Optional: Verify the integrity of the AWS SAM CLI installer
When installing the AWS Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (AWS SAM CLI) using a package installer, you can verify its integrity before installation. This is an optional, but highly recommended step.
The two options of verification available to you are:
Verify the package installer signature file.
Verify the package installer hash value.
When available for your platform, we recommend verifying the signature file option. This option offers an extra layer of security since the key values are published here and managed separately from our GitHub repository.
Verify the installer signature file
arm64 - command line installer
AWS SAM uses GnuPG
Use the primary public key to verify the signer public key.
Use the signer public key to verify the AWS SAM CLI package installer.
To verify the integrity of the signer public key
Copy the primary public key and save it to your local machine as a
file. For example,
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) mQINBGRuSzMBEADsqiwOy78w7F4+sshaMFRIwRGNRm94p5Qey2KMZBxekFtoryVD D9jEOnvupx4tvhfBHz5EcUHCEOdl4MTqdBy6vVAshozgxVb9RE8JpECn5lw7XC69 4Y7Gy1TKKQMEWtDXElkGxIFdUWvWjSnPlzfnoXwQYGeE93CUS3h5dImP22Yk1Ct6 eGGhlcbg1X4L8EpFMj7GvcsU8f7ziVI/PyC1Xwy39Q8/I67ip5eU5ddxO/xHqrbL YC7+8pJPbRMej2twT2LrcpWWYAbprMtRoa6WfE0/thoo3xhHpIMHdPfAA86ZNGIN kRLjGUg7jnPTRW4Oin3pCc8nT4Tfc1QERkHm641gTC/jUvpmQsM6h/FUVP2i5iE/ JHpJcMuL2Mg6zDo3x+3gTCf+Wqz3rZzxB+wQT3yryZs6efcQy7nROiRxYBxCSXX0 2cNYzsYLb/bYaW8yqWIHD5IqKhw269gp2E5Khs60zgS3CorMb5/xHgXjUCVgcu8a a8ncdf9fjl3WS5p0ohetPbO2ZjWv+MaqrZOmUIgKbA4RpWZ/fU97P5BW9ylwmIDB sWy0cMxg8MlvSdLytPieogaM0qMg3u5qXRGBr6Wmevkty0qgnmpGGc5zPiUbtOE8 CnFFqyxBpj5IOnG0KZGVihvn+iRxrv6GO7WWO92+Dc6m94U0EEiBR7QiOwARAQAB tDRBV1MgU0FNIENMSSBQcmltYXJ5IDxhd3Mtc2FtLWNsaS1wcmltYXJ5QGFtYXpv bi5jb20+iQI/BBMBCQApBQJkbkszAhsvBQkHhM4ABwsJCAcDAgEGFQgCCQoLBBYC AwECHgECF4AACgkQQv1fenOtiFqTuhAAzi5+ju5UVOWqHKevOJSO08T4QB8HcqAE SVO3mY6/j29knkcL8ubZP/DbpV7QpHPI2PB5qSXsiDTP3IYPbeY78zHSDjljaIK3 njJLMScFeGPyfPpwMsuY4nzrRIgAtXShPA8N/k4ZJcafnpNqKj7QnPxiC1KaIQWm pOtvb8msUF3/s0UTa5Ys/lNRhVC0eGg32ogXGdojZA2kHZWdm9udLo4CDrDcrQT7 NtDcJASapXSQL63XfAS3snEc4e1941YxcjfYZ33rel8K9juyDZfi1slWR/L3AviI QFIaqSHzyOtP1oinUkoVwL8ThevKD3Ag9CZflZLzNCV7yqlF8RlhEZ4zcE/3s9El WzCFsozb5HfE1AZonmrDh3SyOEIBMcS6vG5dWnvJrAuSYv2rX38++K5Pr/MIAfOX DOI1rtA+XDsHNv9lSwSy0lt+iClawZANO9IXCiN1rOYcVQlwzDFwCNWDgkwdOqS0 gOA2f8NF9lE5nBbeEuYquoOl1Vy8+ICbgOFs9LoWZlnVh7/RyY6ssowiU9vGUnHI L8f9jqRspIz/Fm3JD86ntZxLVGkeZUz62FqErdohYfkFIVcv7GONTEyrz5HLlnpv FJ0MR0HjrMrZrnOVZnwBKhpbLocTsH+3t5It4ReYEX0f1DIOL/KRwPvjMvBVkXY5 hblRVDQoOWc= =d9oG -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Import the primary public key to your keyring.
