30 calendar days based on your actual usage during the selected time frame. If you select an account, a split panel opens which shows the sources that contributed to that account's usage. For each contributing source, the split panel includes both actual usage and predicted usage and costs.

All supported AWS data sources appear in the preceding tables, even if you haven't added a particular source in Security Lake. We recommend adding all AWS sources if you're participating in the free trial to get cost estimates for your full set of logs and events. For instructions on adding an AWS source, see Collecting data from AWS services in Security Lake. Custom sources aren't included in usage or cost calculations.

Follow these steps to review your usage and cost data in the Security Lake console.

To review Security Lake usage and predicted costs (console)
  1. Open the Security Lake console at

  2. By using the AWS Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page, select the Region in which you want to review your usage and costs.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Settings and then Usage.

  4. Select the time period for which you want to see usage and cost data. The default is the last 1 day.

  5. Select the By data source or By accounts tab to review usage and costs in detail.