Configuring Jira Service Management - AWS Service Management Connector

Configuring Jira Service Management

The AWS Service Management Connector for Jira Service Management is a conventional Jira Service Management add-on. Add-ons are code changes to the Jira software that extend its functionality or extend the functionality of Jira Service Management software. The Connector for Jira Service Management add-on is available to download in the Atlassian Marketplace.

After completing the IAM and Service Catalog configurations, you must configure Jira Service Management. Installation tasks within Jira Service Management include:

  • Clear your web browser cache.

  • Install the Jira Service Management Connector add-on.

  • Configure AWS Service Management Connector add-on, including accounts, schedule sync, request and approval permissions, and core operational settings.


    You'll need to select a dedicated administrator on the Connector settings page to perform operations on Jira tickets, such as status transitions or comments. If you don't select a dedicated administrator, we list the first administrator in the dropdown by default. For more details, see the Core Operation Settings under the Configuring Connector Settings sub-section.

Clear web browser cache

Clear your web browser cache to remove previously rendered Jira Service Management forms.

Installing Jira Service Management Connector add-on

  1. Log in to your Jira instance as an admin.

  2. From the admin menu, choose Add-ons.

  3. On the Manage add-ons screen, choose Find new apps or Find new add-ons from the left side of the page.

  4. Find AWS Service Management Connector for JSM. The search results should include app versions compatible with your Jira instance.

  5. Choose Install to download and install your app.

  6. Proceed to Configuring AWS Accounts and Regions.

Alternatively, download the AWS Service Management Connector for Jira Service Management file.

  1. Go to Manage apps.

  2. Select Upload app and upload the OBR file.

  3. Proceed to Configuring AWS Accounts and Regions.

You can apply the Connector for Jira Service Management add-on to the supported Jira software (Jira Service Management) releases noted above.

Configuring AWS Accounts and Regions

After you install the AWS Service Management Connector, you need to configure it. To do so, choose the Jira administration icon in the top right, then choose Add-ons.

  1. From the Service Catalog section on the left navigation menu, choose AWS Accounts.

  2. Choose Connect new account.

  3. Enter the account alias (used to identify the AWS account in the Connector).

  4. Enter the credentials for SC-sync-user. It is the access key identity and credentials for a sync user saved from the AWS configuration. SC-sync-user credentials can retrieve portfolios and products to make them available through Jira Service Management. You can set the allowed groups that can access them.

  5. Enter the credentials for SC-end-user. It is the access key identity and credentials for the end user saved from the AWS configuration. The SC-end-user credentials provision products on behalf of a Jira user.

  6. Add AWS Regions. It contains Service Catalog products and portfolios you want available in Jira Service Management.

  7. Choose Test Connectivity.

  8. Upon successful connection status, choose Connect.


We recommend the Sync user and End user be new users in AWS, used only with AWS Service Management Connector. These users should have minimum required priviledges. You can use the available AWS CloudFormation templates for your sandbox and development AWS accounts to configure and enable available integrations. For more information, see Baseline Permissions.

Configuring Service Catalog portfolios in Jira

This section describes how to configure AWS Service Catalog portfolios within Jira.

AWS product access

Once your account or accounts are set up and connectivity is successful, use the AWS Account page to manage, for each account, which groups can access each portfolio in each Region. You can expand and collapse each Region and edit and add groups for each portfolio. Only users in the designated groups have access to those products. By default, no groups have access.


At least one group must be associated to a Service Catalog portfolio for Jira Service Management end users to request AWS products.

To provision products and portfolios
  1. Choose AWS Accounts.

  2. Choose Manage for the AWS account in which you want to configure portfolios.

  3. Under Portfolios, expand the Region associated with the account. Portfolios display under each Region.

  4. In the Permission to request column, choose Add groups for the portfolios that you want to make visible in Jira Service Management. Select the group you want to see and request Service Catalog products.


    Because the AWS Service Management Connector for Jira Service Management allows Jira users to provision AWS products in the portfolios their groups have access to, and to control those provisioned products, users should maintain security in their Jira accounts.

  5. If products in this portfolio do not require approvals, choose Save.

Jira Service Management Approvals for Products in Service Catalog Portfolios

The AWS Service Management Connector for Jira Service Management enables administrators to configure approvals for products at the portfolio level. All products in a portfolio that contain approval permissions require approval, so AWS and Jira administrators might need to collaborate on the Service Catalog portfolio structure.

