Enable IAM Identity Center - AWS IAM Identity Center

Enable IAM Identity Center

When you enable IAM Identity Center you choose an AWS IAM Identity Center instance type to enable. An instance of a service is a single deployment of a service within your AWS environment. There are two types of instances available for IAM Identity Center: organization instances and account instances. The instance types available for you to enable depend upon the account type you are signed into.

The following list identifies the type of IAM Identity Center instances you can enable for each type of AWS account:

  • Your AWS Organizations management account (recommended) – Required to create an organization instance of IAM Identity Center. Use an organization instance for multi-account permissions and application assignments across the organization.

  • Your AWS Organizations member account – Use to create an account instance of IAM Identity Center to enable application assignments within that member account. One or more accounts with a member level instance can exist in an organization.

  • A standalone AWS account – Use to create an organization instance or account instance of IAM Identity Center. The standalone AWS account isn't managed by AWS Organizations. Only one instance of IAM Identity Center be associated with a standalone AWS account and you can use the instance for application assignments within that standalone AWS account.


The organization management account can control whether organization member accounts can create account instances of IAM Identity Center by using a Service Control Policy.

For a comparison of the different capabilities provided by the different instance types, see Organization and account instances of IAM Identity Center.

Before enabling IAM Identity Center, we recommend you review the prerequisites IAM Identity Center prerequisites and considerations.

To enable an instance of IAM Identity Center

Choose the tab for the type of IAM Identity Center instance you want to enable, either an organization or account instance:

Organization (recommended)
  1. Do one of the following to sign in to the AWS Management Console.

    • New to AWS (root user) – Sign in as the account owner by choosing Root user and entering your AWS account email address. On the next page, enter your password.

    • Already using AWS with a standalone AWS account (IAM credentials) – Sign in using your IAM credentials with administrative permissions.

    • Already using AWS Organizations (IAM credentials) – Sign in using your management account credentials.

  2. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  3. Under Enable IAM Identity Center, choose Enable.

  4. On the Enable IAM Identity Center with AWS Organizations page, review the information and then select Enable to complete the process.


    AWS Organizations can have IAM Identity Center enabled only in a single AWS Region. After enabling IAM Identity Center, if you need to change the Region that IAM Identity Center is enabled in, you must delete the current instance and create an instance in the other Region.

After enabling your organization instance we recommend that you do the following steps to finish setting up your environment:

  1. Do one of the following to sign in to the AWS Management Console.

    • New to AWS (root user) – Sign in as the account owner by choosing Root user and entering your AWS account email address. On the next page, enter your password.

    • Already using AWS (IAM credentials) – Sign in using your IAM credentials with administrative permissions.

    • Already using AWS Organizations (IAM credentials) – Sign in using your member account administrative credentials.

  2. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  3. If you are new to AWS or have a standalone AWS account, under Enable IAM Identity Center, choose Enable.

    You see the Enable IAM Identity Center with AWS Organizations page. We recommend this option, but it is not required.

    Select the link enable an account instance of IAM Identity Center.

  4. If you are an administrator of an AWS Organizations member account, under Enable an account instance of IAM Identity Center, select Enable an account instance.

  5. On the Enable an account instance of IAM Identity Center page, review the information and optionally add tags that you want to associate with this account instance. Then select Enable to complete the process.


    If your AWS account is a member of an organization, there might be restrictions on your ability to enable an account instance of IAM Identity Center.

    • If your organization enabled IAM Identity Center before November 15, 2023 the ability for member accounts to create account instances is disabled by default and must be enabled by the management account of the organization.

    • If your organization enabled IAM Identity Center after November 15, 2023 the ability for member account to create account instances is enabled by default. However, service control policies can be used to prevent the creation of account instances of IAM Identity Center within an organization.

    For more information, see Permit account instance creation in member accounts and Control account instance creation with Service Control Policies.