RequestModel - AWS Serverless Application Model


Configures a Request Model for a specific Api+Path+Method.


To declare this entity in your AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template, use the following syntax.


Model: String Required: Boolean ValidateBody: Boolean ValidateParameters: Boolean



Name of a model defined in the Models property of the AWS::Serverless::Api.

Type: String

Required: Yes

AWS CloudFormation compatibility: This property is unique to AWS SAM and doesn't have an AWS CloudFormation equivalent.


Adds a required property in the parameters section of the OpenApi definition for the given API endpoint.

Type: Boolean

Required: No

AWS CloudFormation compatibility: This property is unique to AWS SAM and doesn't have an AWS CloudFormation equivalent.


Specifies whether API Gateway uses the Model to validate the request body. For more information, see Enable request validation in API Gateway in the API Gateway Developer Guide.

Type: Boolean

Required: No

AWS CloudFormation compatibility: This property is unique to AWS SAM and doesn't have an AWS CloudFormation equivalent.


Specifies whether API Gateway uses the Model to validate request path parameters, query strings, and headers. For more information, see Enable request validation in API Gateway in the API Gateway Developer Guide.

Type: Boolean

Required: No

AWS CloudFormation compatibility: This property is unique to AWS SAM and doesn't have an AWS CloudFormation equivalent.


Request Model

Request Model Example


RequestModel: Model: User Required: true ValidateBody: true ValidateParameters: true