Syncing products to template files from GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket - AWS Service Catalog

Syncing products to template files from GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket

AWS Service Catalog allows you to sync products to template files that are managed through external repository provider. AWS Service Catalog refers to products with this type of template connection as Git-synced products. Repository options include GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket. After you authorize your AWS account with an external repository account, you can create new AWS Service Catalog products or update existing products to sync to a template file in the repository. When changes are made to the template file and committed in the repository (for example, using git-push), AWS Service Catalog automatically detects the changes and creates a new product version (artifact).

Required permissions to sync products to external template files

You can use the following AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy as a template to enable AWS Service Catalog administrators to sync products to template files from an external repository. This policy includes required permissions from both CodeConnections and AWS Service Catalog. AWS Service Catalog recommends that you copy the template policy below, and also use the AWS Service Catalog AWSServiceCatalogAdminFullAccess managed policy when enabling repository-synced products.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "CodeStarAccess", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "codestar-connections:UseConnection", "codestar-connections:PassConnection", "codestar-connections:CreateConnection", "codestar-connections:DeleteConnection", "codestar-connections:GetConnection", "codestar-connections:ListConnections", "codestar-connections:ListInstallationTargets", "codestar-connections:GetInstallationUrl", "codestar-connections:StartOAuthHandshake", "codestar-connections:UpdateConnectionInstallation", "codestar-connections:GetIndividualAccessToken" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:codestar-connections:*:*:connection/*" }, { "Sid": "CreateSLR", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole", "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/aws-service-role/", "Condition": { "StringLike": { "iam:AWSServiceName": "" } } } ] }

Create an account connection

Before syncing a template file to a AWS Service Catalog product, you must create and authorize a one-time, account-to-account connection. You use this connection to specify the details of the repository containing the desired template file. You can create a connection using the AWS Service Catalog console, CodeConnections console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), or CodeConnections APIs.

After establishing a connection, you can use the AWS Service Catalog console, AWS Service Catalog API, or CLI to create a synced AWS Service Catalog product. AWS Service Catalog administrators can create new or update existing AWS Service Catalog products based on a template file in a repository and branch. If a change is committed in the repository, AWS Service Catalog automatically detects the change and creates a new product version. Previous product versions are maintained up to the prescribed version limit and assigned a deprecated status.

Additionally, AWS Service Catalog automatically creates a service-linked role (SLR) after the connection is created. This SLR allows AWS Service Catalog to detect any template file changes that are committed to the repository. The SLR also allows AWS Service Catalog to automatically create new product versions for synced products. For more information about SLR permissions and functionality, refer to Service-linked roles for AWS Service Catalog.

To create a new Git-synced product
  1. In the left navigation panel, choose Product list, and then choose Create product.

  2. Enter the Product details.

  3. In Version details, choose Specify your code repository using an AWS CodeStar provider, and then choose the Create a new AWS CodeStar connection link.

  4. After you create the connection, refresh the connections list, and then select the new connection. Specify the repository details, including the repository, branch, and template file path.

    For infomration about using a Terraform configuration file, see Syncing Terraform products to template files from GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket .

    1. (Optional when creating a new AWS Service Catalog product resource) In the Support Details section, add metadata for the product.

    2. (Optional when creating a new AWS Service Catalog product resource) In the Tags section, choose Add new tag and enter the Key and Value pairs.

  5. Choose Create new product.

To create multiple Git-synced products
  1. In the AWS Service Catalog console left navigation panel, choose Product list, and then choose Create multiple git-managed products.

  2. Enter the Common product details.

  3. In External repository details, select an AWS CodeStar connection, and then specify the repository and branch.

  4. In the Add products pane, enter the Template file path and Product name. Choose Add new item and continue adding products as desired.

  5. After adding all desired products, choose Bulk create products.

To connect an existing AWS Service Catalog product to an external repository
  1. In the AWS Service Catalog console left navigation panel, choose Product list, and then choose Connect products to an external repository.

  2. On the Select products page, select the products you want to connect to an external repository, and then choose Next.

  3. On the Specify source details page, select an existing AWS CodeStar connection, and then specify the repository,the branch, and the template file path.

