Disassociating Security Hub member accounts from your organization
To stop receiving and viewing findings from an AWS Security Hub member account, you can disassociate the member account from your organization.
If you use central configuration, disassociation works differently. You can create a configuration policy that disables Security Hub in one or more centrally managed member accounts. After that, these accounts are still part of the organization, but won't generate Security Hub findings. If you use central configuration but also have manually-invited member accounts, you can disassociate one or more manually-invited accounts.
Member accounts that are managed using AWS Organizations can't disassociate their accounts from the administrator account. Only the administrator account can disassociate a member account.
Disassociating a member account does not close the account. Instead, it removes the member account from the organization. The disassociated member account becomes a standalone AWS account that is no longer managed by the Security Hub integration with AWS Organizations.
Choose your preferred method, and follow the steps to disassociate a member account from the organization.
You can also use the AWS Organizations console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs to disassociate a member account from your organization. For more information, see Removing a member account from your organization in the AWS Organizations User Guide.