Best practices for the lease table with provisioned capacity mode
If the lease table of your KCL application was switched to provisioned capacity mode, KCL 3.x creates a global secondary index on the lease table with the provisioned billing mode and the same read capacity units (RCU) and write capacity units (WCU) as the base lease table. When the global secondary index is created, we recommend that you monitor the actual usage on the global secondary index in the DynamoDB console and adjust the capacity units if needed. For a more detailed guide about switching the capacity mode of DynamoDB metadata tables created by KCL, see DynamoDB capacity mode for metadata tables created by KCL.
By default, KCL creates metadata tables such as the lease table, worker metrics table, and coordinator state table, and the global secondary index on the lease table using the on-demand capacity mode. We recommend that you use the on-demand capacity mode to automatically adjust the capacity based on your usage changes.