Delete all active sessions for your AWS Builder ID - AWS Sign-In

Delete all active sessions for your AWS Builder ID

Under Signed in devices, you can view all the devices that you're currently signed in to. If you don't recognize a device, as a security best practice, first change your password and then sign out everywhere. You can sign out from all devices by deleting all your active sessions on the Security page for your AWS Builder ID.


AWS Builder ID supports 90 day extended sessions for Amazon Q Developer in an IDE. For each new IDE sign in, you can see two session entries. When you sign out of your IDE, you may continue to see IDE sessions listed under Signed in devices even though they are no longer valid. These sessions disappear once the 90 days expire.

To delete all active sessions
  1. Sign in to your AWS Builder ID profile at

  2. Choose Security.

  3. On the Security page, choose Delete all active sessions.

  4. In the Delete all sessions dialog box, enter delete all. By deleting all your sessions, you sign out of all devices that you may have signed into using your AWS Builder ID, including different browsers. Then choose Delete all sessions.