Creating your own runbooks
An Automation runbook defines the actions that Systems Manager performs on your managed instances and other AWS resources when an automation runs. Automation is a tool in AWS Systems Manager. A runbook contains one or more steps that run in sequential order. Each step is built around a single action. Output from one step can be used as input in a later step.
The process of running these actions and their steps is called the automation.
Action types supported for runbooks let you automate a wide variety of operations in
your AWS environment. For example, using the executeScript
action type,
you can embed a python or PowerShell script directly in your runbook. (When you create a
custom runbook, you can add your script inline, or attach it from an S3 bucket or from
your local machine.) You can automate management of your AWS CloudFormation resources by using
the createStack
and deleteStack
action types. In addition,
using the executeAwsApi
action type, a step can run any API operation in any AWS service, including creating or deleting
AWS resources, starting other processes, initiating notifications, and many more.
For a list of all 20 supported action types for Automation, see Systems Manager Automation actions reference.
AWS Systems Manager Automation provides several runbooks with pre-defined steps that you can use to perform common tasks like restarting one or more Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances or creating an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). You can also create your own runbooks and share them with other AWS accounts, or make them public for all Automation users.
Runbooks are written using YAML or JSON. Using the Document Builder in the Systems Manager Automation console, however, you can create a runbook without having to author in native JSON or YAML.
If you run an automation workflow that invokes other services by using an AWS Identity and Access Management
(IAM) service role, be aware that the service role must be configured with
permission to invoke those services. This requirement applies to all AWS
Automation runbooks (AWS-*
runbooks) such as the
, and
runbooks, to name a few. This
requirement also applies to any custom Automation runbooks you create that
invoke other AWS services by using actions that call other services. For
example, if you use the aws:executeAwsApi
, or aws:copyImage
actions, configure the service role with permission to
invoke those services. You can give permissions to other AWS services by
adding an IAM inline policy to the role. For more information, see (Optional) Add an Automation inline
policy or customer managed policy to invoke other AWS services.
For information about the actions that you can specify in a runbook, see Systems Manager Automation actions reference.
For information about using the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code to create runbooks, see Working with Systems Manager Automation documents in the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code User Guide.
For information about using the visual designer to create a custom runbook, see Visual design experience for Automation runbooks.