Get more information through Support for registration issues - AWS End User Messaging SMS

Get more information through Support for registration issues

The 3rd party downstream reviewer might find issues with the registration that results in a denied registration with a related error message. For more information on registration error messages and solutions, see Help with registration rejections in AWS End User Messaging SMS. You should also review 10DLC Registration Best Practices to Send SMS with Amazon Pinpoint and How to Build a Compliant SMS Opt-In Process With Amazon Pinpoint blog articles that have more in-depth details on how to successful register an SMS use case.

If you are still having issues getting your SMS use case approved you can reach out through Support to ask for additional assistance in understanding why your use cases was rejected. Note that this requires downstream engagement and takes time to better understand the denial reason.


If you are not based in the United States and your 10DLC brand registration fails you should:

  1. Apply for 10DLC brand vetting form, as this is a manual review of your 10DLC brand.

  2. If vetting fails then follow the directions below to submit a support ticket.

To submit a request for information about a rejected 10DLC brand or campaign
  1. Create an AWS Support case at

  2. For Limit type, choose AWS End User Messaging SMS (Pinpoint).

  3. In the Requests section, do the following:

    • For Region, choose the AWS Region that you attempted to register the campaign in.

    • For Resource Type, choose the type of registration you are inquiring about: 10DLC or TFN Registration, 10DLC Registration, Registration, Sender ID Registration, or Template Registration.

    • For the Quota, choose either Company or 10DLC Campaign Registration Rejection, General Inquiry, or Registration Rejection Query.

  4. For Use case description, enter the rejected registration ID.

  5. Under Contact options, for Preferred contact language, choose the language that you prefer to use when communicating with the Support team.

  6. For Contact method, choose your preferred method of communicating with the Support team.

  7. Choose Submit.

The Support team will provide information about the reasons that your 10DLC campaign registration was rejected in your Support case.