Deployment overview - Automated Forensics Orchestrator for Amazon EC2

Deployment overview

Use the following steps to deploy this solution on AWS. For detailed instructions, follow the links for each step,

The solution is deployed in the following three AWS accounts:

  1. Forensic AWS account – Core solution components to perform forensics orchestration

  2. Security Hub AWS account – Configure events and custom actions to trigger forensic orchestration flow

  3. Application AWS account – IAM roles needed to establish trust between Forensic AWS account and Application AWS account

Deploying this solution is a three-step process.

  1. Forensic Orchestrator solution deployment in the Forensic AWS Account.

  2. AWS Security Hub configuration to add custom actions to trigger forensics from AWS Security Hub in the Security Hub AWS account.

  3. Application AWS Account deployment to establish trust relationship with the Forensic AWS account.


The Automated Forensics Orchestrator for Amazon EC2 can also be deployed in Security Hub AWS account. Use existing VPC steps to deploy AWS Security Hub configuration in Security Hub AWS account.

Forensic Orchestrator solution deployment in Forensic AWS account

The following steps deploy the Forensics Orchestrator AWS Step Functions, AWS Lambda, and AWS SSM documents into the Forensic AWS account.

  1. In your terminal, clone the solution’s source code from the GitHub repository.

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the source code folder created in step 1.

    cd automated-forensic-orchestrator-for-amazon-ec2/source

    To deploy into existing VPC update cdk.json to configure isExistingVPC to true and add vpcID to vpcConfigDetails in cdk.json.

    "vpcConfigDetails": {             "isExistingVPC": true,             "vpcID": "vpc-1234567890"             "enableVPCEndpoints": false,             "enableVpcFlowLog": false }
  3. Set AWS credentials to deploy into the AWS account.

    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your_secret_access_key>
    export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<your_session_token>
    export AWS_REGION=<Your Region – us-east-1>
  4. Install the required NPM libraries.

    npm ci
  5. Compile and build AWS Lambda functions.

    npm run build
  6. Build the forensics AWS CloudFormation stack to be deployed in the forensic AWS account.

    cdk synth -c account=<Forensic AWS Account Number> -c region=<Region> -c sechubaccount=<Security Hub Aggregator Account Number> -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=forensicAccount
    1. Build the necessary CDK CFN templates for deploying forensic stack. Example:

      cdk synth -c account=1234567890 -c sechubaccount=0987654321 -c region=us-east-1 -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=forensicAccount
  7. Deploy the forensics stack in the forensic AWS account.

    cdk deploy --all -c account=<Forensic AWS Account Number> -c region=<Region> --require-approval=never -c sechubaccount=<Security Hub Aggregator AWS Account Number> -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=forensicAccount 

    Example command that deploys Forensic Solutions stack:

    cdk deploy --all -c sechubaccount=0987654321 -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=forensicAccount -c account=1234567890 -c region=us-east-1 --require-approval=never

Security Hub aggregator account deployment in a new VPC

As described above, the solution has a dependency on Security Hub to initiate the forensics orchestration. To initiate the forensic Step Functions deployed in the forensic account from AWS Security Hub findings through custom actions present in AWS Security Hub account, deploy the following stack in Security Hub aggregator AWS account.


If you are reusing the existing downloaded code delete the cdk.out folder.

  1. Clone the solution source code from Solutions GitHub repository.

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the cloned repository created in step 1.

  3. Navigate to the source folder.

    cd automated-forensic-orchestrator-for-amazon-ec2/source

    To deploy into existing VPC update cdk.json to configure isExistingVPC to true and add vpcID to the vpcConfigDetails in the cdk.json file.

    "vpcConfigDetails": {             "isExistingVPC": true,             "vpcID": "vpc-1234567890"             "enableVPCEndpoints": false,             "enableVpcFlowLog": false }
  4. Set AWS credentials to deploy into the AWS account.

    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your_access_key_id>
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your_secret_access_key>
    export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<your_session_token>
    export AWS_REGION=<Your Region –us-east-1>
  5. Install the required NPM libraries.

    npm ci
  6. Compile and build AWS Lambda functions.

    npm run build
  7. Build the forensics Security Hub AWS CloudFormation stack to be deployed in Security Hub aggregator account.

    cdk synth -c sechubaccount=<SecHub Account Number> -c forensicAccount=<ForensicAccount> -c forensicRegion=us-east-1 -c sechubregion=us-east-1 -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=securityHubAccount


    cdk synth -c sechubaccount=0987654321 -c forensicAccount=1234567890 -c forensicRegion=us-east-1 -c sechubregion=us-east-1 -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=securityHubAccount
  8. Deploy the forensics Security Hub stack in the Security Hub aggregator account.

    cdk deploy --all -c sechubaccount=0987654321 -c account=<Security Hub AWS AccountNumber> -c region=us-east-1 --require-approval=never -c forensicAccount=<Forensic AWS AccountNumber> -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=securityHubAccount -c sechubregion=us-east-1


    cdk deploy --all -c sechubaccount=0987654321 -c account=0987654321 -c region=us-east-1 --require-approval=never -c forensicAccount=1234567890 -c STACK_BUILD_TARGET_ACCT=securityHubAccount -c sechubregion=us-east-1

Application account deployment

  1. Download the cross-account-role.yml file to your local hard drive.

  2. Deploy the /deployment-prerequisties/cross-account-role.yml template file as an AWS CloudFormation stack in the application account, and pass the forensic account as input parameter. This will establish a trust relationship between the forensic components deployed in the forensic account and the application account.

    aws cloudformation deploy --template-file /deployment-prerequisties/cross-account-role.yml --stack-name app-stack --parameter-overrides solutionInstalledAccount=<Forensic Solution AWS Account Number> solutionAccountRegion=us-east-1 kmsKey=<ARN of the application account EBS volume encryption KMS key>