The action for a rule to take. Only one of the contained actions can be set.
This data type is a UNION, so only one of the following members can be specified when used or returned.
- AddHeader
This action adds a header. This can be used to add arbitrary email headers.
Type: AddHeaderAction object
Required: No
- Archive
This action archives the email. This can be used to deliver an email to an archive.
Type: ArchiveAction object
Required: No
- DeliverToMailbox
This action delivers an email to a WorkMail mailbox.
Type: DeliverToMailboxAction object
Required: No
- DeliverToQBusiness
This action delivers an email to an Amazon Q Business application for ingestion into its knowledge base.
Type: DeliverToQBusinessAction object
Required: No
- Drop
This action terminates the evaluation of rules in the rule set.
Type: DropAction object
Required: No
- Relay
This action relays the email to another SMTP server.
Type: RelayAction object
Required: No
- ReplaceRecipient
The action replaces certain or all recipients with a different set of recipients.
Type: ReplaceRecipientAction object
Required: No
- Send
This action sends the email to the internet.
Type: SendAction object
Required: No
- WriteToS3
This action writes the MIME content of the email to an S3 bucket.
Type: S3Action object
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: