AWSSupport-ResetLinuxUserPassword - AWS Systems Manager Automation runbook reference



The AWSSupport-ResetLinuxUserPassword runbook helps you reset the password of a local operating system (OS) user. This runbook is especially helpful for users who need to access their Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances using the serial console. The runbook creates a temporary Amazon EC2 instance in your AWS account and an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with permissions to retrieve an AWS Secrets Manager secret value containing the password.

The runbook stops your target Amazon EC2 instance, detaches the root Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume, and attaches it to the temporary Amazon EC2 instance. Using Run Command, a script runs on the temporary instance to set the password of the OS user that you specify. Then, the root Amazon EBS volume is reattached to your target instance. The runbook also provides an option to create a snapshot of the root volume at the beginning of the automation.

Before you begin

Create an Secrets Manager secret with the value of the password that you want to assign to your OS user. The value must be in plaintext. For more information, see Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret in the AWS Secrets Manager User Guide.


  • We recommend backing up your instance before using this runbook. Consider setting the value of the CreateSnapshot parameter as Yes.

  • Changing the local user password requires the runbook to stop your instance. When an instance is stopped, any data stored in memory or on instance store volumes is lost. Also, any automatically assigned public IPv4 addresses are released. For more information about what happens when you stop an instance, see Stop and start your instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

  • If the Amazon EBS volumes attached to your target Amazon EC2 instance are encrypted with a customer managed AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key, make sure the AWS KMS key is not deleted or disabled or your instance will fail to start.

Run this Automation (console)

Document type







  • AutomationAssumeRole

    Type: String

    Description: (Optional) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that allows Systems Manager Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses the permissions of the user that starts this runbook.

  • InstanceId

    Type: String

    Description: (Required) The ID of the Amazon EC2 Linux instance that contains the OS user password that you want to reset.

  • LinuxUserName

    Type: String

    Default: ec2-user

    Description: (Optional) The OS user account whose password you want to reset.

  • SecretArn

    Type: String

    Description: (Required) The ARN of your Secrets Manager secret containing the new password.

  • SecurityGroupId

    Type: String

    Description: (Optional) The ID of the security group to attach to the temporary Amazon EC2 instance. If you don't provide a value for this parameter, the default Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) security group is used.

  • SubnetId

    Type: String

    Description: (Optional) The ID of the subnet that you want to launch the Amazon EC2 temporary instance in to. By default, the automation chooses the same subnet as your target instance. If you choose to provide a different subnet, it must be in the same Availability Zone as the target instance and have access to Systems Manager endpoints.

  • CreateSnapshot

    Type: String

    Valid values: Yes | No

    Default: Yes

    Description: (Optional) Determines whether a snapshot of the root volume of your target Amazon EC2 instance is created before the automation runs.

  • StopConsent

    Type: String

    Valid values: Yes | No

    Default: No

    Description: Enter Yes to acknowledge that your target Amazon EC2 instance will be stopped during this automation. When the Amazon EC2 instance is stopped, any data stored in memory or instance store volumes is lost, and the automatic public IPv4 address is released. For more information, see Stop and start your instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Required IAM permissions

The AutomationAssumeRole parameter requires the following actions to use the runbook successfully.

  • ssm:DescribeInstanceInformation

  • ssm:ListTagsForResource

  • ssm:SendCommand

  • ec2:AttachVolume

  • ec2:CreateSnapshot

  • ec2:CreateSnapshots

  • ec2:CreateVolume

  • ec2:DescribeImages

  • ec2:DescribeInstances

  • ec2:DescribeInstanceStatus

  • ec2:DescribeSnapshotAttribute

  • ec2:DescribeSnapshots

  • ec2:DescribeSnapshotTierStatus

  • ec2:DescribeVolumes

  • ec2:DescribeVolumeStatus

  • ec2:DetachVolume

  • ec2:RunInstances

  • ec2:StartInstances

  • ec2:StopInstances

  • ec2:TerminateInstances

  • cloudformation:CreateStack

  • cloudformation:DeleteStack

  • cloudformation:DescribeStackResource

  • cloudformation:DescribeStacks

  • cloudformation:ListStacks

  • logs:CreateLogDelivery

  • logs:CreateLogGroup

  • logs:DeleteLogDelivery

  • logs:DeleteLogGroup

  • logs:DescribeLogGroups

  • logs:DescribeLogStreams

  • logs:PutLogEvents

Document Steps

  1. aws:branch – Branches based on whether you have provided consent to stopping the target Amazon EC2 instance.

