sam metadata resource - AWS Serverless Application Model

sam metadata resource

This page contains reference information for the sam metadata resource resource type used with Terraform projects.


Argument Description
built_output_path The path to your AWS Lambda function's built artifacts.
docker_build_args Decoded string of the Docker build arguments JSON object. This argument is optional.
docker_context The path to the directory containing the Docker image build context.

The path to the Docker file. This path is relative to the docker_context path.

This argument is optional. Default value is Dockerfile.

docker_tag The value of the created Docker image tag. This value is optional.
depends_on The path to the building resource for your Lambda function or layer. To learn more, see The depends_on argument in the Terraform registry.

The path to where your Lambda function is defined. This value can be a string, array of strings, or a decoded JSON object as a string.

  • For string arrays, only the first value is used since multiple code paths are not supported.

  • For JSON objects, the source_code_property must also be defined.

resource_name The Lambda function name.

The format of your Lambda function package type. Accepted values are:




source_code_property The path to the Lambda resource code in the JSON object. Define this property when original_source_code is a JSON object.


sam metadata resource referencing a Lambda function using the ZIP package type

# Lambda function resource resource "aws_lambda_function" "tf_lambda_func" { filename = "${path.module}/python/" handler = "index.lambda_handler" runtime = "python3.8" function_name = "function_example" role = aws_iam_role.iam_for_lambda.arn depends_on = [ null_resource.build_lambda_function # function build logic ] } # sam metadata resource resource "null_resource" "sam_metadata_function_example" { triggers = { resource_name = "aws_lambda_function.function_example" resource_type = "ZIP_LAMBDA_FUNCTION" original_source_code = "${path.module}/python" built_output_path = "${path.module}/building/function_example" } depends_on = [ null_resource.build_lambda_function # function build logic ] }

sam metadata resource referencing a Lambda function using the image package type

resource "null_resource" "sam_metadata_function { triggers = { resource_name = "aws_lambda_function.image_function" resource_type = "IMAGE_LAMBDA_FUNCTION" docker_context = local.lambda_src_path docker_file = "Dockerfile" docker_build_args = jsonencode(var.build_args) docker_tag = "latest" } }

sam metadata resource referencing a Lambda layer

resource "null_resource" "sam_metadata_layer1" { triggers = { resource_name = "aws_lambda_layer_version.layer" resource_type = "LAMBDA_LAYER" original_source_code = local.layer_src built_output_path = "${path.module}/${layer_build_path}" } depends_on = [null_resource.layer_build] }