gpg --import
gpg: directory `/home/.../.gnupg' created gpg: new configuration file `/home/.../.gnupg/gpg.conf' created gpg: WARNING: options in `/home/.../.gnupg/gpg.conf' are not yet active during this run gpg: keyring `/home/.../.gnupg/secring.gpg' created gpg: keyring `/home/.../.gnupg/pubring.gpg' created gpg: /home/.../.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created gpg: key 73AD885A: public key "AWS SAM CLI Primary <aws-sam-cli-primary@amazon.com>" imported gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1)primary-public-key.txt
Copy the signer public key and save it to your local machine as a
file. For example,
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) mQINBGRtS20BEAC7GjaAwverrB1zNEu2q3EGI6HC37WzwL5dy30f4LirZOWS3piK oKfTqPjXPrLCf1GL2mMqUSgSnpEbPNXuvWTW1CfSnnjwuH8ZqbvvUQyHJwQyYpKm KMwb+8V0bzzQkMzDVqolYQCi5XyGpAuo3wroxXSzG6r/mIhbiq3aRnL+2lo4XOYk r7q9bhBqbJhzjkm7N62PhPWmi/+/EGdEBakA1pReE+cKjP2UAp5L6CPShQl2fRKL 9BumitNfFHHs1JZgZSCCruiWny3XkUaXUEMfyoE9nNbfqNvuqV2KjWguZCXASgz2 ZSPF4DTVIBMfP+xrZGQSWdGU/67QdysDQW81TbFOjK9ZsRwwGC4kbg/K98IsCNHT ril5RZbyr8pw3fw7jYjjI2ElAacRWp53iRzvutm5AruPpLfoKDQ/tKzBUYItBwlu Z/diKgcqtw7xDlyqNyTN8xFPFqMO2I8IsZ2Pdl131htdFiZMiin1RQG9pV9p2vHS eQVY2uKCnvnA6vFCQYKXP7p0IwReuPNzDvECUsidw8VTakTqZsANT/bU17e4KuKn +JgbNrKOasJX37sDb/9ruysozLvy78ozYKJDLmC3yoRQ8DhEjviT4cnjORgNmvnZ 0a5AA/DJPQW4buRrXdxu+fITzBxQn2+GO/iDNCxtJaq5SYVBKjTmTWPUJwARAQAB tDBBV1MgU0FNIENMSSBUZWFtIDxhd3Mtc2FtLWNsaS1zaWduZXJAYW1hem9uLmNv bT6JAj8EEwEJACkFAmRtS20CGy8FCQPCZwAHCwkIBwMCAQYVCAIJCgsEFgIDAQIe AQIXgAAKCRDHoF9D/grd+lE4D/4kJW65He2LNsbLTta7lcGfsEXCf4zgIvkytS7U 3R36zMD8IEyWJjlZ+aPkIP8/jFJrFl4pVHbU7vX85Iut1vV7m+8BgWt25mJhnoJ9 KPjXGra9mYP+Cj8zFAcjvtl3NBAPodyfcfCTWsU3umF9ArOFICcrGCzHX2SS7wX5 h9n0vYRZxk5Qj5FsgskKAQLq33CKFAMlaqZnL5gWRvTeycSIxsyus+stX+8YBPCO J64f7+y+MPIP1+m2njlVXg1xLEMMVa08oWccOMiakgzDev3LCrPy+wdwdn7Ut7oA pna3DNy9aYNd2lh6vUCJeJ+Yi1Bl2jYpzLcCLKrHUmln9/rRSz7Orbg8P181kfPu G/M7CD5FwhxP3p4+0XoGwxQefrV2jqpSnbLae7xbYJiJAhbpjWDQhuNGUbPcDmqk aH0Q3XU8AonJ8YqaQ/q3VZ3JBiH3TbBrOXsvd59cwxYyf83aJ/WLCb2P8y75zDad lnOP713ThF5J/Afj9HjO9waFV0Z2W2ZZe4rU2OJTAiXEtM8xsFMrc7TCUacJtJGs u4kdBmXREcVpSz65h9ImSy2ner9qktnVVCW4mZPj63IhB37YtoLAMyz3a3R2RFNk viEX8foOTUg1FmwHoftxZ9P91QwLoTajkDrh26ueIe45sG6Uxua2AP4Vo37cFfCj ryV8OokCHAQQAQkABgUCZG5MWAAKCRBC/V96c62IWmglD/9idU43kW8Zy8Af1j8l Am3lI4d9ksOleeKRZqxo/SZ5rovF32DO2nw7XRXq1+EbhgJaI3QwwOi0U0pfAMVT 4b9TdxdH+n+tqzCHh3jZqmo9sw+c9WFXYJN1hU9bLzcHXS8hOTbyoE2EuXx56ds9 L/BWCcd+LIvapw0lggFfavVx/QF4C7nBKjnJ66+xxwfgVIKR7oGlqDiHMfp9ZWh5 HhEqZo/nrNhdY0h3sczEdqC2N6eIa8mgHffHZdKudDMXIXHbgdhW9pcZXDIktVf7 j9wehsWOyYXiRgR0dz7DI26AUG4JLh5FTtx9XuSBdEsI69Jd4dJuibmgtImzbZjn 7un8DJWIyqi7Ckk96Tr4oXB9mYAXaWlR4C9j5XJhMNZgkOycuY2DADnbGmSb+1kA ju77H4ff84+vMDwUzUt2Wwb+GjzXu2g6Wh+bWhGSirYlel+6xYrI6beu1BDCFLq+ VZFE8WggjJHpwcL7CiqadfVIQaw4HY0jQFTSdwzPWhJvYjXFOhMkyCcjssbtmB+z /otfgySyQqThrD48RWS5GuyqCA+pK3UNmEJ11c1AXMdTn2VWInR1NOJNALQ2du3y q8t1vMsErVOJ7pkZ50F4ef17PE6DKrXX8ilwGFyVuX5ddyt/t9J5pC3sRwHWXVZx GXwoX75FwIEHA3n5Q7rZ69Ea6Q== =ZIO7 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Import the signer public key to your keyring.
