Iterate through events for subscribed entities - AWS SimSpace Weaver

Iterate through events for subscribed entities

Use AllSubscriptionEvents() to get a list of events for subscribed entities (entities in the app's subscription area). The function has the following signature:

Result<SubscriptionChangeList> AllSubscriptionEvents(Transaction& txn)

Then iterate through the entities with a loop, as demonstrated in the following example.

WEAVERRUNTIME_TRY(Api::SubscriptionChangeList subscriptionChangeList, Api::AllSubscriptionEvents(transaction)); for (const Api::SubscriptionEvent& event : subscriptionChangeList.changes) { Api::Entity entity = event.entity; Api::ChangeListAction action = event.action; switch (action) { case Api::ChangeListAction::None: // insert code to handle the event break; case Api::ChangeListAction::Remove: // insert code to handle the event break; case Api::ChangeListAction::Add: // insert code to handle the event break; case Api::ChangeListAction::Update: // insert code to handle the event break; case Api::ChangeListAction::Reject: // insert code to handle the event break; } }
Event types
  • None – The entity is in the area and its position and field data weren't modified.

  • Remove – The entity was removed from the area.

  • Add – The entity was added to the area.

  • Update – The entity is in the area and was modified.

  • Reject – The app failed to remove the entity from the area.


In the case of a Reject event, the app will attempt the transfer again on the next tick.