AwsEc2 resources in ASFF - AWS Security Hub

AwsEc2 resources in ASFF

The following are examples of the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) syntax for AwsEc2 resources.

AWS Security Hub normalizes findings from various sources into ASFF. For background information about ASFF, see AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF).


The AwsEc2ClientVpnEndpoint object provides information about an AWS Client VPN endpoint. A Client VPN endpoint is the resource that you create and configure to enable and manage client VPN sessions. It's the termination point for all client VPN sessions.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEc2ClientVpnEndpoint object. To view descriptions of AwsEc2ClientVpnEndpoint attributes, see AwsEc2ClientVpnEndpointDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEc2ClientVpnEndpoint": { "AuthenticationOptions": [ { "MutualAuthentication": { "ClientRootCertificateChainArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111" }, "Type": "certificate-authentication" } ], "ClientCidrBlock": "", "ClientConnectOptions": { "Enabled": false }, "ClientLoginBannerOptions": { "Enabled": false }, "ClientVpnEndpointId": "cvpn-endpoint-00c5d11fc4729f2a5", "ConnectionLogOptions": { "Enabled": false }, "Description": "test", "DnsServer": [""], "ServerCertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "SecurityGroupIdSet": [ "sg-0f7a177b82b443691" ], "SelfServicePortalUrl": "", "SessionTimeoutHours": 24, "SplitTunnel": false, "TransportProtocol": "udp", "VpcId": "vpc-1a2b3c4d5e6f1a2b3", "VpnPort": 443 }


The AwsEc2Eip object provides information about an Elastic IP address.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEc2Eip object. To view descriptions of AwsEc2Eip attributes, see AwsEc2EipDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEc2Eip": { "InstanceId": "instance1", "PublicIp": "", "AllocationId": "eipalloc-example-id-1", "AssociationId": "eipassoc-example-id-1", "Domain": "vpc", "PublicIpv4Pool": "anycompany", "NetworkBorderGroup": "eu-central-1", "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-example-id-1", "NetworkInterfaceOwnerId": "777788889999", "PrivateIpAddress": "" }


The AwsEc2Instance object provides details about an Amazon EC2 instance.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEc2Instance object. To view descriptions of AwsEc2Instance attributes, see AwsEc2InstanceDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEc2Instance": { "IamInstanceProfileArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:instance-profile/AdminRole", "ImageId": "ami-1234", "IpV4Addresses": [ "" ], "IpV6Addresses": [ "2001:db8:1234:1a2b::123" ], "KeyName": "my_keypair", "LaunchedAt": "2018-05-08T16:46:19.000Z", "MetadataOptions": { "HttpEndpoint": "enabled", "HttpProtocolIpv6": "enabled", "HttpPutResponseHopLimit": 1, "HttpTokens": "optional", "InstanceMetadataTags": "disabled", }, "Monitoring": { "State": "disabled" }, "NetworkInterfaces": [ { "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-e5aa89a3" } ], "SubnetId": "subnet-123", "Type": "i3.xlarge", "VpcId": "vpc-123" }


The AwsEc2LaunchTemplate object contains details about an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud launch template that specifies instance configuration information.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEc2LaunchTemplate object. To view descriptions of AwsEc2LaunchTemplate attributes, see AwsEc2LaunchTemplateDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEc2LaunchTemplate": { "DefaultVersionNumber": "1", "ElasticGpuSpecifications": ["string"], "ElasticInferenceAccelerators": ["string"], "Id": "lt-0a16e9802800bdd85", "ImageId": "ami-0d5eff06f840b45e9", "LatestVersionNumber": "1", "LaunchTemplateData": { "BlockDeviceMappings": [{ "DeviceName": "/dev/xvda", "Ebs": { "DeleteonTermination": true, "Encrypted": true, "SnapshotId": "snap-01047646ec075f543", "VolumeSize": 8, "VolumeType:" "gp2" } }], "MetadataOptions": { "HttpTokens": "enabled", "HttpPutResponseHopLimit" : 1 }, "Monitoring": { "Enabled": true, "NetworkInterfaces": [{ "AssociatePublicIpAddress" : true, }], "LaunchTemplateName": "string", "LicenseSpecifications": ["string"], "SecurityGroupIds": ["sg-01fce87ad6e019725"], "SecurityGroups": ["string"], "TagSpecifications": ["string"] }


The AwsEc2NetworkAcl object contains details about an Amazon EC2 network access control list (ACL).