To configure the approval process
  1. Choose AWS Accounts.

  2. Choose Manage on the AWS account for which you want to configure portfolio approvals.

  3. In the Permission to approve column, choose Add groups for the portfolios that require product approvals.

  4. Select Require approval for provisioning.

  5. Under Permission to approve, choose Add group.

  6. Choose Save.


If a portfolio only has a group associated with Permissions to request, products in the portfolio immediately provision when you submit the product request.

Viewing Products and Budgets

For reference, two other tabs in the Admin - AWS Accounts - Manage section let you view information on portfolios.

The Available Products tab lists the products in the portfolio and budgetary information on each. The Budgets tab gives overall budgetary information on the portfolio.


Find details about additional configurations for the AWS Service Catalog request form and Automated Tags in the next section Configuring Connector Settings.

Configuring Connector Settings (Jira Project Enablement and Request Type)

In addition to configuring AWS accounts, the AWS Service Management Connector contains AWS services and UI settings (AWS Service Catalog) that enable projects and configure AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter.


There are no per-account settings for AWS Config and AWS Systems Manager Automation through the JSM Connector.

Connector features enabled by default

To configure the default Connector features for specific AWS services

For a new installation of Connector, we enable the default project configuration for all Connector features (AWS Service Catalog, AWS Config, AWS Systems Manager Automation, AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter, and AWS Security Hub). If you are upgrading an existing installation, for security reasons, we do not intially enable new features.


If you are using the AWS Security Hub integration, we recommend you also turn on AWS Config.

If you use the AWS Config integration with JSM, this might add more resource details in JSM issues created for AWS Security Hub Findings. For example, if the original Finding has limited resource details, the Config resource enrichment provides fuller information.

Also, if the resource no longer exists, the Config enrichment provides information about the resource status. If the resource details changed since the creation of the Finding, the Config enrichment provides the latest details, but it does not overwrite the original details.

  1. In the left navigation menu, under AWS Service Management, select Connector settings.

  2. At the top, under Connector features enabled by default, select each feature depending whether you want projects using the default configuration to be able to use them or not.

  3. Choose Save.

UI Settings (AWS Service Catalog)

Configure the AWS Service Catalog product widget components to make them viewable to end users.

To address the varying personas of end users requesting AWS products, the Connector for Jira Service Management includes an add-on app setting to enable or disable components of the AWS product widget. By default, we enable AWS product components.

To modify the AWS product view
  1. In the left navigation menu, under AWS Service Management, choose AWS Connector settings.

  2. In the UI settings (Service Catalog) section, deselect any AWS product component such as:

    1. Allow the product name to be edited. (If unchecked, we provide an autogenerated name the user cannot edit.)

    2. Allow the user to select a launch option. (If unchecked, we select the default launch option and hide it.)

    3. Allow the user to select a product version. (If unchecked, we select the default product version and hide it.)

    4. Allow the user to add or edit tags. (If unchecked, we select the default values for tag options and hide it.)

    5. Allow user to create a plan for creation or update of a provisioned product. (If unchecked, we hide the plans section.)

  3. Choose Save.

Projects enabled for the Connector

The AWS Service Management Connector for Jira Service Management requires the add-on to be associated to one or more Jira projects and for JSM request types. You can configure which Connector features are enabled for each Jira project.

To configure the Jira projects for AWS Service Catalog, AWS Config, AWS Systems Manager Automation, AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter, AWS Security Hub, AWS Support, and AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager.
  1. In the left navigation menu, under AWS Service Management Connector, choose Connector settings.

  2. Under Projects enabled for Connector, you must enable at least one Jira project. You can create a new Jira Service Management project or add an existing one. Only users with access to the associated project can access the Connector. When you apply this update, the Connector adds the necessary issue types and other Jira items for AWS Service Catalog products to be available in those projects. You can return to this screen and add or remove projects at any time.

  3. Projects initially take the default configuration for which Connector features are enabled. Choose Edit in a project row to change the configuration for individual projects. We permit projects to use more features than the default.