gpg --import
gpg: key FE0ADDFA: public key "AWS SAM CLI Team <aws-sam-cli-signer@amazon.com>" imported gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1) gpg: no ultimately trusted keys foundsigner-public-key.txt
Take note of the key value from the output. For example,
Use the key value to obtain and verify the signer public key fingerprint.
gpg --fingerprint
pub 4096R/FE0ADDFA 2023-05-23 [expires: 2025-05-22] Key fingerprint = 37D8 BE16 0355 2DA7 BD6A 04D8 C7A0 5F43 FE0A DDFA uid AWS SAM CLI Team <aws-sam-cli-signer@amazon.com>FE0ADDFA
The fingerprint should match the following:
37D8 BE16 0355 2DA7 BD6A 04D8 C7A0 5F43 FE0A DDFA
If the fingerprint string doesn’t match, do not use the AWS SAM CLI installer. Escalate to the AWS SAM team by creating an issue
in the aws-sam-cli GitHub repository. -
Verify the signatures of the signer public key:
gpg --check-sigs
pub 4096R/FE0ADDFA 2023-05-23 [expires: 2025-05-22] uid AWS SAM CLI Team <aws-sam-cli-signer@amazon.com> sig!3 FE0ADDFA 2023-05-23 AWS SAM CLI Team <aws-sam-cli-signer@amazon.com> sig! 73AD885A 2023-05-24 AWS SAM CLI Primary <aws-sam-cli-primary@amazon.com>FE0ADDFA
If you see
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
, repeat the previous steps to import the primary and signer public keys to your keyring.You should see the key values for both the primary public key and signer public key listed.
Now that you have verified the integrity of the signer public key, you can use the signer public key to verify the AWS SAM CLI package installer.
To verify the integrity of the AWS SAM CLI package installer
Obtain the AWS SAM CLI package signature file – Download the signature file for the AWS SAM CLI package installer by using the following command:
wget https://github.com/aws/aws-sam-cli/releases/latest/download/aws-sam-cli-linux-arm64.zip.sig
Verify the signature file – Pass both the downloaded
files as parameters to thegpg
command. The following is an example:$
gpg --verify
aws-sam-cli-linux-arm64.zip.sig aws-sam-cli-linux-arm64.zip
The output should look similar to the following:
gpg: Signature made Tue 30 May 2023 10:03:57 AM UTC using RSA key ID FE0ADDFA gpg: Good signature from "AWS SAM CLI Team <aws-sam-cli-signer@amazon.com>" gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature! gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner. Primary key fingerprint: 37D8 BE16 0355 2DA7 BD6A 04D8 C7A0 5F43 FE0A DDFA
WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
message can be ignored. It occurs because there isn’t a chain of trust between your personal PGP key (if you have one) and the AWS SAM CLI PGP key. For more information, see Web of trust. -
If the output contains the phrase
BAD signature
, check that you performed the procedure correctly. If you continue to get this response, escalate to the AWS SAM team by creating an issuein the aws-sam-cli GitHub repository and avoid using the downloaded file.
