Amazon SNS Apple push notification authentication methods - Amazon Simple Notification Service

Amazon SNS Apple push notification authentication methods

You can authorize Amazon SNS to send push notifications to your iOS or macOS app by providing information that identifies you as the developer of the app. To authenticate, provide either a key or a certificate when creating a platform application, both of which you can get from your Apple Developer account.

Token signing key

A private signing key that Amazon SNS uses to sign Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) authentication tokens.

If you provide a signing key, Amazon SNS uses a token to authenticate with APNs for every push notification that you send. With your signing key, you can send push notifications to APNs production and sandbox environments.

Your signing key doesn't expire, and you can use the same signing key for multiple apps. For more information, see Communicate with APNs using authentication tokens in the Developer Account Help section of the Apple website.


A TLS certificate that Amazon SNS uses to authenticate with APNs when you send push notifications. You obtain the certificate from your Apple Developer account.

Certificates expire after one year. When this happens, you must create a new certificate and provide it to Amazon SNS. For more information, see Establishing a Certificate-Based Connection to APNs on the Apple Developer website.

To manage APNs settings using the AWS Management Console
  1. Sign in to the Amazon SNS console.

  2. In the navigation pane, select Push notifications.

  3. In the Platform applications section, select the application whose APNs settings you want to edit, and then choose Edit. If you haven't already created a platform application, follow the Creating an Amazon SNS platform application guide to do so now.

  4. Choose Edit to modify the settings for your platform application.

  5. In theAuthentication type section, choose one of the following options:

    • Token-based authentication (recommended for modern APNs integrations)

    • Certificate-based authentication (older method)

  6. Configure your credentials based on the authentication type:

    • For token-based authentication:

      • Upload the .p8 file, which is the authentication token signing key you downloaded from your Apple Developer account.

      • Enter the Signing Key ID that you find in your Apple Developer account. Navigate to Certificates, IDs & Profiles, Keys, and select the key you want to use.

      • Provide the Team Identifier from your Apple Developer account. You can find this on the Membership page.

      • Enter the Bundle Identifier assigned to your app. You can find this under Certificates, IDs and Profiles, App IDs.

    • For certificate-based authentication:

      • Upload the .p12 file for your TLS certificate. This file can be exported from Keychain Access on macOS after downloading the certificate from your Apple Developer account.

      • If you assigned a password to your .p12 certificate, enter it here.

  7. After entering the necessary credentials, choose Save changes to update the settings.