Learn how to create an Amazon SNS topic and publish messages - Amazon Simple Notification Service

Learn how to create an Amazon SNS topic and publish messages

This topic provides the foundational steps for managing Amazon SNS resources, specifically focusing on topics, subscriptions, and message publishing. First, you will set up the necessary access permissions for Amazon SNS, ensuring that you have the correct permissions to create and manage Amazon SNS resources. Next, you will create a new Amazon SNS topic, which serves as the central hub for managing and delivering messages to subscribers. After creating the topic, you will proceed to create a subscription to this topic, allowing specific endpoints to receive the messages published to it.

Once the topic and subscription are in place, you will publish a message to the topic, observing how Amazon SNS efficiently delivers the message to all subscribed endpoints. Finally, you will learn how to delete both the subscription and the topic, completing the lifecycle of the Amazon SNS resources you’ve managed. This approach gives you a clear understanding of the fundamental operations in Amazon SNS, equipping you with the practical skills needed to manage messaging workflows using the Amazon SNS console.

Next steps

Now that you've created a topic with a subscription and sent messages to the topic, you might want to try the following: