Create a permission set - AWS IAM Identity Center

Create a permission set

Use this procedure to create a predefined permission set that uses a single AWS managed policy, or a custom permission set that uses up to 10 AWS managed or customer managed policies and an inline policy. You can request an adjustment to the maximum number of 10 policies in the Service Quotas console for IAM. You can create a permission set in the IAM Identity Center console.


To use permission sets, you'll need to use an Organization instance of IAM Identity Center. For more information, see Organization and account instances of IAM Identity Center.

To create a permission set
  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Under Multi-account permissions, choose Permission sets.

  3. Choose Create permission set.

  4. On the Select permission set type page, under Permission set type, select a permission set type.

  5. Choose one or more policies that you want to use for the permission set, based on the permission set type:

    • Predefined permission set

      1. Under Policy for predefined permission set, select one of the IAM Job function policies or Common permission policies in the list, and then choose Next. For more information, see AWS managed policies for job functions and AWS managed policies in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

      2. Go to Step 6 to complete the Specify permission set details page.

    • Custom permission set

      1. Choose Next.

      2. On the Specify policies and permission boundary page, choose the types of IAM policies that you want to apply to your new permission set. By default, you can add any combination of up to 10 AWS managed policies and Customer managed policies to your permission set. This quota is set by IAM. To raise it, request an increase to the IAM quota Managed policies attached to an IAM role in the Service Quotas console in each AWS account where you want to assign the permission set.

        • Expand AWS managed policies to add policies from IAM that AWS builds and maintains. For more information, see AWS managed policies.

          1. Search for and choose AWS managed policies that you want to apply to your users in the permission set.

          2. If you want to add another type of policy, choose its container and make your selection. Choose Next when you've chosen all the policies that you want to apply. Go to Step 6 to complete the Specify permission set details page.

        • Expand Customer managed policies to add policies from IAM that you build and maintain. For more information, see Customer managed policies.

          1. Choose Attach policies and enter the name of a policy that you want to add to your permission set. In each account where you want to assign the permission set, create a policy with the name you entered. As a best practice, assign the same permissions to the policy in each account.

          2. Choose Attach more to add another policy.

          3. If you want to add another type of policy, choose its container and make your selection. Choose Next when you've chosen all the policies that you want to apply. Go to Step 6 to complete the Specify permission set details page.

        • Expand Inline policy to add custom JSON-formatted policy text. Inline policies don't correspond to existing IAM resources. To create an inline policy, enter custom policy language in the provided form. IAM Identity Center adds the policy to the IAM resources that it creates in your member accounts. For more information, see Inline policies.

          1. Add your desired actions and resources within the interactive editor to your inline policy. Additional statements can be added with Add new statement.

          2. If you want to add another type of policy, choose its container and make your selection. Choose Next when you've chosen all the policies that you want to apply. Go to Step 6 to complete the Specify permission set details page.

        • Expand Permissions boundary to add an AWS managed or customer managed IAM policy as the maximum permissions that your other policies in the permission set can assign. For more information, see Permissions boundaries.

          1. Choose Use a permissions boundary to control the maximum permissions.

          2. Choose AWS managed policy to set a policy from IAM that AWS builds and maintains as your permissions boundary. Chose Customer managed policies to set a policy from IAM that you build and maintain as your permissions boundary.

          3. If you want to add another type of policy, choose its container and make your selection. Choose Next when you've chosen all the policies that you want to apply. Go to Step 6 to complete the Specify permission set details page.

  6. On the Specify permission set details page, do the following:

    1. Under Permission set name, type a name to identify this permission set in IAM Identity Center. The name that you specify for this permission set appears in the AWS access portal as an available role. Users sign into the AWS access portal, choose an AWS account, and then choose the role.

    2. (Optional) You can also type a description. The description appears in the IAM Identity Center console only, not the AWS access portal.

    3. (Optional) Specify the value for Session duration. This value determines the length of time that a user can be logged on before the console logs them out of their session. For more information, see Set session duration for AWS accounts.

    4. (Optional) Specify the value for Relay state. This value is used in the federation process to redirect users within the account. For more information, see Set relay state for quick access to the AWS Management Console.


      The relay state URL must be within the AWS Management Console. For example:

    5. Expand Tags (optional), choose Add tag, and then specify values for Key and Value (optional).

      For information about tags, see Tagging AWS IAM Identity Center resources.

    6. Choose Next.

  7. On the Review and create page, review the selections that you made, and then choose Create.

  8. By default, when you create a permission set, the permission set isn't provisioned (used in any AWS accounts). To provision a permission set in an AWS account, you must assign IAM Identity Center access to users and groups in the account, and then apply the permission set to those users and groups. For more information, see Assign user access to AWS accounts.