Reviewing configuration policy status and details - AWS Security Hub

Reviewing configuration policy status and details

The delegated AWS Security Hub administrator can view configuration policies for an organization and their details. This includes which accounts and organizational units (OUs) a policy is associated with.

For background information about the benefits of central configuration and how it works, see Understanding central configuration in Security Hub.

Choose your preferred method, and follow the steps to view your configuration policies.

Security Hub console
To view configuration policies (console)
  1. Open the AWS Security Hub console at

    Sign in using the credentials of the delegated Security Hub administrator account in the home Region.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Settings and Configuration.

  3. Choose the Policies tab for an overview of your configuration policies.

  4. Select a configuration policy, and choose View details to see additional details about it, including which accounts and OUs it's associated with.

Security Hub API

To view a summary list of all your configuration policies, use the ListConfigurationPolicies operation of the Security Hub API. If you use the AWS CLI, run the list-configuration-policies command. The delegated Security Hub administrator account should invoke the operation in the home Region.

$ aws securityhub list-configuration-policies \ --max-items 5 \ --starting-token U2FsdGVkX19nUI2zoh+Pou9YyutlYJHWpn9xnG4hqSOhvw3o2JqjI23QDxdf

To view details about a specific configuration policy, use the GetConfigurationPolicy operation. If you use the AWS CLI, run the get-configuration-policy. The delegated administrator account should invoke the operation in the home Region. Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or ID of the configuration policy whose details you want to see.

$ aws securityhub get-configuration-policy \ --identifier "arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1:123456789012:configuration-policy/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111"

To view a summary list of all your configuration policies and their account associations, use the use the ListConfigurationPolicyAssociations operation. If you use the AWS CLI, run the list-configuration-policy-associations command. The delegated administrator account should invoke the operation in the home Region. Optionally, you can provide pagination parameters or filter the results by a specific policy ID, association type, or association status.

$ aws securityhub list-configuration-policy-associations \ --filters '{"AssociationType": "APPLIED"}'

To view associations for a specific account, use the GetConfigurationPolicyAssociation operation. If you use the AWS CLI, run the get-configuration-policy-association command. The delegated administrator account should invoke the operation in the home Region. For target, provide the account number, OU ID, or root ID.

$ aws securityhub get-configuration-policy-association \ --target '{"AccountId": "123456789012"}'

Reviewing the association status of a configuration policy

The following central configuration API operations return a field called AssociationStatus:

  • BatchGetConfigurationPolicyAssociations

  • GetConfigurationPolicyAssociation

  • ListConfigurationPolicyAssociations

  • StartConfigurationPolicyAssociation

This field is returned both when the underlying configuration is a configuration policy and when it's self-managed behavior.

The value of AssociationStatus tells you whether a policy association is pending or in a state of success or failure for a specific account. It can take up to 24 hours for the status to change from PENDING to SUCCESS or FAILED. A status of SUCCESS means that all settings specified in the configuration policy are associated with the account. A status of FAILED means that one or more settings specified in the configuration policy failed to associate with the account. Despite a FAILED status, the account could be partially configured in accordance with the policy. For example, you might try to associate an account with a configuration policy that enables Security Hub, enables AWS Foundational Security Best Practices v1.0.0, and disables CloudTrail.1. The initial two settings could succeed, but the CloudTrail.1 setting could fail. In this example, the association status is FAILED even though some settings were correctly configured.

The association status of a parent OU or the root depends on the status of its children. If the association status of all the children is SUCCESS, the association status of the parent is SUCCESS. If the association status of one or more children is FAILED, the association status of the parent is FAILED.

The value of AssociationStatus depends on the association status of the policy in all relevant Regions. If the association succeeds in the home Region and all linked Regions, the value of AssociationStatus is SUCCESS. If the association fails in one or more of these Regions, the value of AssociationStatus is FAILED.

The following behavior also impacts the value of AssociationStatus:

  • If the target is a parent OU or the root, it has an AssociationStatus of SUCCESS or FAILED only when all of the children have a SUCCESS or FAILED status. If the association status of a child account or OU changes (for example, when a linked Region is added or removed) after you first associate the parent with a configuration, the change doesn't update the association status of the parent unless you invoke the StartConfigurationPolicyAssociation API again.

  • If the target is an account, it has an AssociationStatus of SUCCESS or FAILED only if the association has a result of SUCCESS or FAILED in the home Region and all linked Regions. If the association status of a target account changes (for example, when a linked Region is added or removed) after you first associate it with a configuration, its association status is updated. However, the change doesn't update the association status of the parent unless you invoke the StartConfigurationPolicyAssociation API again.

If you add a new linked Region, Security Hub replicates your existing associations that are in a PENDING, SUCCESS, or FAILED state in the new Region.

Troubleshooting association failure

In AWS Security Hub, a configuration policy association might fail for the following common reasons.

  • Organizations management account isn't a member – If you want to associate a configuration policy with the Organizations management account, that account must already have AWS Security Hub enabled. This makes the management account a member account in the organization.

  • AWS Config isn't enabled or properly configured – To enable standards in a configuration policy, AWS Config must be enabled and configured to record relevant resources.

  • Must associate from delegated administrator account – You can only associate a policy with target accounts and OUs when you're signed in to the delegated Security Hub administrator account.

  • Must associate from home Region – You can only associate a policy with target accounts and OUs when you're signed in to your home Region.

  • Opt-in Region not enabled – Policy association fails for a member account or OU in a linked Region if it's an opt-in Region that the delegated administrator hasn't enabled. You can retry after enabling the Region from the delegated administrator account.

  • Member account suspended – Policy association fails if you try to associate a policy with a suspended member account.