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEc2NetworkAcl object. To view descriptions of AwsEc2NetworkAcl attributes, see AwsEc2NetworkAclDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEc2NetworkAcl": { "IsDefault": false, "NetworkAclId": "acl-1234567890abcdef0", "OwnerId": "123456789012", "VpcId": "vpc-1234abcd", "Associations": [{ "NetworkAclAssociationId": "aclassoc-abcd1234", "NetworkAclId": "acl-021345abcdef6789", "SubnetId": "subnet-abcd1234" }], "Entries": [{ "CidrBlock": "", "Egress": true, "IcmpTypeCode": { "Code": 10, "Type": 30 }, "Ipv6CidrBlock": "2001:DB8::/32", "PortRange": { "From": 20, "To": 40 }, "Protocol": "tcp", "RuleAction": "allow", "RuleNumber": 100 }] }


The AwsEc2NetworkInterface object provides information about an Amazon EC2 network interface.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEc2NetworkInterface object. To view descriptions of AwsEc2NetworkInterface attributes, see AwsEc2NetworkInterfaceDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEc2NetworkInterface": { "Attachment": { "AttachTime": "2019-01-01T03:03:21Z", "AttachmentId": "eni-attach-43348162", "DeleteOnTermination": true, "DeviceIndex": 123, "InstanceId": "i-1234567890abcdef0", "InstanceOwnerId": "123456789012", "Status": 'ATTACHED' }, "SecurityGroups": [ { "GroupName": "my-security-group", "GroupId": "sg-903004f8" }, ], "NetworkInterfaceId": 'eni-686ea200', "SourceDestCheck": false }


The AwsEc2RouteTable object provides information about an Amazon EC2 route table.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEc2RouteTable object. To view descriptions of AwsEc2RouteTable attributes, see AwsEc2RouteTableDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEc2RouteTable": { "AssociationSet": [{ "AssociationSet": { "State": "associated" }, "Main": true, "RouteTableAssociationId": "rtbassoc-08e706c45de9f7512", "RouteTableId": "rtb-0a59bde9cf2548e34", }], "PropogatingVgwSet": [], "RouteTableId": "rtb-0a59bde9cf2548e34", "RouteSet": [ { "DestinationCidrBlock": "", "GatewayId": "local", "Origin": "CreateRouteTable", "State": "active" }, { "DestinationCidrBlock": "", "GatewayId": "igw-0242c2d7d513fc5d3", "Origin": "CreateRoute", "State": "active" } ], "VpcId": "vpc-0c250a5c33f51d456" }


The AwsEc2SecurityGroup object describes an Amazon EC2 security group.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEc2SecurityGroup object. To view descriptions of AwsEc2SecurityGroup attributes, see AwsEc2SecurityGroupDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEc2SecurityGroup": { "GroupName": "MySecurityGroup", "GroupId": "sg-903004f8", "OwnerId": "123456789012", "VpcId": "vpc-1a2b3c4d", "IpPermissions": [ { "IpProtocol": "-1", "IpRanges": [], "UserIdGroupPairs": [ { "UserId": "123456789012", "GroupId": "sg-903004f8" } ], "PrefixListIds": [ {"PrefixListId": "pl-63a5400a"} ] }, { "PrefixListIds": [], "FromPort": 22, "IpRanges": [ { "CidrIp": "" } ], "ToPort": 22, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "UserIdGroupPairs": [] } ] }


The AwsEc2Subnet object provides information about a subnet in Amazon EC2.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEc2Subnet object. To view descriptions of AwsEc2Subnet attributes, see AwsEc2SubnetDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


AwsEc2Subnet: { "AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation": false, "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c", "AvailabilityZoneId": "usw2-az3", "AvailableIpAddressCount": 8185, "CidrBlock": "", "DefaultForAz": false, "MapPublicIpOnLaunch": false, "OwnerId": "123456789012", "State": "available", "SubnetArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:123456789012:subnet/subnet-d5436c93", "SubnetId": "subnet-d5436c93", "VpcId": "vpc-153ade70", "Ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet": [{ "AssociationId": "subnet-cidr-assoc-EXAMPLE", "Ipv6CidrBlock": "2001:DB8::/32", "CidrBlockState": "associated" }] }


The AwsEc2TransitGateway object provides details about an Amazon EC2 transit gateway that interconnects your virtual private clouds (VPCs) and on-premises networks.