Good signature from "AWS SAM CLI Team <aws-sam-cli-signer@amazon.com>"
message means that the signature is verified and you can move forward with installation. -
x86_64 - command line installer
AWS SAM uses GnuPG
Use the primary public key to verify the signer public key.
Use the signer public key to verify the AWS SAM CLI package installer.
To verify the integrity of the signer public key
Copy the primary public key and save it to your local machine as a
file. For example,
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) mQINBGRuSzMBEADsqiwOy78w7F4+sshaMFRIwRGNRm94p5Qey2KMZBxekFtoryVD D9jEOnvupx4tvhfBHz5EcUHCEOdl4MTqdBy6vVAshozgxVb9RE8JpECn5lw7XC69 4Y7Gy1TKKQMEWtDXElkGxIFdUWvWjSnPlzfnoXwQYGeE93CUS3h5dImP22Yk1Ct6 eGGhlcbg1X4L8EpFMj7GvcsU8f7ziVI/PyC1Xwy39Q8/I67ip5eU5ddxO/xHqrbL YC7+8pJPbRMej2twT2LrcpWWYAbprMtRoa6WfE0/thoo3xhHpIMHdPfAA86ZNGIN kRLjGUg7jnPTRW4Oin3pCc8nT4Tfc1QERkHm641gTC/jUvpmQsM6h/FUVP2i5iE/ JHpJcMuL2Mg6zDo3x+3gTCf+Wqz3rZzxB+wQT3yryZs6efcQy7nROiRxYBxCSXX0 2cNYzsYLb/bYaW8yqWIHD5IqKhw269gp2E5Khs60zgS3CorMb5/xHgXjUCVgcu8a a8ncdf9fjl3WS5p0ohetPbO2ZjWv+MaqrZOmUIgKbA4RpWZ/fU97P5BW9ylwmIDB sWy0cMxg8MlvSdLytPieogaM0qMg3u5qXRGBr6Wmevkty0qgnmpGGc5zPiUbtOE8 CnFFqyxBpj5IOnG0KZGVihvn+iRxrv6GO7WWO92+Dc6m94U0EEiBR7QiOwARAQAB tDRBV1MgU0FNIENMSSBQcmltYXJ5IDxhd3Mtc2FtLWNsaS1wcmltYXJ5QGFtYXpv bi5jb20+iQI/BBMBCQApBQJkbkszAhsvBQkHhM4ABwsJCAcDAgEGFQgCCQoLBBYC AwECHgECF4AACgkQQv1fenOtiFqTuhAAzi5+ju5UVOWqHKevOJSO08T4QB8HcqAE SVO3mY6/j29knkcL8ubZP/DbpV7QpHPI2PB5qSXsiDTP3IYPbeY78zHSDjljaIK3 njJLMScFeGPyfPpwMsuY4nzrRIgAtXShPA8N/k4ZJcafnpNqKj7QnPxiC1KaIQWm pOtvb8msUF3/s0UTa5Ys/lNRhVC0eGg32ogXGdojZA2kHZWdm9udLo4CDrDcrQT7 NtDcJASapXSQL63XfAS3snEc4e1941YxcjfYZ33rel8K9juyDZfi1slWR/L3AviI QFIaqSHzyOtP1oinUkoVwL8ThevKD3Ag9CZflZLzNCV7yqlF8RlhEZ4zcE/3s9El WzCFsozb5HfE1AZonmrDh3SyOEIBMcS6vG5dWnvJrAuSYv2rX38++K5Pr/MIAfOX DOI1rtA+XDsHNv9lSwSy0lt+iClawZANO9IXCiN1rOYcVQlwzDFwCNWDgkwdOqS0 gOA2f8NF9lE5nBbeEuYquoOl1Vy8+ICbgOFs9LoWZlnVh7/RyY6ssowiU9vGUnHI L8f9jqRspIz/Fm3JD86ntZxLVGkeZUz62FqErdohYfkFIVcv7GONTEyrz5HLlnpv FJ0MR0HjrMrZrnOVZnwBKhpbLocTsH+3t5It4ReYEX0f1DIOL/KRwPvjMvBVkXY5 hblRVDQoOWc= =d9oG -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Import the primary public key to your keyring.
