AwsEfs resources in ASFF - AWS Security Hub

AwsEfs resources in ASFF

The following are examples of the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) syntax for AwsEfs resources.

AWS Security Hub normalizes findings from various sources into ASFF. For background information about ASFF, see AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF).


The AwsEfsAccessPoint object provides details about files stored in Amazon Elastic File System.

The following example shows the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsEfsAccessPoint object. To view descriptions of AwsEfsAccessPoint attributes, see AwsEfsAccessPointDetails in the AWS Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsEfsAccessPoint": { "AccessPointId": "fsap-05c4c0e79ba0b118a", "Arn": "arn:aws:elasticfilesystem:us-east-1:863155670886:access-point/fsap-05c4c0e79ba0b118a", "ClientToken": "AccessPointCompliant-ASk06ZZSXsEp", "FileSystemId": "fs-0f8137f731cb32146", "PosixUser": { "Gid": "1000", "SecondaryGids": ["0", "4294967295"], "Uid": "1234" }, "RootDirectory": { "CreationInfo": { "OwnerGid": "1000", "OwnerUid": "1234", "Permissions": "777" }, "Path": "/tmp/example" } }