  4. Choose Next.

  5. On the Review and submit page, verify the connection details, and then choose Connect products to an external repository.

Viewing Git-synced product connections

You can use the AWS Service Catalog console, API, or AWS CLI to view repository connection details. For AWS Service Catalog products that are linked to a template file, you can retrieve information about the repository connection and the last time the template was synced with the product from the Last Sync Status.


You can view repository information and the Last Sync Status at the product level. Users must have IAM permissions in the CodeConnections APIs to view repository details. Refer to Required permissions to sync AWS Service Catalog products to template files for more information about the required policy for these IAM permissions.

To view connection and repository details using AWS Management Console
  1. In the left navigation panel, choose Product list.

  2. Select the product from the list.

  3. On the Product page, navigate to the Product source details section.

  4. To view the source revision ID for a product version, choose the Last version created link. The Version details section display the source revision ID.

To view connection and repository details using AWS CLI

From the AWS CLI, run the following commands:

$ aws servicecatalog describe-product-as-admin

$ aws servicecatalog describe-provisioning-artifact

$ aws servicecatalog search-product-as-admin

$ aws servicecatalog list-provisioning-artifacts

Updating Git-synced product connections

You can update existing account connections and Git-synced products using the AWS Service Catalog console, AWS Service Catalog API, or AWS CLI.

To learn how to connect an existing AWS Service Catalog product to a template file, refer to Creating new Git-synced product connections.

To update existing products to Git-synced products
  1. In the left navigation panel, choose Product list, and then choose one of the following options:

    • To update a single product, select the product, navigate to the Product source details section, and then choose Edit details.

    • To update multiple products, choose Connect products to an external repository, select up to ten products, and then choose Next.

  2. In the Product source details section, perform the following updates:

    • Specify the connection.

    • Specify the repository.

    • Specify the branch.

    • Name the template file.

  3. Choose Save changes.


For products not yet connected to an external repository, you can use the Connect to an external repository option displayed in the alert at the top of the product info page after selecting the product.

You can also use the AWS Service Catalog console or the AWS CLI to

  • Connect an existing AWS Service Catalog product to a template file in an external repository

  • Update product metadata, including the product name, description, and tags.

  • Reconfigure (update the sync to use a different repository source) a connection for a previously connected AWS Service Catalog product.

To update connection and repository details using AWS Service Catalog console
  1. In the AWS Service Catalog console left navigation panel, choose Product list, and then select a product that is currently connected to an external repository.

  2. In the Product source details section, choose Edit product source.

  3. In the Product source details section, specify the new desired repository.

  4. Choose Save changes.

To update connection and repository details using AWS CLI

From the AWS CLI run the $ aws servicecatalog update-product and $ aws servicecatalog update-provisioning-artifact commands.

Deleting Git-synced product connections

You can delete a connection between a AWS Service Catalog product and a template file using the AWS Service Catalog console, CodeConnections API, or AWS CLI. When you disconnect a product from a template file, the synced AWS Service Catalog product switches to a regularly managed product. After disconnecting the product, if the template file is changed and committed in the previously connected repository, the changes are not reflected. To re-connect a AWS Service Catalog product to a template file in an external repository, refer to Updating connections and synced AWS Service Catalog products.

To disconnect a Git-synced product using the AWS Service Catalog console
  1. In the AWS Management Console, choose Product list from the left navigation panel.

  2. Select a product from the list.

  3. On the Product page, navigate to the Product source details section.

  4. Choose Disconnect.

  5. Confirm the action, and then choose Disconnect.

To disconnect a Git-synced product using AWS CLI

From the AWS CLI, run the $ aws servicecatalog update-product command. In the ConnectionParameters input, remove the specified connection.

To delete a connection using the CodeConnections API or AWS CLI

In the CodeConnections API or AWS CLI, run the $ aws codestar-connections delete-connection command.

Syncing Terraform products to template files from GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket

When creating a Git-synced product using a Terraform configuration file, the file path only accepts the tar.gz format. Terraform folder formats are not accepted in the file path.