gpg --import
gpg: directory `/home/.../.gnupg' created gpg: new configuration file `/home/.../.gnupg/gpg.conf' created gpg: WARNING: options in `/home/.../.gnupg/gpg.conf' are not yet active during this run gpg: keyring `/home/.../.gnupg/secring.gpg' created gpg: keyring `/home/.../.gnupg/pubring.gpg' created gpg: /home/.../.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created gpg: key 73AD885A: public key "AWS SAM CLI Primary <aws-sam-cli-primary@amazon.com>" imported gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1)primary-public-key.txt
Copy the signer public key and save it to your local machine as a
file. For example,
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) mQINBGRtS20BEAC7GjaAwverrB1zNEu2q3EGI6HC37WzwL5dy30f4LirZOWS3piK oKfTqPjXPrLCf1GL2mMqUSgSnpEbPNXuvWTW1CfSnnjwuH8ZqbvvUQyHJwQyYpKm KMwb+8V0bzzQkMzDVqolYQCi5XyGpAuo3wroxXSzG6r/mIhbiq3aRnL+2lo4XOYk r7q9bhBqbJhzjkm7N62PhPWmi/+/EGdEBakA1pReE+cKjP2UAp5L6CPShQl2fRKL 9BumitNfFHHs1JZgZSCCruiWny3XkUaXUEMfyoE9nNbfqNvuqV2KjWguZCXASgz2 ZSPF4DTVIBMfP+xrZGQSWdGU/67QdysDQW81TbFOjK9ZsRwwGC4kbg/K98IsCNHT ril5RZbyr8pw3fw7jYjjI2ElAacRWp53iRzvutm5AruPpLfoKDQ/tKzBUYItBwlu Z/diKgcqtw7xDlyqNyTN8xFPFqMO2I8IsZ2Pdl131htdFiZMiin1RQG9pV9p2vHS eQVY2uKCnvnA6vFCQYKXP7p0IwReuPNzDvECUsidw8VTakTqZsANT/bU17e4KuKn +JgbNrKOasJX37sDb/9ruysozLvy78ozYKJDLmC3yoRQ8DhEjviT4cnjORgNmvnZ 0a5AA/DJPQW4buRrXdxu+fITzBxQn2+GO/iDNCxtJaq5SYVBKjTmTWPUJwARAQAB tDBBV1MgU0FNIENMSSBUZWFtIDxhd3Mtc2FtLWNsaS1zaWduZXJAYW1hem9uLmNv bT6JAj8EEwEJACkFAmRtS20CGy8FCQPCZwAHCwkIBwMCAQYVCAIJCgsEFgIDAQIe AQIXgAAKCRDHoF9D/grd+lE4D/4kJW65He2LNsbLTta7lcGfsEXCf4zgIvkytS7U 3R36zMD8IEyWJjlZ+aPkIP8/jFJrFl4pVHbU7vX85Iut1vV7m+8BgWt25mJhnoJ9 KPjXGra9mYP+Cj8zFAcjvtl3NBAPodyfcfCTWsU3umF9ArOFICcrGCzHX2SS7wX5 h9n0vYRZxk5Qj5FsgskKAQLq33CKFAMlaqZnL5gWRvTeycSIxsyus+stX+8YBPCO J64f7+y+MPIP1+m2njlVXg1xLEMMVa08oWccOMiakgzDev3LCrPy+wdwdn7Ut7oA pna3DNy9aYNd2lh6vUCJeJ+Yi1Bl2jYpzLcCLKrHUmln9/rRSz7Orbg8P181kfPu G/M7CD5FwhxP3p4+0XoGwxQefrV2jqpSnbLae7xbYJiJAhbpjWDQhuNGUbPcDmqk aH0Q3XU8AonJ8YqaQ/q3VZ3JBiH3TbBrOXsvd59cwxYyf83aJ/WLCb2P8y75zDad lnOP713ThF5J/Afj9HjO9waFV0Z2W2ZZe4rU2OJTAiXEtM8xsFMrc7TCUacJtJGs u4kdBmXREcVpSz65h9ImSy2ner9qktnVVCW4mZPj63IhB37YtoLAMyz3a3R2RFNk viEX8foOTUg1FmwHoftxZ9P91QwLoTajkDrh26ueIe45sG6Uxua2AP4Vo37cFfCj ryV8OokCHAQQAQkABgUCZG5MWAAKCRBC/V96c62IWmglD/9idU43kW8Zy8Af1j8l Am3lI4d9ksOleeKRZqxo/SZ5rovF32DO2nw7XRXq1+EbhgJaI3QwwOi0U0pfAMVT 4b9TdxdH+n+tqzCHh3jZqmo9sw+c9WFXYJN1hU9bLzcHXS8hOTbyoE2EuXx56ds9 L/BWCcd+LIvapw0lggFfavVx/QF4C7nBKjnJ66+xxwfgVIKR7oGlqDiHMfp9ZWh5 HhEqZo/nrNhdY0h3sczEdqC2N6eIa8mgHffHZdKudDMXIXHbgdhW9pcZXDIktVf7 j9wehsWOyYXiRgR0dz7DI26AUG4JLh5FTtx9XuSBdEsI69Jd4dJuibmgtImzbZjn 7un8DJWIyqi7Ckk96Tr4oXB9mYAXaWlR4C9j5XJhMNZgkOycuY2DADnbGmSb+1kA ju77H4ff84+vMDwUzUt2Wwb+GjzXu2g6Wh+bWhGSirYlel+6xYrI6beu1BDCFLq+ VZFE8WggjJHpwcL7CiqadfVIQaw4HY0jQFTSdwzPWhJvYjXFOhMkyCcjssbtmB+z /otfgySyQqThrD48RWS5GuyqCA+pK3UNmEJ11c1AXMdTn2VWInR1NOJNALQ2du3y q8t1vMsErVOJ7pkZ50F4ef17PE6DKrXX8ilwGFyVuX5ddyt/t9J5pC3sRwHWXVZx GXwoX75FwIEHA3n5Q7rZ69Ea6Q== =ZIO7 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Import the signer public key to your keyring.
