AWS managed applications that you can use with IAM Identity Center - AWS IAM Identity Center

AWS managed applications that you can use with IAM Identity Center

IAM Identity Center lets you connect your existing identity source or create users once, enabling application owners to manage access to the following AWS managed applications without separate federation or user and group synchronization.

AWS managed applications that integrate with IAM Identity Center
AWS managed application Integrated with organization instance of IAM Identity Center Integrated with account instances of IAM Identity Center Enables trusted identity propagation through IAM Identity Center
Amazon AppStream 2.0 Yes No No
Amazon Athena SQL Yes Yes Yes
Amazon CodeCatalyst Yes Yes No
Amazon Connect Yes No No
Amazon DataZone Yes Yes Yes
Amazon EMR on Amazon EC2 Yes Yes Yes
Amazon EMR Studio Yes Yes Yes
Amazon Kendra Yes No No
Amazon Managed Grafana Yes No No
Amazon Monitron Yes No No
Amazon OpenSearch Service Yes Yes Yes
Amazon OpenSearch Service Serverless Service Yes Yes Yes
OpenSearch user interface (Dashboards) Yes Yes Yes
Amazon Q Business Yes Yes No
Amazon Q Developer Yes Yes* No
Amazon QuickSight Yes Yes Yes
Amazon Redshift Yes Yes Yes
Amazon S3 Access Grants Yes Yes Yes
Amazon SageMaker AI Studio Yes No No
Amazon WorkMail Yes Yes Yes
Amazon WorkSpaces Yes Yes No
Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser Yes No No
AWS App Studio Yes Yes No
AWS Client VPN Yes No No
AWS Deadline Cloud Yes Yes No
AWS IoT Events Yes No No
AWS IoT Fleet Hub Yes No No
AWS IoT SiteWise Yes No No
AWS Lake Formation Yes Yes Yes
AWS re:Post Private Yes Yes No
AWS Supply Chain Yes No No
AWS Systems Manager Yes No No
AWS Transfer Family web apps Yes Yes Yes
AWS Verified Access Yes No No

* For Amazon Q Developer, account instances of IAM Identity Center are supported unless your users require access to the full set of Amazon Q Developer features on AWS websites. For more information, see Setting up Amazon Q Developer in the Amazon Q Developer User Guide.