Create your application in AWS SAM - AWS Serverless Application Model

Create your application in AWS SAM

After completing Getting started and reading How to use AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), you will be ready to create an AWS SAM project in your developer environment. Your AWS SAM project will serve as the starting point for writing your serverless application. For a list of AWS SAM CLI sam init command options, see sam init.

The AWS Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (AWS SAM CLI) sam init command provides options to initialize a new serverless application that consists of:

  • An AWS SAM template to define your infrastructure code.

  • A folder structure that organizes your application.

  • Configuration for your AWS Lambda functions.

To create an AWS SAM project, refer to the topics in this sections.

Initialize a new serverless application

To initialize a new serverless application using the AWS SAM CLI
  1. cd to a starting directory.

  2. Run the following at the command line:

    $ sam init
  3. The AWS SAM CLI will guide you through an interactive flow to create a new serverless application.


    As detailed in Tutorial: Deploy a Hello World application with AWS SAM, this command initializes your serverless application, creating your project directory. This directory will contain several files and folders. The most important file is template.yaml. This is your AWS SAM template. Your version of python must match the version of python listed in the template.yaml file that the sam init command created.

Choose a starting template

A template consists of the following:

  1. An AWS SAM template for your infrastructure code.

  2. A starting project directory that organizes your project files. For example, this may include:

    1. A structure for your Lambda function code and their dependencies.

    2. An events folder that contains test events for local testing.

    3. A tests folder to support unit testing.

    4. A samconfig.toml file to configure project settings.

    5. A ReadMe file and other basic starting project files.

    The following is an example of a starting project directory:

    ├── events
    │   └── event.json
    ├── hello_world
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └── requirements.txt
    ├── samconfig.toml
    ├── template.yaml
    └── tests
        ├── integration
        │   ├──
        │   └──
        ├── requirements.txt
        └── unit

You can select from a list of available AWS Quick Start Templates or provide your own Custom Template Location.

To choose an AWS Quick Start Template
  1. When prompted, select AWS Quick Start Templates.

  2. Select an AWS Quick Start template to begin with. The following is an example:

    Which template source would you like to use?
        1 - AWS Quick Start Templates
        2 - Custom Template Location
    Choice: 1
    Choose an AWS Quick Start application template
        1 - Hello World Example
        2 - Multi-step workflow
        3 - Serverless API
        4 - Scheduled task
        5 - Standalone function
        6 - Data processing
        7 - Hello World Example With Powertools
        8 - Infrastructure event management
        9 - Serverless Connector Hello World Example
        10 - Multi-step workflow with Connectors
        11 - Lambda EFS example
        12 - DynamoDB Example
        13 - Machine Learning
    Template: 4
To choose your own custom template location
  1. When prompted, select the Custom Template Location.

    Which template source would you like to use?
        1 - AWS Quick Start Templates
        2 - Custom Template Location
    Choice: 2
  2. The AWS SAM CLI will prompt you to provide a template location.

    Template location (git, mercurial, http(s), zip, path):

    Provide any of the following locations to your template .zip file archive:

    • GitHub repository – The path to the .zip file in your GitHub repository. The file must be in the root of your repository.

    • Mercurial repository – The path to the .zip file in your Mercurial repository. The file must be in the root of your repository.

    • .zip path – An HTTPS or local path to your .zip file.

  3. The AWS SAM CLI will initialize your serverless application using your custom template.

Choose a runtime

When you choose an AWS Quick Start Template, the AWS SAM CLI prompts you to select a runtime for your Lambda functions. The list of options displayed by the AWS SAM CLI are the runtimes supported natively by Lambda.

  • The runtime provides a language-specific environment that runs in an execution environment.

  • When deployed to the AWS Cloud, the Lambda service invokes your function in an execution environment.

You can use any other programming language with a custom runtime. To do this, you need to manually create your starting application structure. You can then use sam init to quickly initialize your application by configuring a custom template location.

From your selection, the AWS SAM CLI creates the starting directory for your Lambda function code and dependencies.

If Lambda supports multiple dependency managers for your runtime, you will be prompted to choose your preferred dependency manager.

Choose a package type

When you choose an AWS Quick Start Template and a runtime, the AWS SAM CLI prompts you to select a package type. The package type determines how your Lambda functions are deployed to use with the Lambda service. The two supported package types are:

  1. Container image – Contains the base operating system, the runtime, Lambda extensions, your application code, and its dependencies.

  2. .zip file archive – Contains your application code and its dependencies.

To learn more about deployment package types, see Lambda deployment packages in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

The following is an example directory structure of an application with a Lambda function packaged as a container image. The AWS SAM CLI downloads the image and creates a Dockerfile in the function's directory to specify the image.

├── events
│   └── event.json
├── hello_world
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── requirements.txt
├── samconfig.toml
├── template.yaml
└── tests
    └── unit

The following is an example directory structure of an application with a function packaged as a .zip file archive.

├── events
│   └── event.json
├── hello_world
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── requirements.txt
├── samconfig.toml
├── template.yaml
└── tests
    ├── integration
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── requirements.txt
    └── unit

Configure AWS X-Ray tracing

You can choose to activate AWS X-Ray tracing. To learn more, see What is AWS X-Ray? in the AWS X-Ray Developer Guide.

If you activate, the AWS SAM CLI configures your AWS SAM template. The following is an example:

Globals: Function: ... Tracing: Active Api: TracingEnabled: True

Configure monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights

You can choose to activate monitoring using Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights. To learn more, see Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

If you activate, the AWS SAM CLI configures your AWS SAM template. The following is an example:

Resources: ApplicationResourceGroup: Type: AWS::ResourceGroups::Group Properties: Name: Fn::Join: - '' - - ApplicationInsights-SAM- - Ref: AWS::StackName ResourceQuery: Type: CLOUDFORMATION_STACK_1_0 ApplicationInsightsMonitoring: Type: AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application Properties: ResourceGroupName: Fn::Join: - '' - - ApplicationInsights-SAM- - Ref: AWS::StackName AutoConfigurationEnabled: 'true' DependsOn: ApplicationResourceGroup

Name your application

Provide a name for your application. The AWS SAM CLI creates a top-level folder for your application using this name.

Options for sam init

The following are some of the main options you can use with the sam init command. For a list of all options, see sam init.

Initialize an application using a custom template location

Use the --location option and provide a supported custom template location. The following is an example:

$ sam init --location

Initialize an application without the interactive flow

Use the --no-interactive option and provide your configuration choices at the command line to skip the interactive flow. The following is an example:

$ sam init --no-interactive --runtime go1.x --name go-demo --dependency-manager mod --app-template hello-world


To troubleshoot the AWS SAM CLI, see AWS SAM CLI troubleshooting.


Initialize a new serverless application using the Hello World AWS Starter Template

For this example, see Step 1: Initialize the sample Hello World application in Tutorial: Deploying a Hello World application.

Initialize a new serverless application with a custom template location

The following are examples of providing a GitHub location to your custom template:

$ sam init --location gh:aws-samples/cookiecutter-aws-sam-python $ sam init --location git+sh:// $ sam init --location hg+ssh://

The following is an example of a local file path:

$ sam init --location /path/to/

The following is an example of a path reachable by HTTPS:

$ sam init --location

Learn more

To learn more about using the sam init command, see the following:

Next steps

Now that you have created your AWS SAM project, you are ready to start authoring your application. See Define your infrastructure with AWS SAM for detailed instructions on the tasks you need to complete to do this.