Testing Your Setup by Using Dell EMC NetWorker - AWS Storage Gateway

Testing Your Setup by Using Dell EMC NetWorker

You can back up your data to virtual tapes, archive the tapes and manage your virtual tape library (VTL) devices by using Dell EMC NetWorker. In this topic, you can find basic documentation on how to configure the Dell EMC NetWorker software to work with a Tape Gateway and perform a backup, including how to configure storage devices, write data to a tape, archive a tape and restore data from a tape.

For detailed information about how to install and use the Dell EMC NetWorker software, see the NetWorker documentation.

For more information about compatible backup applications, see Supported third-party backup applications for a Tape Gateway.

Configuring to Work with VTL Devices

After you have connected your virtual tape library (VTL) devices to your Microsoft Windows client, you configure to recognize your devices. For information about how to connect VTL devices to the Windows client, see Connecting your VTL devices.

doesn't automatically recognize Tape Gateway devices. To expose your VTL devices to the NetWorker software and get the software to discover them, you manually configure the software. Following, we assume that you have correctly installed the software and that you are familiar with the Management Console. For more information about the Management Console, see the NetWorker Management Console interface section of the Dell EMC NetWorker Administration Guide.

To configure the Dell EMC NetWorker software for VTL devices
  1. Start the Dell EMC NetWorker Management Console application, choose Enterprise from the menu, and then choose localhost from the left pane.

  2. Open the context (right-click) menu for localhost, and then choose Launch Application.

  3. Choose the Devices tab, open the context (right-click) menu for Libraries, and then choose Scan for Devices.

  4. In the Scan for Devices wizard, choose Start Scan, and then choose OK from the dialog box that appears.

  5. Expand the Libraries folder tree to see all your libraries and hit F5 to refresh. This process might take a few seconds to load the devices into the library.

  6. Open a command window (cmd.exe) with admin privileges and run the jbconfig utility that is installed with Dell EMC NetWorker 19.5.

    1. At the menu prompt, enter the corresponding numeral to select Configure an Autodetected SCSI Jukebox.

    2. When prompted to provide a name for the jukebox device, enter a name such as AWSVTL.

    3. When prompted to turn NetWorker auto-cleaning on, enter no.

    4. When prompted to bypass auto-configure, enter no.

    5. When prompted to configure another jukebox, enter no.

  7. When "jbconfig" completes, return to the Networker GUI and press F5 to refresh.

  8. Choose your library to see your tapes in the left pane and the corresponding empty volume slots list in the right pane.

  9. In the volume list, select the volumes you want to activate (selected volumes are highlighted), open the context (right-click) menu for the selected volumes, and then choose Deposit. This action moves the tape from the I/E slot into the volume slot.

  10. In the dialog box that appears, choose Yes, and then in the Load the Cartridges into dialog box, choose Yes.

  11. If you don't have any more tapes to deposit, choose No or Ignore. Otherwise, choose Yes to deposit additional tapes.

Allowing Import of WORM Tapes into Dell EMC NetWorker

You are now ready to import tapes from your Tape Gateway into the Dell EMC NetWorker library.

The virtual tapes are write once read many (WORM) tapes, but Dell EMC NetWorker expects non-WORM tapes. For Dell EMC NetWorker to work with your virtual tapes, you must activate import of tapes into non-WORM media pools.

To allow import of WORM tapes into non-WORM media pools
  1. On NetWorker Console, choose Media, open the context (right-click) menu for localhost, and then choose Properties.

  2. In the NetWorker Sever Properties window, choose the Configuration tab.

  3. In the Worm tape handling section, clear the WORM tapes only in WORM pools box, and then choose OK.

Backing Up Data to a Tape in Dell EMC NetWorker

Backing up data to a tape is a two-step process.

  1. Label the tapes you want to back up your data to, create the target media pool, and add the tapes to the pool.

    You create a media pool and write data to a virtual tape by using the same procedures you do with physical tapes. For detailed information, see the Backing Up Data section of the Dell EMC NetWorker Administration Guide.

  2. Write data to the tape. You back up data by using the Dell EMC NetWorker User application instead of the Dell EMC NetWorker Management Console. The Dell EMC NetWorker User application installs as part of the NetWorker installation.


You use the Dell EMC NetWorker User application to perform backups, but you view the status of your backup and restore jobs in the EMC Management Console. To view status, choose the Devices menu and view the status in the Log window.


If your Tape Gateway restarts for any reason during an ongoing backup job, the backup job will be suspended, and the tape status in Dell EMC Networker will change to Write Protected. You can archive the tape or continue to read data from it. You can resume the suspended backup job on a different tape.

Archiving a Tape in Dell EMC NetWorker

When you archive a tape, Tape Gateway moves the tape from the Dell EMC NetWorker tape library to the offline storage. You begin tape archival by ejecting a tape from the tape drive to the storage slot. You then withdraw the tape from the slot to the archive by using your backup application—that is, the Dell EMC NetWorker software.

To archive a tape by using Dell EMC NetWorker
  1. On the Devices tab in the NetWorker Administration window, choose localhost or your EMC server, and then choose Libraries.

  2. Choose the library you imported from your virtual tape library.

  3. From the list of tapes that you have written data to, open the context (right-click) menu for the tape you want to archive, and then choose Eject/Withdraw.

  4. In the confirmation box that appears, choose OK.

The archiving process can take some time to complete. The initial status of the tape appears as IN TRANSIT TO VTS. When archiving starts, the status changes to ARCHIVING. When archiving is completed, the tape is no longer listed in the VTL.

In the Dell EMC NetWorker software, verify that the tape is no longer in the storage slot.

In the navigation pane of the Storage Gateway console, choose Tapes. Verify that your archived tape's status is ARCHIVED.

Restoring Data from an Archived Tape in Dell EMC NetWorker

Restoring your archived data is a two-step process:

  1. Retrieve the archived tape a Tape Gateway. For instructions, see Retrieving Archived Tapes.

  2. Use the Dell EMC NetWorker software to restore the data. You do this by creating a restoring a folder file, as you do when restoring data from physical tapes. For instructions, see the Using the NetWorker User program section of the Dell EMC NetWorker Administration Guide.

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