  4. Choose Save.


    For end-users to be able to request AWS Service Catalog products, one or more projects must be enabled and users must have Jira permissions to create issues in the Jira project and Permission to Request in the Jira settings for the AWS Account for at least one portfolio with products.

    AWS Systems Manager Automation enablement considerations

    We currently do not support fine-grained permissions in Jira for which users and groups should be allowed to access which AWS Systems Manager automation documents. If you enable a project for Systems Manager Automation, then any user with permission to create issues in that project can run any of the automations. You can restrict access by limiting which users have access to projects with AWS Systems Manager Automation enabled.

AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter Integration

Once you've enabled projects for the Connector, AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter requires Jira admins to associate Jira project(s) to this integration, as well as determine the full sync and delta sync intervals.

To associate the Jira projects enabled for the Connector to the AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter integration features
  1. In the left navigation menu, under AWS Service Management Connector, choose Connector settings.

  2. Create a new Jira Service Management Project. Under OpsCenter Configuration, you must enable at least one Jira project. You can create a new Jira Service Management project or add an existing one. Only users with access to the associated project can access the Connector. When you apply this update, the Connector adds the necessary issue type to associated project(s). You can return to this screen and add or remove projects at any time.

  3. Under AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter Configuration, in the Full Sync Interval and Delta Sync Interval fields, you can change the sync interval if you want. The Full Sync and Delta interval determines how often Jira Service Management conducts syncs all or changes to OpsItems details with AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter respectively. Increasing this number reduces the number of API calls to AWS, but increases the time for OpsItems updates to reflect in the Connector.

  4. Choose Save.

AWS Security Hub Integration

After you've enabled projects for the Connector, AWS Security Hub requires Jira admins to associate Jira project(s) to this integration, and configurations to manage the Security Hub integration.

To associate the Jira projects enabled for the Connector to the AWS Security Hub integration features
  1. In the left navigation menu under AWS Service Management Connector, choose Connector settings.

  2. Create a new Jira Service Management Project.

    Under Security Hub Configuration, you must enable at least one Jira project. You can create a new Jira Service Management project or add an existing project. Only users with access to the associated project can access the Connector.

    When you apply this update, the Connector adds the necessary issue type to associated project(s). You can return to this screen and add or remove projects at any time.

  3. Under AWS Security Hub Configuration, in the Sync Interval field, you can change the sync interval if you want. SQS Queue Name and Number of messages to pull from SQS set the Amazon SQS queue and the polling size, respectively. Synchronize AWS Security Hub Findings according to their Severity value determines the Findings with specific severities that sync to the JSM project.

  4. Choose Save.

AWS Support Integration

After you enable projects for the Connector, AWS Support integration requires Jira admins to associate Jira project(s) to this integration, as well as determine the SQS Queue Name and sync intervals.

To associate the Jira projects enabled for the Connector to the AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter integration features
  1. In the left navigation menu, under AWS Service Management Connector, choose Connector settings.

  2. Create a new Jira Service Management Project.

    Under Support Configuration, you must enable at least one Jira project. You can create a new Jira Service Management project or add an existing one. Only users with access to the associated project can access the Connector.

    When you apply this update, the Connector adds the necessary issue type to associated project(s). You can return to this screen and add or remove projects at any time.

  3. Under AWS Support Configuration, in the Sync Interval, you can change the sync interval if you want. The Sync Interval determines how often Jira Service Management conducts syncs for all AWS Services and AWS Categories. SQS Queue Name identifies the Amazon SQS queue from which the Support case events sync to JSM

  4. Choose Save.

AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager Integration

Once you've enabled projects for the Connector, AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager integration requires Jira admins to associate Jira project(s) to this integration, as well as determine the full sync and delta sync intervals.

To associate the Jira projects enabled for the Connector to the AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager integration features
  1. In the left navigation menu, under AWS Service Management Connector, choose Connector settings.

  2. Create a new Jira Service Management Project. Under Incident Manager Configuration, you must enable at least one Jira project. You can create a new Jira Service Management project or add an existing one. Only users with access to the associated project can access the Connector. When you apply this update, the Connector adds the necessary issue type to associated project(s). You can return to this screen and add or remove projects at any time.