gpg --import
gpg: key FE0ADDFA: public key "AWS SAM CLI Team <aws-sam-cli-signer@amazon.com>" imported gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1) gpg: no ultimately trusted keys foundsigner-public-key.txt
Take note of the key value from the output. For example,
Use the key value to obtain and verify the signer public key fingerprint.
gpg --fingerprint
pub 4096R/FE0ADDFA 2023-05-23 [expires: 2025-05-22] Key fingerprint = 37D8 BE16 0355 2DA7 BD6A 04D8 C7A0 5F43 FE0A DDFA uid AWS SAM CLI Team <aws-sam-cli-signer@amazon.com>FE0ADDFA
The fingerprint should match the following:
37D8 BE16 0355 2DA7 BD6A 04D8 C7A0 5F43 FE0A DDFA
If the fingerprint string doesn’t match, do not use the AWS SAM CLI installer. Escalate to the AWS SAM team by creating an issue
in the aws-sam-cli GitHub repository. -
Verify the signatures of the signer public key:
gpg --check-sigs
pub 4096R/FE0ADDFA 2023-05-23 [expires: 2025-05-22] uid AWS SAM CLI Team <aws-sam-cli-signer@amazon.com> sig!3 FE0ADDFA 2023-05-23 AWS SAM CLI Team <aws-sam-cli-signer@amazon.com> sig! 73AD885A 2023-05-24 AWS SAM CLI Primary <aws-sam-cli-primary@amazon.com>FE0ADDFA
If you see
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
, repeat the previous steps to import the primary and signer public keys to your keyring.You should see the key values for both the primary public key and signer public key listed.
Now that you have verified the integrity of the signer public key, you can use the signer public key to verify the AWS SAM CLI package installer.
To verify the integrity of the AWS SAM CLI package installer
Obtain the AWS SAM CLI package signature file – Download the signature file for the AWS SAM CLI package installer by using the following command:
wget https://github.com/aws/aws-sam-cli/releases/latest/download/aws-sam-cli-linux-x86_64.zip.sig
Verify the signature file – Pass both the downloaded
files as parameters to thegpg
command. The following is an example:$
gpg --verify
aws-sam-cli-linux-x86_64.zip.sig aws-sam-cli-linux-x86_64.zip
The output should look similar to the following:
gpg: Signature made Tue 30 May 2023 10:03:57 AM UTC using RSA key ID FE0ADDFA gpg: Good signature from "AWS SAM CLI Team <aws-sam-cli-signer@amazon.com>" gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature! gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner. Primary key fingerprint: 37D8 BE16 0355 2DA7 BD6A 04D8 C7A0 5F43 FE0A DDFA
WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
message can be ignored. It occurs because there isn’t a chain of trust between your personal PGP key (if you have one) and the AWS SAM CLI PGP key. For more information, see Web of trust. -
If the output contains the phrase
BAD signature
, check that you performed the procedure correctly. If you continue to get this response, escalate to the AWS SAM team by creating an issuein the aws-sam-cli GitHub repository and avoid using the downloaded file.
