You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this solution. The total cost of running this solution depends on the number of WorkSpaces that this solution monitors. As of the latest revision, the cost for running this solution with default settings in the US East (N. Virginia) Region is approximately $5.00 per month for a deployment with 1000 WorkSpaces. This reflects AWS Lambda, Amazon CloudWatch, and AWS Fargate charges and does not include the cost of the individual WorkSpaces (refer to Amazon WorkSpaces Pricing
We recommend creating a budget through AWS Cost Explorer
CUDOS Dashboard
While this solution helps you optimize WorkSpaces costs, to see the actual cost savings, you can also deploy a CUDOS dashboard by following the steps in our CUDOS Dashboard lab
Sample cost table: Scenario 1
The following table provides a sample cost breakdown for deploying this solution with the default parameters in the US East (N. Virginia) Region for one month.
The cost for Scenario 1 is based on the following assumptions:
Number of WorkSpaces: 1,000
Number of Amazon ECS Task runs per month: 30
Amazon ECS task run time in seconds: 600
AWS service | Dimensions | Scenario 1* total cost (per month) [USD] |
Amazon CloudWatch |
API calls to get metrics |
$2.40 |
Amazon ECS |
ECS task |
$1.00 |
Amazon S3 |
Cost Optimizer Report bucket |
$1.00 |
Amazon DynamoDB |
SpokeAccountTable |
$3.50 |
Total |
$7.90 |
The cost for Scenario 2 is based on the following assumptions:
Number of WorkSpaces: 5,000
Number of Amazon ECS Task runs per month: 30
Amazon ECS task run time in seconds: 1,200
AWS service | Dimensions | Scenario 2** total cost (per month) [USD] |
Amazon CloudWatch |
API calls to get metrics |
$12.00 |
Amazon ECS |
ECS task |
$2.00 |
Amazon S3 |
Cost Optimizer Report bucket |
$1.00 |
Amazon DynamoDB |
SpokeAccountTable |
$3.50 |
Total |
$18.50 |
The default values provided in Cost Optimizer for Amazon WorkSpaces for each of the WorkSpaces bundle type should be considered a guidance value only. Review Amazon WorkSpaces pricing for the AWS Region where you deployed the solution to determine the value for your location. Pricing differences between AWS Regions can mean a different billing break-even point between AutoStop and AlwaysOn instances.
Prices are subject to change. For full details, see the pricing webpage for each AWS service you will be using in this solution.