  2. aws:assertAwsResourceProperty – Ensures the Amazon EC2 instance status is in a running or stopped state. Otherwise, the automation ends.

  3. aws:executeAwsApi – Gets the Amazon EC2 instance properties.

  4. aws:executeAwsApi – Gets the root volume properties.

  5. aws:branch – Branches the automation depending on whether a subnet ID for the temporary Amazon EC2 instance was provided.

  6. aws:assertAwsResourceProperty – Ensures the subnet that you specify in SubnetId parameter is in the same Availability Zone as the target Amazon EC2 instance.

  7. aws:assertAwsResourceProperty– Ensures the target Amazon EC2 instance root volume is an Amazon EBS volume.

  8. aws:assertAwsResourceProperty – Ensures the Amazon EC2 instance architecture is arm64 or x86_64.

  9. aws:assertAwsResourceProperty – Ensures the Amazon EC2 instance shutdown behavior is stop and not terminate.

  10. aws:branch – Ensures the Amazon EC2 instance is not a Spot Instance. Otherwise, the automation ends.

  11. aws:executeScript – Ensures the Amazon EC2 instance is not part of an auto scaling group. If the instance is part of an auto scaling group, the automation confirms the Amazon EC2 instance is in a Standby lifecycle state.

  12. aws:createStack – Creates a temporary Amazon EC2 instance that is used to reset the password for the OS user that you specify.

  13. aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty – Waits until the newly launched temporary Amazon EC2 instance is running.

  14. aws:executeAwsApi – Gets the ID of the temporary Amazon EC2 instance.

  15. aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty – Waits for the temporary Amazon EC2 instance to report as managed by Systems Manager.

  16. aws:changeInstanceState– Stops the target Amazon EC2 instance.

  17. aws:changeInstanceState – Forces the target Amazon EC2 instance to stop in case it gets stuck in a stopping state.

  18. aws:branch – Branches the automation depending on whether a snapshot of the root volume of the target Amazon EC2 instance was requested.

  19. aws:executeAwsApi – Creates a snapshot of the target Amazon EC2 instance root Amazon EBS volume.

  20. aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty – Waits for the snapshot to be in a completed state.

  21. aws:executeAwsApi – Detaches the Amazon EBS root volume from the target Amazon EC2 instance.

  22. aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty – Waits for the Amazon EBS root volume to be detached from the target Amazon EC2 instance.

  23. aws:executeAwsApi – Attaches the root Amazon EBS volume to the temporary Amazon EC2 instance.

  24. aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty – Waits for the Amazon EBS root volume to be attached to the temporary Amazon EC2 instance.

  25. aws:runCommand – Resets the target user password by running a shell script using Run Command on the temporary Amazon EC2 instance.

  26. aws:executeAwsApi – Detaches the Amazon EBS root volume from the temporary Amazon EC2 instance.

  27. aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty – Waits for the Amazon EBS root volume to be detached from the temporary Amazon EC2 instance.

  28. aws:executeAwsApi – Detaches the Amazon EBS root volume from the temporary Amazon EC2 instance after an error.

  29. aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty – Waits for the Amazon EBS root volume to be detached from the temporary Amazon EC2 instance after an error.

  30. aws:branch – Branches the automation depending on whether a snapshot of the root volume was requested to determine the recovery path in case of an error.

  31. aws:executeAwsApi – Reattaches the root Amazon EBS volume to the target Amazon EC2 instance.

  32. aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty – Waits for the Amazon EBS root volume to be attached to the Amazon EC2 instance.

  33. aws:executeAwsApi – Creates a new Amazon EBS volume from the target Amazon EC2 instance root volume snapshot.

  34. aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty – Waits until the new Amazon EBS volume is in an available state.

  35. aws:executeAwsApi – Attaches the new Amazon EBS volume to the target instance as the root volume.

  36. aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty – Waits for the Amazon EBS volume to be in an attached state.

  37. aws:executeAwsApi – Describes the AWS CloudFormation stack events if the runbooks fails to create or update the AWS CloudFormation stack.

  38. aws:branch – Branches the automation depending on the previous Amazon EC2 instance state. If the state was running, the instance is started. If it was in a stopped state, the automation continues.

  39. aws:changeInstanceState – Starts the Amazon EC2 instance if needed.

  40. aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty – Waits until the AWS CloudFormation stack is in a terminal status before deleting.

  41. aws:executeAwsApi – Deletes the AWS CloudFormation stack including the temporary Amazon EC2 instance.