Understanding SMS billing and usage reports for AWS End User Messaging SMS - AWS End User Messaging SMS

Understanding SMS billing and usage reports for AWS End User Messaging SMS

The AWS End User Messaging SMS channel generates a usage type that contains five fields in the following format: Region codeMessagingTypeISORouteTypeOriginationIDMessageCount/Fee. For example, SMS messages sent from the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region to a Japanese phone number would appear as APN1–OutboundSMS–JP–Standard–Senderid–MessageCount.

The following table displays the possible values and descriptions for the fields in the usage type. For more information about per SMS message, per MMS message, or origination identity pricing, see AWS End User Messaging Pricing.

Field Options Description
Region code
  • APN1 – Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region

  • APN2 – Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region

  • APS1 – Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region

  • APS2 – Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region

  • APS3 – Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region

  • CAN1 – Canada (Central) Region

  • EUC1 – Europe (Frankfurt) Region

  • EU – Europe (Ireland) Region

  • EUW2 – Europe (London) Region

  • UGW1 – AWS GovCloud (US-West)

  • USE1 (or no prefix) – US East (N. Virginia) Region

  • USE2 – US East (Ohio) Region

  • USW2 – US West (Oregon) Region

The AWS Region prefix that indicates where the SMS message was sent from.

MessagingType OutboundSMS This field lists the message type being sent. For Outbound SMS, it reads OutboundSMS.
ISO See Supported countries and regions for SMS messaging with AWS End User Messaging SMS for the list of ISO country codes supported by AWS End User Messaging SMS.

The two–digit ISO country code that the message was sent to.

RouteType Standard The route type that the message was sent through. Currently, all messages are sent through the Standard route type.
OrginationID TollFree, 10DLC, Shortcode, Longcode, Senderid, Sharedroute This field specifies the origination identity that was used to send the message. See Choosing a phone number or sender ID for AWS End User Messaging SMS for more information about supported origination identities.
MessageCount/Fee MessageCount, MessageFees, CarrierFeeCount, CarrierFees This field displays either the number of messages sent or the cost associated with sending those messages.
  • MessageCount – The number of messages sent using AWS End User Messaging SMS

  • CarrierFeeCount – The number of messages sent using AWS End User Messaging SMS that had carrier fee

  • MessageFees – The cost of sending messages sent using AWS End User Messaging SMS

  • CarrierFees – The cost of carrier fees to send messages using AWS End User Messaging SMS

Messages sent through AWS End User Messaging SMS for Outbound SMS generate 2 – 4 usage types per combination of ISO country and origination identity. View the following examples to better understand how the usage types appear on your bill.

Example 1: Sending messages to the United Kingdom

Suppose you sent 10 messages to the United Kingdom (ISO code GB) using a short code from USE1. Then you can expect the following two usage types in your bill:

  1. USE1-OutboundSMS-GB-Standard-Shortcode-MessageCount
  2. USE1-OutboundSMS-GB-Standard-Shortcode-MessageFee

Example 2: Sending messages to the United States

Suppose you sent 10 messages to the United States (ISO code US) using a 10DLC number from CAN1. Then you can expect the following four usage types in your bill:

  1. CAN1-OutboundSMS-US-Standard-10DLC-MessageCount
  2. CAN1-OutboundSMS-US-Standard-10DLC-MessageFee
  3. CAN1-OutboundSMS-US-Standard-10DLC-CarrierFeeCount
  4. CAN1-OutboundSMS-US-Standard-10DLC-CarrierFees