Good signature from "AWS SAM CLI Team <aws-sam-cli-signer@amazon.com>"
message means that the signature is verified and you can move forward with installation. -
GUI and command line installer
You can verify the integrity of the AWS SAM CLI package installer signature file by using the pkgutil
tool or manually.
To verify using pkgutil
Run the following command, providing the path to the downloaded installer on your local machine:
pkgutil --check-signature
The following is an example:
pkgutil --check-signature
From the output, locate the SHA256 fingerprint for Developer ID Installer: AMZN Mobile LLC. The following is an example:
Package "aws-sam-cli-macos-arm64.pkg": Status: signed by a developer certificate issued by Apple for distribution Notarization: trusted by the Apple notary service Signed with a trusted timestamp on: 2023-05-16 20:29:29 +0000 Certificate Chain: 1. Developer ID Installer: AMZN Mobile LLC (94KV3E626L) Expires: 2027-06-28 22:57:06 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: 49 68 39 4A BA 83 3B F0 CC 5E 98 3B E7 C1 72 AC 85 97 65 18 B9 4C BA 34 62 BF E9 23 76 98 C5 DA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Developer ID Certification Authority Expires: 2031-09-17 00:00:00 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: F1 6C D3 C5 4C 7F 83 CE A4 BF 1A 3E 6A 08 19 C8 AA A8 E4 A1 52 8F D1 44 71 5F 35 06 43 D2 DF 3A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Apple Root CA Expires: 2035-02-09 21:40:36 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: B0 B1 73 0E CB C7 FF 45 05 14 2C 49 F1 29 5E 6E DA 6B CA ED 7E 2C 68 C5 BE 91 B5 A1 10 01 F0 24
The Developer ID Installer: AMZN Mobile LLC SHA256 fingerprint should match the following value:
49 68 39 4A BA 83 3B F0 CC 5E 98 3B E7 C1 72 AC 85 97 65 18 B9 4C BA 34 62 BF E9 23 76 98 C5 DA
If the fingerprint string doesn’t match, do not use the AWS SAM CLI installer. Escalate to the AWS SAM team by creating an issue
in the aws-sam-cli GitHub repository. If the fingerprint string does match, you can move forward with using the package installer.
To verify the package installer manually
See How to verify the authenticity of manually downloaded Apple software updates
at the Apple support website.
The AWS SAM CLI installer is packaged as MSI files for the Windows operating system.
To verify the integrity of the installer
Right-click on the installer and open the Properties window.
Choose the Digital Signatures tab.
From the Signature List, choose Amazon Web Services, Inc., and then choose Details.
Choose the General tab, if not already selected, and then choose View Certificate.
Choose the Details tab, and then choose All in the Show dropdown list, if not already selected.
Scroll down until you see the Thumbprint field and then choose Thumbprint. This displays the entire thumbprint value in the lower window.
Match the thumbprint value to the following value. If the value matches, move forward with installation. If not, escalate to the AWS SAM team by creating an issue
in the aws-sam-cli GitHub repository. d52eb68bffe6ae165b3b05c3e1f9cc66da7eeac0
Verify the hash value
x86_64 - command line installer
Verify the integrity and authenticity of the downloaded installer files by generating a hash value using the following command:
sha256sum aws-sam-cli-linux-x86_64.zip
The output should look like the following example:
<64-character SHA256 hash value>
Compare the 64-character SHA-256 hash value with the one for your desired
AWS SAM CLI version in the AWS SAM CLI release
GUI and command line installer
Verify the integrity and authenticity of the downloaded installer by generating a hash value using the following command:
shasum -a 256
# Examplespath-to-pkg-installer
shasum -a 256
shasum -a 256
Compare your 64-character SHA-256 hash value with the corresponding value in the
AWS SAM CLI release notes