The following is an example AwsEc2TransitGateway finding in the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF). To view descriptions of AwsEc2TransitGateway attributes, see AwsEc2TransitGatewayDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEc2TransitGateway": { "AmazonSideAsn": 65000, "AssociationDefaultRouteTableId": "tgw-rtb-099ba47cbbea837cc", "AutoAcceptSharedAttachments": "disable", "DefaultRouteTableAssociation": "enable", "DefaultRouteTablePropagation": "enable", "Description": "sample transit gateway", "DnsSupport": "enable", "Id": "tgw-042ae6bf7a5c126c3", "MulticastSupport": "disable", "PropagationDefaultRouteTableId": "tgw-rtb-099ba47cbbea837cc", "TransitGatewayCidrBlocks": [""], "VpnEcmpSupport": "enable" }


The AwsEc2Volume object provides details about an Amazon EC2 volume.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEc2Volume object. To view descriptions of AwsEc2Volume attributes, see AwsEc2VolumeDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEc2Volume": { "Attachments": [ { "AttachTime": "2017-10-17T14:47:11Z", "DeleteOnTermination": true, "InstanceId": "i-123abc456def789g", "Status": "attached" } ], "CreateTime": "2020-02-24T15:54:30Z", "Encrypted": true, "KmsKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:111122223333:key/wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY", "Size": 80, "SnapshotId": "", "Status": "available" }


The AwsEc2Vpc object provides details about an Amazon EC2 VPC.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEc2Vpc object. To view descriptions of AwsEc2Vpc attributes, see AwsEc2VpcDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEc2Vpc": { "CidrBlockAssociationSet": [ { "AssociationId": "vpc-cidr-assoc-0dc4c852f52abda97", "CidrBlock": "", "CidrBlockState": "associated" } ], "DhcpOptionsId": "dopt-4e42ce28", "Ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet": [ { "AssociationId": "vpc-cidr-assoc-0dc4c852f52abda97", "CidrBlockState": "associated", "Ipv6CidrBlock": "" } ], "State": "available" }


The AwsEc2VpcEndpointService object contains details about the service configuration for a VPC endpoint service.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEc2VpcEndpointService object. To view descriptions of AwsEc2VpcEndpointService attributes, see AwsEc2VpcEndpointServiceDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEc2VpcEndpointService": { "ServiceType": [ { "ServiceType": "Interface" } ], "ServiceId": "vpce-svc-example1", "ServiceName": "", "ServiceState": "Available", "AvailabilityZones": [ "us-east-1" ], "AcceptanceRequired": true, "ManagesVpcEndpoints": false, "NetworkLoadBalancerArns": [ "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:444455556666:loadbalancer/net/my-network-load-balancer/example1" ], "GatewayLoadBalancerArns": [], "BaseEndpointDnsNames": [ "" ], "PrivateDnsName": "my-private-dns" }


The AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnection object provides details about the networking connection between two VPCs.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnection object. To view descriptions of AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnection attributes, see AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnectionDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEc2VpcPeeringConnection": { "AccepterVpcInfo": { "CidrBlock": "", "CidrBlockSet": [{ "CidrBlock": "" }], "Ipv6CidrBlockSet": [{ "Ipv6CidrBlock": "2002::1234:abcd:ffff:c0a8:101/64" }], "OwnerId": "012345678910", "PeeringOptions": { "AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc": true, "AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc": false, "AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink": true }, "Region": "us-west-2", "VpcId": "vpc-i123456" }, "ExpirationTime": "2022-02-18T15:31:53.161Z", "RequesterVpcInfo": { "CidrBlock": "", "CidrBlockSet": [{ "CidrBlock": "" }], "Ipv6CidrBlockSet": [{ "Ipv6CidrBlock": "2002::1234:abcd:ffff:c0a8:101/64" }], "OwnerId": "012345678910", "PeeringOptions": { "AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc": true, "AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc": false, "AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink": true }, "Region": "us-west-2", "VpcId": "vpc-i123456" }, "Status": { "Code": "initiating-request", "Message": "Active" }, "VpcPeeringConnectionId": "pcx-1a2b3c4d" }