Select your attributes for access control - AWS IAM Identity Center

Select your attributes for access control

Use the following procedure to set up attributes for your ABAC configuration.

To select your attributes using the IAM Identity Center console
  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Settings

  3. On the Settings page, choose the Attributes for access control tab, and then choose Manage attributes.

  4. On the Attributes for access control page, choose Add attribute and enter the Key and Value details. This is where you will be mapping the attribute coming from your identity source to an attribute that IAM Identity Center passes as a session tag.

    Key value details in the IAM Identity Center console.

    Key represents the name you are giving to the attribute for use in policies. This can be any arbitrary name, but you need to specify that exact name in the policies you author for access control. For example, lets say that you are using Okta (an external IdP) as your identity source and need to pass your organization's cost center data along as session tags. In Key, you would enter a similarly matched name like CostCenter as your key name. It's important to note that whichever name you choose here, it must also be named exactly the same in your aws:PrincipalTag condition key (that is, "ec2:ResourceTag/CostCenter": "${aws:PrincipalTag/CostCenter}").


    Use a single-value attribute for your key, for example, Manager. IAM Identity Center doesn't support multi-value attributes for ABAC, for example, Manager, IT Systems.

    Value represents the content of the attribute coming from your configured identity source. Here you can enter any value from the appropriate identity source table listed in Attribute mappings for AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory. For example, using the context provided in the above mentioned example, you would review the list of supported IdP attributes and determine that the closest match of a supported attribute would be ${path:enterprise.costCenter} and you would then enter it in the Value field. See the screenshot provided above for reference. Note, that you can’t use external IdP attribute values outside of this list for ABAC unless you use the option of passing attributes through the SAML assertion.

  5. Choose Save changes.

Now that you have configured mapping your access control attributes, you need to complete the ABAC configuration process. To do this, create your ABAC rules and add them to your permission sets and/or resource-based policies. This is required so that you can grant user identities access to AWS resources. For more information, see Create permission policies for ABAC in IAM Identity Center.