OnFailure - AWS Serverless Application Model


A destination for events that failed processing.


To declare this entity in your AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template, use the following syntax.


Destination: String Type: String



The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination resource.

Type: String

Required: Conditional

AWS CloudFormation compatibility: This property is similar to the OnFailure property of an AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig resource. SAM will add any necessary permissions to the auto-generated IAM Role associated with this function to access the resource referenced in this property.

Additional notes: If the type is Lambda/EventBridge, Destination is required.


Type of the resource referenced in the destination. Supported types are SQS, SNS, S3, Lambda, and EventBridge.

Type: String

Required: No

AWS CloudFormation compatibility: This property is unique to AWS SAM and doesn't have an AWS CloudFormation equivalent.

Additional notes: If the type is SQS/SNS and the Destination property is left blank, then the SQS/SNS resource is auto generated by SAM. To reference the resource, use <function-logical-id>.DestinationQueue for SQS or <function-logical-id>.DestinationTopic for SNS. If the type is Lambda/EventBridge, Destination is required.


EventInvoke Configuration Example with SQS and Lambda destinations

In this example no Destination is given for the SQS OnSuccess configuration, so SAM implicitly creates a SQS queue and adds any necessary permissions. Also for this example, a Destination for a Lambda resource declared in the template file is specified in the OnFailure configuration, so SAM adds the necessary permissions to this Lambda function to call the destination Lambda function.


EventInvokeConfig: DestinationConfig: OnSuccess: Type: SQS OnFailure: Type: Lambda Destination: !GetAtt DestinationLambda.Arn # Arn of a Lambda function declared in the template file.

EventInvoke Configuration Example with SNS destination

In this example a Destination is given for an SNS topic declared in the template file for the OnSuccess configuration.


EventInvokeConfig: DestinationConfig: OnSuccess: Type: SNS Destination: Ref: DestinationSNS # Arn of an SNS topic declared in the tempate file