Retrieving a list of buckets or regional buckets in Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge on a Snowball Edge
Use the list-regional-buckets
or list-buckets
to list
Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge buckets using the AWS CLI.
Example of retrieving a list of buckets or regional buckets with AWS CLI
The following SDK for Java example gets a list of buckets on Snowball Edge devices. For more information, see ListBuckets in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference.
import*; public void listBuckets() { ListBucketsRequest reqListBuckets = new ListBucketsRequest() .withAccountId(AccountId) ListBucketsResult respListBuckets = s3APIClient.RegionalBuckets(reqListBuckets); System.out.printf("ListBuckets Response: %s%n", respListBuckets.toString()); }
The following PowerShell example gets a list of buckets on Snowball Edge devices.
Get-S3CRegionalBucketList -AccountId
-Endpoint "https://snowball_ip
" -Region snow
The following .NET example gets a list of buckets on Snowball Edge devices.
using Amazon.S3Control; using Amazon.S3Control.Model; namespace SnowTest; internal class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { var config = new AmazonS3ControlConfig { ServiceURL = "https://
", AuthenticationRegion = "snow" // Note that this is not RegionEndpoint }; var client = new AmazonS3ControlClient(config); var response = await client.ListRegionalBucketsAsync(new ListRegionalBucketsRequest() { AccountId = "012345678910" }); } }