  3. Under AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager Configuration, the Synchronization of the resolved status, determine whether a resolution of an Incident from AWS should transition the corresponding Jira issue to the Resolved Status or the inverse. The default sync interval for this integration is one minute.

  4. Choose Save.

Core Operational Settings

To configure operational settings for the AWS Service Management Connector for Jira Service Management
  1. In the left navigation menu, under AWS Service Management Connector, choose Connector settings.

  2. Under Core operational settings, in the Synchronization interval field, you can change the sync interval if you want.

    This interval determines how often Jira Service Management syncs with AWS. Increasing this number reduces the number of API calls to AWS, but increases the time for updates in AWS portfolios and automation documents to reflect in the Connector. Information on actively provisioning products and ongoing automation executions updates are more frequent.

  3. Under Core operational settings, in the JIRA Administrator to run as field, you can change the admin user assigned to perform automated operations within JIRA.


    The Connector performs many actions within Jira, and needs to do those actions as a Jira user. By default, Connector chooses the Jira Admin user with the lowest ID, which works for many environments.

    However, that approach might be the wrong strategy if the initial admin user has been disabled, or if there is a different admin user. For clarity within the Connector, it can be a good idea to create a new user called, for example, "AWS Connector Admin", and select that as the default user.

    We record actions performed automatically by the Connector as being performed by this user, such as synchronizing OpsItems from AWS or adding a comment for changes to an AWS provisioned product. These actions do not affect actions that end users perform, such as requesting a provisioned product or manually creating an OpsItem in Jira, which we record as the end user performing the action.

    This user should have global admin permissions, JSM permissions, and admin access to each of the AWS-enabled projects.

  4. Choose Save.


We recommend no changes to entities that the plugin created, such as the addition of fields, workflows, issue types, screens, and so on.

Configuring Automated Tags for AWS Service Catalog

The AWS Service Management Connector v1.9.0 enables Jira administrators to add tags (metadata) to AWS Service Catalog provisioned products globally across the add-on or granularly at the portfolio level. These tags are not visible to end users.

Two tag types are available in this release:

  • Generic tags in which the admin can enter the key and value.

  • AWS Service Catalog Request Type tags in which the admin can enter the following syntax for key and value:

Key Value
Project Code ${PROJECT_CODE}
Project Name ${PROJECT_NAME}
Project Name ${ISSUE_ID}
Username ${USERNAME}
Opened By ${OPENED_BY}
To add generic AWS tags to AWS Service Catalog provisioned products in Jira Service Management
  1. In the left navigation menu, under AWS Service Management, select Automated Tags.

  2. For Global level tags, enter the Key and Value entries. Under Portfolio, select Global (set by default). Choose the + icon to insert.

  3. For Portfolio level tags, enter the Key and Value entries. Under Portfolio, select the Portfolio dropdown to choose the portfolio associated to associate tag. Choose the + icon to insert.

To add in-scope request type AWS tags to AWS Service Catalog provisioned products derived from Jira Service Management
  1. In the left navigation menu, under AWS Service Management, choose Automated Tags.

  2. For Global level tags, enter the Key and Value entries. Under Portfolio, select Global (set by default). Select the + icon to insert.

  3. For Portfolio level tags, enter the Key and Value entries. Under Portfolio, select the Portfolio dropdown to choose the portfolio to associate with the tag. Choose the + icon to insert.

    After the product provisions, you can see in the AWS console that these tags are associated to the resource.

Configuring project request type groups

The AWS request type must be in a group for users to be able to access it in Jira Service Management. Enabling Jira projects, as described in Configuring Connector Settings (Jira Project Enablement and Request Type), makes AWS product request types available, but Jira Service Management users won't see the request type until you add it to a Request Type Group.

To configure request types
  1. In the AWS Service Management Connector for Jira Service Management, go to the Connector settings page.

  2. In the Projects section, choose add the AWS request type.

  3. Choose Add existing request type in the upper right-hand corner.

  4. Choose Request AWS product from the available request type.

  5. Choose Edit Groups for the Request AWS product request type.

  6. On the Edit groups form, choose General, then choose Save.


When you create a custom Request AWS Product request type for the Connector for Jira Service Management, you do not need to edit to the Request AWS Product request type. You can add a request type to an existing group. If you don't have a group, create a new group and add the request type to it.